Buy the dip

Fill your fookin bags m8, before its too late

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Solid project, bought the bottom (hopefully)

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Biggest moon mission of 2019 coming soon.

Everytime one of you fuckers post a new rlc thread it dumps another 10 sats. stop it

>Implying btc isn’t moving, and the actual value isnt staying virtually the same

How new are you fren?

It's dead Gilles

Hmmm, who to believe... tranjeet or Intel ?

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Was at $0.39 yesterday, now at $0.36.
Almost free falling at this rate and this is while Bitcoin is going up, so the loss in sats even higher.
People are leaving their dead icos to buy into Bitcoin, don't be the last person holding bags.
This shit goes nowhere. Hasn't achieved anything in two years and won't achieve anything in the next two either.

> collaborations with companies with over 1T total market value
>not doing anything

Choose one. You cant price suppress this token forever

The fud seems to be picking up on this token.


it's 0.34 and the red in btc is more than the loss in usd this means that people they are intersted in btc in this moment

1k suicide stack of rlc, how much will it be eoy?

you should be able to buy a rope for your suicide with it.

>Choose one. You cant price suppress this token forever
maybe it's not a price suppress... maybe no one thins this can be a good investment

fags still dont learn, look at reqt frenchies cant do shit they only work 1 hr a day the rest if for chichatt coffe and food

>Read any of these sentences, realize that Indians can’t type proper english. Dismiss as FUD

Based and keked. Actually Rlc make Indians obsolete

Dont buy RLC token my friend, it is bery bery bery bad.

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I buy l'iexec RLC
Make me verry rich FDA

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There are any chance of RLC being listed on Coinbase?

Hello my indian brother ! How much they pay you to post on the RLC ? I make 3 rupees per bost! Soon I wil be able to get the new toilet, and buy new wife!

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Yes, considering a shitcoin like golem is.


Sorry mon frère I don't understand indian English

Thanks fags for your cheap bags! I'll sell again at 37 and 40 to buy more of them! Transjeet is the best pajeet anybody could ask for, scares away the newfags and makes people want to dump more! Thanks Transjeet, hope you actually have a huge stack and your FUD isn't because you're an inbred Indian scraping two rupees together.


Le baguette= 0.1rlc eoy?

Oui 2,5€ baguette = 0,1 RLC FDA

Le baguette c'est 0.000001rlc = $1

1 RLC = 1000 baguettes EOY

1 RLC = 100000 kilos of curry EOY

baguettes go well with curry

Thanks for the recommendation street shitter, Ill have to check it out.

25k for a simple "Make It", on Par.

10k for 2 putts over Par.