How do you cure depression?

How do you cure depression?

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depends what's causing it, I guess?

psilocybin unironically

great insight fag

whine and a whore
or a rope, as you are OP take the second

You don't. Only 1% have legit depression (they have a good life but are still depressed). You just have a shit life.

Eat healthy start lifting, go to bed at night

In the short term, exercise. Long term, unfucking your life situation. So go outside for a few hours user

Get off Jow Forums

By becoming rich. Being an average wagecuck has been the source of all my suffering. even when i was a kid, and i knew wagecuckery was my destiny.


This. Money is the only thing that can give you the tools and opportunities you need to find your peace.

The reason for my depression is being ugly, shit genetics, being autistic. Even my own sister ignores me and wouldn't even take a picture with me.

>Even my own sister ignores me and wouldn't even take a picture with me.


sorry user

Inhale helium until you stop breathing.

yeah that hurt more than maybe anything in life. The bitch i helped so many times and she literally says "eww" when we were taking a group pic with my cousins and moves away from me.


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what a cunt. just ignore her dont even consider her family anymore.

yeah just go find a registered psilocybin psychiatrist
wait, that probably won't be available for another 10 years in canada, and never for the US


buy link

the only time in my life i didnt feel like everything was hopeless and i had a stake in the future was the 2017 run, i had over 5000 for the first time ever, i felt free

females are cruel

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if you force yourself to smile, it tricks your brain into thinking you're happy. Works for a few seconds at least

That's exactly what I have done. Haven't spoken to her since January and don't intend to anytime soon. Manipulative cunt who's used me so many times when she needs money, no more. It's true ,all women are the same, their true nature is evil with no loyalty.

pussy, buy from a criminal and then fly solo, high dose, no resource. then welcome to high test life betaboi

lifting and pot does it for me

Idk, depressed too, and everything is fucking breaking, while i'm writhing this the fucking 2nd pc monitor IS DEAD

Iving ketamine

It's a pattern of thinking. Took me 11 years to break the habit. Getting of this website would help, come back when you "cured"

Meditation is key to happiness. Saved my life.

Read a study that showed that it creates a feedback loop in the pleasure zone in your brain. It weakens the signal to noise ratio in your brain, which makes every small pleasure magnitudes larger. I have been extremely euphoric while meditating hundreds of times over the past decade.

Keep in mind it takes 1-2 months of 10min everyday to start experiencing this euphoria.

Just do it man, you wont regret it

Eat healthy and exercise, force yourself to sleep well. Find some way to be productive, even if it's just with a hobby.