Only the based truly know, we are going to the moon

Only the based truly know, we are going to the moon

Attached: LIT_CHAIN.gif (478x392, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

im ready

Attached: 1559097350385.jpg (2251x1022, 1.06M)

I am ready as well.

Attached: laughingpepe.jpg (281x281, 37K)

I’ve been ready for a long time.


It's our faith

It's our fate

Been waiting so long for Marmalade, it feels surreal that we’re almost there. Like I’m walking around in a daze, seeing my coworkers hustling, know how soon I’m going to leave this rat race. On my last day I’m going to deliberately kill the coffee pot and not make more just to get yelled at, make eye contact, sup my coffee and say “I quit.”

Been ready since my promotion to 1st lieutnenant on may first
Literally bought small chunks for a year

How many you have?


Attached: F25AEBE2-C466-4633-8902-63F55792271A.gif (500x500, 1.94M)

When is the real question.

This board is so retarded that it doesn't even recognize its own LIT shill threads. Did you forget to link it to your discord tranny group?

When is ‘marmalade’?

whats up 42? any good news for the day?

sell signs

No adoption
No use
No anything
Cant even reach 4 dollars

Have fun with a chuck e cheese token faggots. In b4 nolinker lmao

I dont make signs, let alone have people to sell them to...

lmao I don't give a fuck if LINK drops to 0.001 USD, you aren't based enough to see the real message

you should be selling itll plummet soon again
when that happens you buy

get it?
"never fucking selling" is how you get rekt retards

Inverse IQ distribution is based meme.

>only absolute retards FUD link

based and link pilled

Yes, I'm all in BRAP too.

I finally realized why all the memes.
To keep "them" out. Only those guided by sprit could see through the memes.
Thank you again. Can't wait till this hits $100 USD any beyond.

My man brapper 10 eoy

I see you see, my user.

Attached: bankerpepe.png (420x420, 16K)