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Tell me why FTM is so good and maybe I’ll go all in. I just need a nudge
Jayden Roberts
Camden Cook
why do you think hairy men with pussies are so good?
Samuel Murphy
Because males have privilege.
Cameron Ortiz
lol i see what you did there
Jose Ramirez
I’m serious. I want to know why it’s so good.
Brandon Flores
i think fantom is an improved ethereum clone.
But maybe im wrong.
Brody Johnson
FANTOM FUD BTFO V6 - Don't believe the FUD, believe the actual Crypto OGs!
Son, I know you are to young to remember the ETH crowdsale in the summer of 2014 but no worries, I still remember it like it was yesterday. The hype, the shills, the heated arguments about the technology, the relentless FUD, everything. So glad, I just bought 2450 ETH and ignored the "ETH is a russian scam" FUD.
FTM feels unironically the same. Here are the things you need to know:
1 - The Technology
FTM combines the scalability of a DAG with smart contracts. At the very least FTMs aBFT consensus model will reach between 20,000-300,000 TPS. ETH is at 15 TPS. Even if we assume, FTM will only achieve 20k TPS, this is still 1,333x faster than ETH.
Fantom is downwards-compatible with Ethereum because it supports smart contacts for Ethereum VM (EVM) natively and out of the box. ETH devs can easily switch and deploy their dapps / smart contracts on FTM - there is NO learning curve. Solidity devs can easily code FTM smart contracts. No additional skills or programming languages required. This alone will catapult FTM into the TOP 10 by EOY, it's fucking revolutionary.
FTM is everything ETH wanted to be, just that it actually scales.
Ayden Taylor
Transaction Finality / TX Confirmation Time:
FANTOM Transactions are confirmed instantly - it only takes 0.7 seconds for a tx to get confirmed. BTC transaction are considered finalized after 30 minutes and ETH transactions after 10 minutes. Fuck that shit. No one is waiting 10 minutes at a retail store to wait for the payment to go through. With FANTOM real-time payments are absolutely no problem. Google "FANTOM PAY" to learn more about Fantom's Payment / Lending service. FANTOM PAY might unironically be the catalyst for mainstream adoption of crypto payments / crypto loans.
Jordan Cooper
I still have the vast majority of my portfolio in link
Gavin Butler
2 - The Tokenomics
The tokenomics are amazing, seriously. Total supply is roughly 3.15 billion and a huge part of that will be LOCKED FOR STAKING. This means that the actual circulating supply will be very low. Everyone can stake FTM tokens, staking reward is 15% per year iirc. Try getting that ROI at your local bank kek. If you own about 3.3 million tokens you can run a FTM validator node and even earn more FTM. Everyone who remembers the DASH master node gains, strap the fuck in! This is 10x better, unironically.
Jeremiah Reyes
You guys shouldn't be investing in anything you're not confident in
Eli Foster
3 - The team
The team is extremely talented. A large part of the team holds PhDs in CS from Yonsei University (the Harvard of South Korea), the CEO is an award-winning tech entrepreneur. Not the type of guy that would dump on you just to pay rent.
The developers are writing high-quality, secure code 24/7 - check the GitHub. On top of that, FTM is available in Rust, Java and Go. State-of-the-art coding languages that are supported by all devices imaginable. How much more can you ask for? Most coders on the team have PhD’s in Computer Science from the Harvard of South Korea (Yonsei University) as well and Andre Cronje (Cryptobriefing Chief Code Reviewer) is working full-time on FTMs aBFT concensus model.
Adam Morgan
HOLOCHAIN is infinitely scalable and shits all over Fantom tech-wise. HOT $0.05 EOY make no mistake fren
Logan Miller
I have been following Andre Cronje for years and absolutely love his work. He is a code autist / genius coder on the level of Vitalik. He finished his 3-4 year CS degree in 5 months. There are less than a handful people on this planet that know more about Blockchain concensus models than Andre. I personally went all In after I learned that he is working full-time on the project.
Anthony Reed
Should I sell my FTM for VIDT or hang on for now? Realistic price predictions for FTM? Please "ETH killer" and $10 by eoy.
Luis Jackson
4- The partnerships
Danfoss Inc.
Terra Payments
Sikoba Research
Yonsei University
University of Sidney
Several Government Agencies
-- and many more --
5 - The Mainnet Launch
FTM mainnet launch is imminent. According to the current estimates the mainnet will launch in 5-7 weeks from today (16th April 19). The whole thing is WAY AHEAD of it’s schedule. The original release was planned for Q4 2019, now it’s in Q2. Talking about operational excellence and project management.
Josiah Jackson
Random FUD:
>muh Andre Cronje doesn’t own any FTM tokens.
That's bullish af, he doesnt hold ANY crypto because he isnt in it for the money grab he is a code autist like Vitalik. his goal as a researcher was to find the best aBFT concensus DAG. hint for the brainlets: its FTM. Andre joined FTM as a researcher because he is genuinely interested in the technology. A real leader who doesn’t care about 1000x gains. In fact, he hates moon boys, like Vitalik. They are on the same level. Just watch the FANTOM AMA with him on YouTube and I promise you will market buy immediately.
Leo Murphy
>muh it’s a DAG. DAGs are scams
Even Bitcoin and Ethereum are DAGs. In fact, ALL blockchains are DAGs by definition. Let Andre Cronje explain it to you in this video:
Joseph Williams
i hold vidt and holo. sold 70% of my ftm for more holo after i heard they won and received a gov grant from the EU today! the fucking EUROPEAN UNION is backing holochain tech - that's fucking major user
Noah Robinson
>muh it’s an ERC-20
Every fucking crypto in history has been an ERC-20 before the mainnet launch. Look at EOS, they received billions of $ worth of ETH to fund the development of the EOS blockchain. How else would you want to fund a project of the scale of EOS or even FTM??? Tokens are either exchanged 1:1 or burned at mainnet launch. Has happened countless times, no big deal. Examples of projects who have leveraged the ETH ERC20 token ecosystem are EOS, NEO, Cardano (ADA), and Holochain (HOT), just to name a few. It's totally legit, go ask your friends on Plebbit. Taking this ERC-20 stuff out of context to FUD really reeks of desperation. Easiest buy signal of the decade. Unironically bought 100k.
Carter Martinez
>muh it’s a biz pump and dump
>muh thanks for buying my bags biz I was the one who did the pnd and now I am shilling X
imagine being so mentally retarded to believe FTM is only shilled on /biz or some shitcoin pnd flavor of the week. FTM has been the #1 in trade volume for weeks on all exchanges it's listed on. twitter is shilling it 24/7. this feels unironically like ETH. it's pointless to pretend this is a pnd - everyone who doesn't live in the biz echo chamber knows how big FTM is. it's the next big thing and you faggots will not get my bag. Everyone with half a brain bought the bottom below $0.007 anyways. No need to panic. Just hold, don’t be the faggot that sold ETH at $3 for a pathetic 10x. This will unironically reach $0.50+ in the next bull run.
Jackson Mitchell
just post the fucking link user
Ethan Evans
>muh look it’s dumping I told you it’s a pnd
The recent correction was solely caused by the recent BTC movement. We would have seen higher highs for sure, if BTC had not mooned above 5k. If BTC goes up, altcoins bleed. Simple as that. How new are you??? ETH has seen similar dumps before it started to moon violently. Week hands get shaken out, that’s how it is and always will be. Don’t be that fag.
Besides that, it's very common for early moonshots to dump. Whales are playing with the newfags to accumulate more. Once they are happy and doubled their stack, all fake sell walls are pulled, the wash trading ("panic sellers") stops and you'll see one GIANT GREEN DILDO and the moon mission continues. Seen it a million times. If you sell now or sold already thinking to buy back, think again cause you will almost certainly miss the perfect entry and FOMO in at a much higher price. Whales aren't predictable. Just keep your moonbag and chill.
Robert Cook
Stop posting this bullshit reddit tier pasta, I'm all in on ftm but smart cities is not the main part of their revenue model and cronje himself said 300,000 tps is horse shit. He's also not a full time dev anymore he's just researching specific parts of the tech
Owen Gonzalez
>muh the CEO can't code
It's not the fucking job of the top management to code. I don't expect Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos to do the coding. Top Management should manage the high-level business stuff, and software engineers should do the coding. That idea that CEO's in large companies should waste their time coding really reveals how little you fags now about business and efficiency.
>muh the team changed, they exit scammed
This is Reddit-tier FUD, just lies, zero proofs. Everything's going fine with the dev team. Re-watch the Andre Cronje AMA on YouTube or check the Telegram Channel. There were several teams working simultaneously on FANTOM. Some expert software engineers were actually hired by Andre Cronje. Overall however, the team is quite large and might have to get downsized in the future, simply because mainnet is almost ready and there is no need for 20+ software engineers anymore. Feel free to post proof that staff members actually exit-scammed, I am waiting....
Adam Allen
>muh the team is criminal, they tried stealing funds at the ICO
Topkek, seriously?? Who is gonna believe this bullshit? If this were true, NO ONE, and I repeat, NO ONE, would touch FTM with a ten foot pole. Crypto scam news spread like wildfire on social media, so how come you are the only one talking about this stuff? I have never heard about it anywhere else. So if this isn't a lie again, please feel free to point me to the countless, outraged Tweets of those faggots who got supposedly scammed. If you can't provide them, I assume you lied and keep buying more every day.
Anthony Evans
The team DID change idiot, watch Andre's Oh Hey Matty interview and stop spamming
Justin Sanchez
And finally
I'm a tcp ip developer at a fortune 50 big data company with 25 years experience in database infosec, I've looked into chainlink and all I can tell you is that the cryptographic measures implemented in regards to the decentralized security paradigm in the API and IoT structure of chainlink's github code is fundamentally flawed after the Pivotal tracker server crashed due to the core attacks on the network enabled by its corrupt data inputs and outputs, what this really means is that by attempting to solve the oracle sybil resistance issue it instead allows customers to bypass the encrypted hardware and even hack into the smart contract Intel SGX mainframe, unless they manage to increase the signatures and scalable nodes, which isn't likely considering the Google backend isn't compatible with the legacy JSON systems and Solidity language from the EVM in the Truffle stacks, that's why the ic3 and SWIFT engineering teams developed the ISO 20220 standards but it's centralized and susceptible to the 51% front running program so yeah basically Sergey didn't foresee that the enterprise customers and cloud blockchain dapps would never allow their protocols to rely on these permissioned host mechanisms thus rendering the LINK ERC 677 token obsolete and no serious developer would consider DLT technology in these conditions, sorry linkies I'm just telling it how it is, personally I sold everything after learning about this
Ayden Bell
Jordan Torres
sounds good to me
but it looks like its dumping pretty hard right now
I'll buy as soon as it stops dumping
Caleb Torres
Not a lot but all in. Thanks for the info user, I owe you one.
Alexander Price
Nice one pajeet, copy pasted from a three month old pastebin. You could have just linked the pastebin you know? 3 months have passed and its still a shitty shitcoin.
Ryan Bailey
Doesn’t matter. It’s what I asked for.
Eli Perry
imagine buying biz bags this late to the party. most pnd fags bought at all-time low early march and are up 5x or something thanks to the newfags. buy at your own peril
Luke Ortiz
just did the same to get me a good bag of this gem.
Samuel James
Just bought some. I fully expect this to go to zero but maybe it has a nice pump before it dies.
ETH competitors always die, the race is over.