Victim here. Few months ago I got robbed and lost almost all of my crypto...

Victim here. Few months ago I got robbed and lost almost all of my crypto. Motherfuckers tortured me to the point that I one by one send all my coins on exchanges, took all my cash, watches and even my fucking ledgers. Chance is big that it’s someone I know, since it looked like he knew that I had multiple ledgers and where my watches were.

I have now recovered, and found one of my ledgers while cleaning up my house. In the past I have followed few Jow Forums calls. Decided to scroll through my old beloved site again, curious what now are the Jow Forums coins!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Proof this was you or gtfo

>tortured and robbed

This is why you never talk about crypto with people

Do you expect OP to show that he indeed was tortured, so the whole internet can now look for him? Europeans have such low IQ


Gaat 'n betje meje?

>he doesn't own fake physical bitcoins to pacify idiot robbers
never gonna make it

Weak handed faggot get off my board

faggots are shilling:



I keep one of these under my desk. Quad hollowtips locked and loaded.

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Ye, never boast about your crypto.
When it's going to be worth millions you're fucked if anyone knows that you have ever bought even 100 satoshis.

Damn, I have seen this article and I was horrified since I also invest and live in Holland.

COTI Network is a great project to look into. Today it’s been announced that it will get listed on Bitmax, and bit later Binance will also make the announcement. It kinda dipped again, so a good opportunity to buy. Good luck, your experience made me never reveal again that I’m into crypto

All in QNT.

Ik meen me te herinneren dat hij een bitcoinhandelaar was met louche banden met oost-Europese autokopers of zo.

Why not own a real gun?

Ja, verwonding waren vooral aan mijn benen. Af en toe een nare droom en geen vertrouwen meer in mensen, maar ben er voor de rest overheen.


Q: Are you ok?
A: Yes, injuries where mostly in my legs. I get a few bad dreams, and can’t trust humans anymore

I saw people walking around in public with crypto shirts back during the bullrun. Dunno how some people can be so retarded.

Had je persoonlijk contact met mensen over bitcoin?

Ah I read somewhere that you are a bitcoin trader. Have you ever traded futures? Heard that OKEx has built a platform called xFutures where you can trade futures, it’s backed by OKEx so its probably safe. What are your thoughts about it?

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Nice larp, mate!

looks like some modern variant of a howdah pistol. cool.

I listened to the webinar today and it was really interesting. They are indeed backed by OKEx so we shouldn’t expect some shit like bgogo and Algorand

Jesus just get a shotgun

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Americunts and their gun solving violence with more violence

if your enemies torture and rob you, you win

You try talking with them instead and tell me how it goes. No other way to deal with drug addicts, thugs and predatory animals.

Don't act like they deserve to soak up tax money in prison for the rest of their lives, just send their stunted souls on their way

It’s all about COTI now OP. Bitmax listing COTI, and other big news still waiting to be officialy announced. Easy $1 EOM

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>being this retarded and not using lethal force to defend yourself from a guy who is willing to kill you

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Let me guess. The robbers were either black or muslims?

On the news it was stated they were morrocan so yes, ofc

Here OP take some Coti pill.
2 bags a day and you should be fine

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This sounds beyond horrible and nightmarish and sorry it happened.

I am sorry to pry but curious about one aspect. What do you think about using a "decoy" wallet, that has a small portion of your stack in it. The idea is that robbers would take that and leave you alone.

Sorry to pry but would be very curious to hear your take on that approach.

>This is why you never talk about crypto with people
who wants to live in a world with these (((people)))?
>if any discord or reddit trannies think it's a good idea to threaten people with robbery and torture, then pic related is what will happen to them

>I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't know...
It's too late for apologies now..
get rid of the evidence...send the cleanup crew to stage this and make it look like an accident...

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where to buy coti?

>fake news
everyone knows enhanced interrogation doesn't work, so who would be so dumb to do it anyway?

I shilled bitcoin hard on social media in 2013. Then 2017 came around and I regretted ever mentioning it. I made sure to delete any connections between my identity and crypto, but it still makes me paranoid. If old friends ask me about it I just say I lost it all from exchange hacks and bad trades, which is mostly true.

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you call that torture? thats nothing, I bought REQ

Damn, all my friends and family know I'm into crypto.
Some of my friends are mafia, one was sentenced to 7 years for murder and some are very talkative.
What do?

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not even insured

ban crypto problem solved

just get a gun and 4 pittbulls and a button the phones 911 like a bank


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Luka Magnotta prophecy becomes reality.

this thread does not deserve more attention and it's overplayed

Why are you commenting then, you retarded octopus

Convince everyone you are a degenerate gambler that lost everything in crypto. You have to be convincing. Sell everything you have and start to live in a old, fucked up car for a couple of months. Ask everyone for money. This is very important. Remember people why you need money every chance you get. Use social media for this effect. You have to become the beggar everyone shuns upon, the outcast everyone avoids. You need to commit social suicide ASAP.
If you ever want to enjoy your gains, you'll need to move away, cut all your ties and remember to shut your mouth thereafter.

Maaskantje!!! VRÜCKTER MONGO FOTZE JUNGE!!!!!!!!

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Source? What is her name?

hoe ga je nu voorkomen dat zoiets nog een keer gebeurd? Zou wel pipa paraat hebben als ik jou was jecko

You're a cuck. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.

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The solution is not to "hide your crypto holdings", as this could effect you if you are trying to start a business or acquire status. As an American, I genuinely believe in existential natural rights, like freedom of speech. So the solution is you carry a gun everywhere you go, so that you can always say whatever you want. No one should be able to stop you, unless you are on their private property.

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Enig bewijs of moeten we je live actie rollenspel geloven?


Hebben ze veel in crypto gestolen of was het maar een deel van je totale portfolio?


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If anyone is looking for actual advice on how to prevent against this kind of attack... keep half of your secret keys in a safe deposit box. You literally cannot access your coins unless you go to the bank and have bank employee help you access your box

Crypto in die water
Ik vind helemaal mooi

Fuck off kike. Rob someone else

This, try to look a hobo, don't shower, look sleep deprived, whine all the time, you will become redpilled and as a bonus you will be left alone

Agree with this, BUT still suggest keeping a small portion of your stack on a wallet at your home. If someone breaks in, they are likely pretty desperate. If you can give them $1000 wroth of crypto they would probably rather take that and leave then risk getting caught.

>Jow Forums
literally a reddit spy

start acting poor and stupid

Just tell them you're holding XRP and they'll know you're a fucking poor retard

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Imagine being a European and feeling smug compared to Americans cause you can't have firearms.

Yuros are such fucking cucks holy shit.

Just a reminder that every exchange you ever traded at has your personal data. You trust them to keep it safe?

its amazing people choose to live in countries where self defense is illegal. austria or czech republic arent too far away from you and they both allow for handgun ownership and carry

Reminder to never flash your wealth.
This russian guy got robbed, beaten, lost everything and then killed himself.

After the robbery:



That's just retarded lefties

>peace is war
>love is hate
>lies are truth
>co2 is heating up the planet, not our proximity to the sun from being in an elliptical shape orbit that is flattening

>if your enemies drill your brain, you win
Hand in your fucking balls, you ain't a man.

It's starting

I hope you have at least 1 bitcoin remaining op.

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got any criticola?

Change your identity because of this

Once bitcoin inflation goes bellow fiat in 320 days things will never be the same and those inside btc and bch will become the new elite.

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RLC makes QNT obsolete

Proof of injury or it's a LARP.
Just in case.. fuck you for being a richfag and not getting proper security.

>facebook post
>"fuck. I just lost fucking everything. why did I put money in such a volatile shitshow? can anyone spare anything to help with rent"

oh yea let's disarm the police then, you're a genius

I'm sure the Somalis will be intimidated by your scary talking points and secular morals. Just don't try to run to America when you lose your continent. We are already comfy here with our Christian immigrants and guns, thanks.

I hate you so much.

cases like these are why banks as secure personal multisig services gonna play a great role in the bitcoin revolution.

>banks as secure personal multisig services

wtf is that?

when you enter your PIN code reversed at an ATM that's a way to inform the bank and authoeities to call for help

no i mean the bank will only sign your transactions in person. not on the phone not in email or online. you show up in business hours and can wire some btc to your spend address. obviously you gonna have a timelocked (and or held at a third party trezor service also requiring physical personal access) backup key, but again there is no way for you to access that from home. this way you give them your spend wallet and that's all they can take. every minute counts for the robbers so they will cut their losses. just make sure they are not too pissed.

>when you enter your PIN code reversed at an ATM that's a way to inform the bank and authoeities to call for help
thats not real

Funny, we're europoors in every way. If he shot them he would be in prison for long time. Firearms can only be used for sport shooting or hunting. Self defense is prohibited by law in most eu-shitholes.

self defense is not prohibited anywhere. some state require it to be proportionate but once your life is in danger all is good. if you shoot him as he runs from your home you can get jail sure.

respect bro

i think trezor wallet even has an option for this, not sure. to all the amerilards its not so easy to get a gun in europe. sorry to hear that OP hope these shitskins get whats coming to them.

This. But most of us eurfags can’t even legally get a gun.

>this is bullshit.
Ammo an firearms had to been looked up seperated from each other. Having a loaded firearm ready for burglars and using it makes it an intention to kill and will get you to prison. Because 'human dignity is inviolable' garbage article 1 German constitution.
Just disproven 1000x times a day in Germany. Fuck this EU shitholes!

this. you can legit go to prison if you shoot a robber breaking into your house in germany. many such cases.

sorry, locked up, not looked up

Doubt it. Am Dutch, back then the local news said it was a home invasion and the guy was involved in a bitcoin company. Sensationalised into torture for bitcoins.

That was from one month ago

germany is a bit retarded britain too you can't even have a locking blade pocket knife in bongistan. but most eu countries are pretty chill about self defense. but you can have a gas alarm gun which can be just as effective unless your attacker comes in gas mask at which point you will just stick the barrel to his chest and empty the clip inside his body cavity shooting him full of pepper so bad he will die of pain before emts arrive.

I have a spear next to my bed, a garden and a shovel
Yes, gas guns are not that bad, that pepper stuff fucks you up bad.

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yeah and you can also just beat the guy to death with it after you shot his face full. it's a pain in the ass the get the pepper out off the place after. you may want to move out for a bit.

Idc about killing a burglar, I for sure wouldnt if hes not a thread anymore. Thing is making someone not a thread anymore. And most likely its gypsie burglar gang member from east europa with not much to loose.

also get a tac light, aside from the fact you can make minced meat out of someones face with it, the 1000 lumen flash feature, fucks up anyone vision at night making it impossible for them to fight you efficiently...

i would say a gas alarm gun with a tack blinker is pretty damn good defense. both perfectly legal. add a mean ass dog to that combo and you gonna need a whole gang to get you.

>Idc about killing a burglar
that's just an option really, it's good to have something to fall back on if the gun fails you otherwise (misfire, he is wearing a mask, etc..)

Will you please recommend a good model to buy in the UK?