>has turned
LINK 3.2
The FUD is just tiresome at this point. Nobody is fucking selling with any understanding of what Chainlink is and what it does.
Is this ISDA? You're very obviously capable of dumping the price on your own given that the marketplace isn't crowded the way it is with boomercoin. Just keep doing what you're doing. You won't be able to before long.
My avg buy price is .329
Well. Sergey, now a literal billionaire by the way, is not fucking selling
Even a goddamn money skeleton didn't have such confidence on his own project selling iffyriums at 7 bucks
i feel you OP
it's beyond me how someone can have SO MUCH pride in a token.
i made my 15x. im out. if it actually does go to 1k, congratulations.
however.... does anyone have that picture of the user fudding ethereum before it sky rocketed?
>Who's laughing now, you smug little fucks?
>Even a disgusting nulinker like me has made $2000 in two weeks
>You had 2 years.
>still mad about not buying chainlink
>still not buying them
didn't read & you're not gonna get my linkies
A premined shittoken nonetheless.
market sold all my LINK to HOT yesterday
v based, much retweet