Just cashed out my LINK

Cashed my links out too I picked up this awesome watch

Attached: HPWatchGold.jpg (1200x1600, 212K)

odd taste but neat

Attached: HPWatch.jpg (1200x1600, 222K)

new watch

Attached: 37061032_403259446862037_6345747629321748480_n.jpg (671x671, 60K)

This. I fucking hate watchfags. Hipster cunts that all need to hang.

seek help and give your grandfather his watch back

Great looking watches bros nice work

Picked up this with some Link profits, it’ll get me lucky with the ladies I’m sure...

Attached: D0DCFFF0-DC73-4BFD-B4F0-A5CB38E668FD.jpg (1024x768, 89K)

is it quartz movement?

Lol fat fuck