Anybody betting on the democratic nomination? Regardless, who do you think is going to win?
I'm thinking either Buttiegieg or Biden
Anybody betting on the democratic nomination? Regardless, who do you think is going to win?
I'm thinking either Buttiegieg or Biden
Other urls found in this thread:
Politico here.
It will be Harris v. Trump
Trump wins general.
My guess is Warren. I don't know if it will be her or Trump though.
I think biden.
I think america is ready for a boring stable president now.
Trump isn't running, have been receiving spam texts from his campaign since '16 and they stopped around march
sold my link and went all in yang.
Harris or Warren, guaranteed. Theres a small chance it could be Booker. There's literally no chance that the dems are gonna put a white man up. No fucking chance.
Biden is old news. What America needs is a gay communist black transwoman gypsy. Only Bernie can fulfill this requirement, with the right surgery and skin grafts