So I bought 100k LINK about a year ago and left biz on a life journey and I have a couple questions. 1)Is LINK the only coin still doing oracles?
2)Does Sergey still have 65% of the supply?
3)Is the Google announcement a partnership or collaboration? Thanks bros. Btw life is pretty cool sometimes, you should go outside your comfort zone more.
Google announcement was neither. It was a blog explaining possible use cases of chainlink in Google architecture.
Benjamin Jenkins
1.) no 2.)yes 3.) neither, it was a blogpost
William Evans
>1)Is LINK the only coin still doing oracles? they actually released centralized oracles and are LARPing about it being decentralized. Google and Oracle fell for it so it's all good. No one is using it though.
David Clark
Damn well that's still pretty cool I guess. >1)no What other coin is doing oracles??
Luis Martin
Fuck off plebbitor, you didn't buy shit. Soye cuck.
Benjamin Sullivan
No it is not the only one. Ethereum Classic is developing Oracle integration with its smart contracts platform. It will be the only crypto that has both oracle and smart contract functions
>Google and Oracle fell for it so it's all good. No one is using it though. been good to sit back for the last week and watch all the nulinkers eat up the years old fud we we've endured
1) Yes 2) Duh, 1/3 is reserved for him and his team, and the other 1/3 is going to be paid out to node operators. 3) Its not a partnership/collaboration, its one of the hundreds of imminent announcements of intergration. Google's GO smart contract platform has to use Chainlink if Google wants their smart contract platform to even work.
Julian Davis
2) suprise suprise. Read the news tommorow.
All that supply is accounted for and WILL NOT be put into circulation
$100 eow
Jacob Wilson
>What other coin is doing oracles?? Mobius and oracalize are both decentralized competitors of Chainlink.
Mobius is actually made by a team of programmers from Stanford, Harvard and MIT and the founder has connections to the Obama administration.
Andrew Moore
8 5 0
Michael Taylor
I've been traveling and not paying attention to crypto since the crash bro. I'm already rich, but I bought link because of the memes. Glad to see it went up. >developing not interested in developing, only already developed. Also that image tells me they won't accomplish it.
Joshua Phillips
Isn't oraclize centralized? Never heard of mobius.
Ryder Flores
mobius x witnet partnership when
Jordan Scott
Chainlink is also centralized. They have no actual plans on how to make it decentralized. Their collateral BS is just vague bullshit to fool people. They don't actually know how to do it. If they were gonna do it they already would have released specs for it.
Isaac Myers
Oraclize bent the fuckin knee
Luis Thompson
Interesting take. I will have to look into it more. As much as I love the LINK memes, if it's truly centralized I want no part.
Aiden Taylor
I just saw a thread about RLC doing oracles now? Why did no one mention it here? Is it not real?
Joshua Ramirez
RLC partnering with REQ so they can out-baguette each other all the way down to 0 sats
Eli Barnes
Why do you fuckers need to lie about everything? I just googled RLC oracle and this came up Tell me you fuckers, is this shit for real? A 30 million marketcap coin is doing oracles?
RLC is the only other decentralized oracle in this space. Its specialty is off chain cloud based computation, and it is currently being priced suppressed for accumulation.
Joseph Foster
Most of the people here are brainlets, have no clue what any of this shit means, and just attempt to shill their bags of vaporware.
Josiah Diaz
Interesting. I wonder why no one else knew about this? I looked at mobius and it seemed like a complete scam. I knew about RLC a year+ back and it seemed interesting then, but now that they're doing oracles I'm very interested. It does look like it's being suppressed. Might have to sell some of my LINK profits and go in on it.
Yeah, that seems clear now. Thanks for confirming. o/
Elijah Williams
mate, you're late to the game. i'll throw you a out the difference between doing oracles with middleware and another blockchain