Why are young, white males killing themselves?

Why are young, white males killing themselves?

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cause of no sex

cause they're nolinkers coping

wow I had no idea old white guys were killing themselves that often. I always imagined once you get past 60 you kinda just wait for time to take its course

Media, school, and their non white male peers tell them the world sucks and it's their fault EVERY, SINGLE, DAY.

Cucked by government
Cucked by women
Cucked by society
No escape other than porn, vidya, or violence

This is my bet too. Along with not as much excerise in the sunlight. As a young man I can definitively say that being cooped up inside with multiple wageslave jobs and never getting to excersize in the sunlight for days on end is slowly killing me. It unironically makes me want to beat boomers half to death, I feel even worse for the third world anons stuck in countries worse then the US.
Honestly though I dont think anybody can say for sure what the actual cause is. I would bet money the three letter agencies know why it is and arent saying because its useful to them.

Because in a society of equality they can't compete with the BIG BLACK COCK

Imagine buying the top of that red line

The rate of suicide attempts are the same. Whites males just succeed more often as they do with anything else.

smart vs dumb, black females wouldnt even know how to kill themselves

Mental/physical/spiritual stagnation

yeah i believe women actually attempt to commit suicide quite a bit more than men they just don't use as effective methods as men when they choose to do it

We're just better at it as we are at most things.

you really expect me to believe this fake ass chart? That 50% of old people are killing themselves? nice larp

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Oh females have lower suicide rates. Surprise surprise. Being a useless cunt comes in handy.

it's out of 100,000 people - it says right in the chart

Black females literally too stupid to experience existential dread of any kind

>40/100,000 is 50%
lobotomize yourself.

Do you have evidence of that?

The wage-slavery structure of neo-liberal society benefits the brown, black and yellow races because of their animalistic tendencies of adapting to a lifestyle of servitude, therefore not leading them to misery. The white races however, are completelly led to misery when forced out of the freedom to enjoy war, true art, homogenous racial society, natural political systems etc, and immediatelly fall into decadence and nihilism. This is done on purpose for the profit of the neo-liberal elite and the supremacy of their jewish masters.

Because young women RIGHTFULLY like to have sex with older more experienced men, and young males that deserve several years of virginity before being allowed to lose it can't cope with the fact they are turbo losers until they reach 25.

Traditionally, men would work hard jobs and accumulate wealth and marry a young 18 year girl when he was in his late 20's. If he was a chad maybe he'd have some flings before then, but most aren't chads. The different was most women weren't out flaunting themselves to every chad either. Now women hold back on marriage and get to have fun for 10 years before snagging a beta hubby. So white boys graduate and have to deal with their facebook and twitter feeds being filled with all their female classmates boasting about relationships and sex, possibly their oneitis's too, while they get nothing. And they can't handle the 5-7 year wait till they appreciate in value themselves. They are jealous that women get to have fun first while they are forced to wait. And instead of accumulating wealth and life experience so they can start having fun at 25, some of them retreat and become incels and bitter virgins and end up proloninging their own suffering then they kill themselves.

So basically young males now have extreme jealously of women. Or vagina envy, why do you think half of them make attempts to become traps.

white men are the biggest fucking pussies ever. snowflakes.

He can't read a chart - I think he already has

> Traditionally

I can't wait for the cumskins to become a minority in north america and europe. Us pajeets and chinks are the future

>What the fuck is a Etika

this. the white man WINNING even beyond death.

Also remember Bitcoin was invented by a WHITE MALE (Crazy Craig). We're just TOO GOOD. The winning never ends for the white man!

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White men are the only humans capable of understanding how pointless this hamster wheel of a life is and don't want to deal with the latter half of life that is basically all rot and bullshit


There is no third world wide then us unless you are talking about Africa.

T. Almost lost my life tonight in an African ghetto in the us

SJW culture

why do you think? everywhere they look white men are being stripped of power and birthright (in their own land), etc.

- financial stability
- women
- marriage
- family
- lack of role models
- "redpill" thinking which is unironically toxic for you as a person even if it's all true

same reason there are incels more than ever before. basically, the opposite of what the current popular trend is is usually the thing that is true. so, it's men who are oppressed, white men in their own lands under all of this recent sjw shit which has really taken hold since 2010~ but has been in the works since the 60s. all of that in the 60s was just laying the groundwork for what was to come, what you are seeing now is what was to come. its white people who are discriminated against in popular media, it's white people that have been essentially immobilised. the white people that make it out all have survivor bias or whatever it's called, they think they got there by ingenuity in a similar way to rich vs. poor (in other words, sometimes they did, most times they didn't). everything has been flipped inside out probably on purpose.

if i want to successfully oppress the men of a nation then what better way to mask all of this by pushing the complete opposite? that it's actually women who are oppressed? if i want to oppress white men then what better way to push the idea that it's black men being oppressed on the back of slavery? obviously this is far from the truth since blacks are unironically quite privileged in 2019. just push the opposite of whatever is true and there will be someone/something to fight for it, someone will have vested interest in fighting the corner.

i don't necessarily believe "the zog" is responsible for all of this, but i do believe this has been the plan for decades. how could it not be? none of this shit is organic. every time i turn on the television or open a newspaper i'm personally attacked for being a white male living in my own nation. they want you dead

People are working more now which makes them depressed, depression leads to SSRIs, SSRIs lead to no libido, no libido leads to loneliness and incurable depression and eventually suicide from accumulated stress.

>Be young, White male
>Be most likely raised by Boomers.
>Grow up being told their whole lives that their standard of living as adults will be as good as or better than their parents.
>Graduate college with a masters degree so they can work at mc donalds.
>Or, they chose to go to trade school so they can do manual labor, get injured on the job, and become addicted to opioids.
>See the news media cherrypicking the millennials with rich parents and basically yelling at the other 90% of us for not being as successful as they are.
>Having to work with 3rd worlders on a daily basis and pretending to like them.
Why the fuck would anyone bring a kid into this world? Can we get another World War going already to cleanse this shit?

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Women don't actually "commit suicide".

It's all just attention seeking gone extreme. Excluding few exceptions.

and one would think that women are better at EVERYTHING

Daily reminder that slightly cutting your wrist counts as "attempted suicide" in documents.
In reality it's just self-harm. Women love it, I don't know why. Every third highschooler cuts her thighs.

Because their homelands are being actively flooded with non-whites.

>Why the fuck would anyone bring a kid into this world? Can we get another World War going already to cleanse this shit?
Zoomers first

Then again, there is always the stay at home dad option.

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relax Sanjay, you're only white compared to abos

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B/c they realise how dumb they actually are. They get all pissed off when niggers are smarter than them. Don't worry it's a good thing, let them kts

If you're intelligent and outside the system, well, it can take a toll. We don't expect you to un-

"Oh my god, my baby!!!"

As a third world shitter, I hate boomers too. That spoiled generation dare criticise us for not having life in order by 25 because we’re too busy working a minimum wage 16 hour office job. Fuck them and they need to die soon.

Basically this. I go to work at my shitty job flipping burgers and fucking migrants will openly be racist, women will openly be sexist & faggots will openly hate on straight people. None of which would bother me, except it's actually illegal to banter and give it back (like everyone just does here) & they even get promotions & less work from this crap. Until White men basically learn to act like niggers & spics & kill instead of suiciding it won't change. Seriously, political power is purely about how afraid people are, Muslims kill thousands of people and the government actively defends them.

White males were raised to believe America is a land of opportunity and they will easily have a better quality of life then their parents. When they realise you can't raise a family on a single working class income anymore they get really pissed off.
Blacks were raised to believe that they are oppressed and the whitey is out to get them, so it comes as less of a suprise when they work 2 jobs and barely scrape by.
(I'm not saying whitey is actually opressing them, but the media creates a victim mentality all the same)


Being a racial or sexual minority helps you withstand a lot of the bullshit going around these days because you expect to have a harder life. Straight white males don't have this and think it's a travesty when things don't go their way 100%.

society has decided they are the cause of all problems, so you hear propoganda, day in day out
kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself
Its like They Live except with constant anti-white propaganda. Its literally everywhere, and constant.

might be true if people didnt age
the 20 year olds killing themselves never experienced the easy whitey life, they grew up with jewish female teachers and have to deal with diversity quotas and affirmative action working against them at any job or school

i had a social worker at my family when i was a teen. now being in my mid 20s. and i have to say that i never realized, how them ganging up and blaming on me literally every problem caused by my anti-social sister, was most likely due to feminism. and even the male social worker white knight cuck blamed everything on me, never accepting counter-arguments. and i really never understood this until a few years ago. that i was automatically some evil patriarch repressing her. even though i never caused any problems at school or anywhere. looking back, it truly is amazing.

Because Whites are inferior.

>be a fat ugly loser
>can't get sex because of a passive beta personality

none of that applies to me

So, how do we capitalise on this?

no surprise there. whites are subhumans

It's mostly all downhill after 60 and no prospect of a better life.

Because of the guilt they feel for being literal rapists and perpetuating rape culture.

When they wind up unloved and alone and come to terms with the fact that they raped away everyone who ever cared about them, they can’t handle the guilt and have to end it.

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they are being brainwashed to hate themselves in the US by the 'education system' and main stream media.


That's an Africa tier suicide rate. WTF USA?!

if you can be brainwashed into killing yourself you are too dumb to live in the first place

I live in a town in California where I literally haven't seen a white person in weeks, what did you expect?

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If you can be oppressed into not succeeding you were too dumb to succeed in the first place

exactly. stop blaming jews, minorities and government for being a failure