I haven't made my mind up, should I keep it?
I haven't made my mind up, should I keep it?
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It looks like the team is dumping their wallets.
I'll wait and see tomorrow. If it worsens I'm out.
I’m also scared. Really feeling the FUD for the first time ever.
Yes, buy more, $1000 EOD.
if you kill yourself then you'll never sell AND you'll experience the singularity in ethereal form
I'm a tcp ip developer at a fortune 50 big data company with 25 years experience in database infosec, I've looked into chainlink and all I can tell you if that the cryptographic measures implemented in regards to the decentralized security paradigm in the API and IoT structure of chainlink's github code is fundamentally flawed after the Pivotal tracker server crashed due to the core attacks on the network enabled by its corrupt data inputs and outputs, what this really means is that by attempting to solve the oracle sybil resistance issue it instead allows customers to bypass the encrypted hardware and even hack into the smart contract Intel SGX mainframe, unless they manage to increase the signatures and scalable nodes, which isn't likely considering the Google backend isn't compatible with the legacy JSON systems and Solidity language from the EVM in the Truffle stacks, that's why the ic3 and SWIFT engineering teams developed the ISO 20220 standards but it's centralized and susceptible to the 51% front running program so yeah basically Sergey didn't foresee that the enterprise customers and cloud blockchain dapps would never allow their protocols to rely on these permissioned host mechanisms thus rendering the LINK ERC 677 token obsolete and no serious developer would consider DLT technology in these conditions, sorry linkies I'm just telling it how it is
Honestly it's not looking good. Devs preparing to exit on binance.
Links got big dog status, it ain’t no secret
what is not looking good
I'm a tcp ip developer at a fortune 50 big data company with 25 years experience in database infosec, I've looked into chainlink and all I can tell you if that the cryptographic measures implemented in regards to the decentralized security paradigm in the API and IoT structure of chainlink's github code is fundamentally flawed after the Pivotal tracker server crashed due to the core attacks on the network enabled by its corrupt data inputs and outputs, what this really means is that by attempting to solve the oracle sybil resistance issue it instead allows customers to bypass the encrypted hardware and even hack into the smart contract Intel SGX mainframe, unless they manage to increase the signatures and scalable nodes, which isn't likely considering the Google backend isn't compatible with the legacy JSON systems and Solidity language from the EVM in the Truffle stacks, that's why the ic3 and SWIFT engineering teams developed the ISO 20220 standards but it's centralized and susceptible to the 51% front running program so yeah basically Sergey didn't foresee that the enterprise customers and cloud blockchain dapps would never allow their protocols to rely on these permissioned host mechanisms thus rendering the LINK ERC 677 token obsolete and no serious developer would consider DLT technology in these conditions, sorry linkies I'm just telling it how it is
Lol the I am a developer fud. Try to throw in more buzzwords and jargon next time.
if you are too foolish to understand that link is going nuclear in September then you were never going to make it, dump the bags and ill buy more at an even lower price.
Leading data company with 25 years experience of inflation database as data cp ip creator will consider the line, we were able to tell if it was the encryption action. With the introduction of the security template, which was developed based on the API IoT and GitHub code code, the main server, network large-scale attacks, from the destruction of data corruption collapsed and the body as a result seeks to solve the Oracle detuning problem you Customers want to avoid the encrypted material, you can bind to ISO 20220, a solid truffle device and Smart EVM contract for the creation of IC3 and SWIFT engineering team is waking up important. Your profile is licensed. 677 LINK NCP Since you trust the legitimate asylum mechanism, developers do not need to promote the creator's technical status in this situation. .
La di da di da, slob on me knob
Pass me some syrup, fuck me in the car
La di da di da, mothafuck the law
Chitty chitty bang, murder everything
Bitch, I'm on a roll and I put that on the gang
I dumped after seeing the devs are slowly exit scamming.
It's not exit scamming and you're probably larping too. Suffice it to say that I'm unironically worried.
All these people wanting us out of link just proves it to me that we are gonna be rich
Linkmarines get on board
Literally nothing just low effort discord fud
The fudders are the worst, amright? Sold both my kidneys today to buy more LINK, we're going to the MOON bros.
I'm just going to let my fomo linkies be and if it goes splat I'm going to laugh, and if it goes the other way I'm going to laugh more.
team is dumping their wallets probably a good idea to dump as well
Ah thanks, fellow marine!
depends on how much you bought and at what price.
i bought 10k at 1k sats and sold at 35k sats.
never looked back.