How is this not the next LINK? Full on non-pajeet team, backed by Thiel and Coinbase, cheap as hell right now...

How is this not the next LINK? Full on non-pajeet team, backed by Thiel and Coinbase, cheap as hell right now. The sky is the limit, seems like an easy 100x.

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Literally what is this? You didn't even include the name. You fail at shilling.

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my thoughts exactly. The hashcoin?

Im find with deleting and just accumulating. We already tried telling these niggers

You guys will never make it. The loo is over there -->


I shit into pure white porcelain ONLY. It's symbolic of the American experience

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cause the tokenomics are shit.
>arbitrage on the blockchain
why would someone want to buy this? and Libra is going to make this extinct.

RSR in the filename

Fully diluted its market cap is about 300 million. It's a good project, but I'm waiting for it to hit 0.0015$ per token

Ty frend

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>backed by Jewbase
>a good thing
lol thanks for paying my welfare, retard

Because it's a redundant charity shitcoin run by absolute numale devs who admit they're not sure it'll work.

Go on the telegram though and tell them what a shitcoin it is, i've had a lot of fun doing that.

Literally all markets are full of arbitragers. This has a built in reward for early backers and makes it less of a pain in the ass to do.

What does it do?

How new are you?

>Learned nothing from jewbase listing link.

So it's a stablecoin with a 10mil market cap that unironically goes against facebook's libra in an effort to "The team's goal is to make the most accessible, economically strongest, and most robust-to-attack currency and over time, convince a large portion of the world to replace other currencies with it."
Not buying it.

Most coinbase listings collapse. Link didn't because of it's devoted fanbase and price discovery as it was freed from a heavily manipulated exchange.

RSR has no fans and no manipulation.

Yeah, can't wait for the majority of LINK to be pulled from Binance to Conbase. If Binance wants to keep a stake in LINK, CZ is gonna have to work some magic with his marketmakers.

I can't wait for 3 things this year:
1. LINK to unironically hit above $100
2. RSR holders to kill themselves
3. Zucc bucks to have a higher value than Libra.

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People will unironically shit all over libra. There is no purpose of it for normies sharing pic related when they could just paypal people. RSR is expressly trying to make a stable global currency especially for shitholes like Venezuela and the future USA after Trump where communists are fucking their shit up.

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Libra will have your wallet right there with instant transfers, plus all the other blockchain benefits. It is shit but it will kill RSR.

JNT had the same exact tokenomics and they ended up in the shitter

There are plenty of current wallets and services with facebook integration that don't rely on a centralized committee of whales manipulating the price. Which has none of the other blockchain benefits. RSR does. So what does Libra offer that paypal and venmo don't?

Nah man, the assets aren't even backing RSR. It's only used for aribitrage to stabilize the stablecoin.

It will blow up December also only 3% circ supply

Shit thread and biz doesn't deserve to know about this one anyways

Only 160+ IQ chads with long time preference hold RSR

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Except paypal are communists

ID: ass



where to buy if you live in USA

>where to buy if you live in USA