Anybody betting on the democratic nomination? Regardless, who do you think is going to win?

Anybody betting on the democratic nomination? Regardless, who do you think is going to win?

I'm thinking either Buttiegieg or Biden

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Politico here.
It will be Harris v. Trump
Trump wins general.

My guess is Warren. I don't know if it will be her or Trump though.

I think biden.
I think america is ready for a boring stable president now.

Trump isn't running, have been receiving spam texts from his campaign since '16 and they stopped around march

sold my link and went all in yang.


Harris or Warren, guaranteed. Theres a small chance it could be Booker. There's literally no chance that the dems are gonna put a white man up. No fucking chance.

Biden is old news. What America needs is a gay communist black transwoman gypsy. Only Bernie can fulfill this requirement, with the right surgery and skin grafts

Where can I even bet on this? I checked Augur and there was nothing on the nomination.

Nope. She is broke and can't raise any money. She currently has the largest campaign staff of all the candidates. Will need to start firing people in 2 weeks or raise money. The real money is staying away because Trump isn't afraid to shred he Native American bullshit to pieces.

why did biden fall?
t. eurofag

Only two that could beat Trump are Bernie and Biden. This isn't an opinion that is up for debate, it's an indisputable fact.

Attached: back pepe.jpg (600x600, 21K)

Yes. Nominee will be Biden or Warren.

They are going to fuck him before any traction. They cut his fucking mic at the debates. They won't let a Bernie 2.0 get as far as it did last time.

Doesn’t Biden have brain damage after his brain surgery. I wouldn’t trust him to operate a grill let alone a country.

I thought Booker was more popular than this. Anyway the future of the democrat party is brown and female so Harris seems like the natural choice.

White man Biden stands no chance.

predictit / betfair harris made him look really bad

LMAO, this is such bad acting, how can americans fall for this shit?

She is a Jewish puppet shill, of course she will have enough money once Biden drops further and people are unsure about Harris.

Yang and it's obvious

People high on Kamala are idiots

They would except Biden can’t really speak. He’s had a stroke or a brain tumor or something.

Democrats don't stand a chance.

They have no fucking platform whatsoever.

Trump maybe a Kike puppet, but at least he talks about things that people care for, like protecting US industries and slapping the fucking insectoid Chinks.

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Greg is the natural pence foil and they want a woman.

uh, free healthcare for illegals sounds like a winning platform to me

Harris is a loud mouth nigger who wants reparations and open borders. The center will NOT vote for her

As much as I like Yang I don't think he has much of a chance. He is going against the establishment and lacks any substantial charisma or marketing. Just seems like a unproven tech geek running for office.

I think I'm on the way to hate this bitch even more than Clinton. The dishonesty, the dirty tricks... revolting. The democrats will fall if they let themselves be bossed around by a bunch of niggers whining about "muh racism" to win over every white man that is still part of it.

Biden already gave up his centrist appeal and he is breaking apart.

explain to a brainlet

I buy shares of 'yes' or 'no' on someone's odds for winning/losing (where yes = win and no = lose), the price goes up if it looks like they're going to lose, and then I sell?

If I pick right and don't sell does Predictit itself pay me out or because I've no longer sold and there's no buyers do I just lose cash?

thats basically how it works, predictit pays out if you are right for each share for $1

No one is calling for open borders Jow Forumsboi. Just no more concentration camps and racist shit.

I am in for $1k on Biden not winning the nomination at $0.79 cents per. Screencap this. I will come back the day of the nomination to either rage or celebrate.

are there combi bets for the fullticket?

Biden + as VP some Chick

Biden is braindamaged.

Proof attached. There is an $850 limit apparently, idk if I will be able to bet more or not but we'll see. I'm going to put every penny I can into this.

I'm one of the few guys who called Donald Trump winning 2016 from day one. I knew it was going to happen the second during that first debate when they asked 'Will any of you run as an independent if you don't win?' and he raised his hand. I don't know shit about crypto but I know all the fuck about presidential elections and I know he has literally 0 chance of taking this if he keeps shitting it up during the debates.

Attached: biden.png (1030x543, 116K)