I need advice from this basket weaving forum

I have 13,000 link
I also have $15k in debt
I want to pay off that debt so bad
so so bad
but if I sell my link to do that I will fall under the 10k make it stack
but I want that debt gone because it's so much money I'm paying a month to the interest jew
what do I do

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pay off the debt and keep accumulating link once you are debt free so that it gets rid of interest. get back to the 10k stack and be happy because you have enough to make it don't be greedy. make sure to pay ur tax as well if you cash out some links.

Pay it user. If Link fails you’ll be left bagholding $15k in debt.

exactly this

pay your debts, crypto is cowboy money

I would take a mortgage to pay that debt and buy more link desu


because there is a chance, OP, that you will increase your debt and link goes to cents again and then you have a 10K stack of cents and more debt.

Pay off your debts now and increase your stack again if you feel it's worth it.

pay denbts

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If you do this worst case scenario link goes down for months before the singularity and you can still be comfy when the price goes down because your debts are paid

if you believe in chainlink do what you can do to hold off the debt. youre bot going to jail for not paying 15k, just make sure you make it seem like your trying to pay them, example of you do for $100 that month, only pay $20, stretch this out, a couple thousand links will be worth way more in half a year

Sell the fucking link you idiot, we're memeing.
You're going to have 0$ worth of link and 15k of debt if you don't act.
Holy fucking shit.

since no one is going to ask we need to know 3 things:
what is the interest rate on the debt?
what is your yearly income(US?)?
are you intending to buy back those 3k link?

i'm in the same kind of scenario i have 16k link and 25k worth of debt. i could pay it all off and have link left over.
Truth is i would rather risk it all. If link dosent ever moon (its pretty much guaranteed at this point that it will) ill just an hero

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Scared money don't make money. You hold into your Link and you'll be debt free for life. Work overtime ro get a second/better job. How could you consider throwing away your golden ticket?

Ah right, solid plan user

Plan S

I would like to

only people itt that are making sense I’m not sure what kind of bizarro biz I’m browsing where anons are encouraging each other to sell link to pay off (((debt))) that can be paid off later

Like every other sensible person would say PAY your god damn debts and enjoy the crypto ride in peace

why is sergey so fucking fat

pay off since the interest you are paying is even more wasted link that you could be buying.

you don't win big at the casino betting the minimum wager each time
You win by betting BIGLY .

just seriously stop fucking paying the credit cards.

my credit has gone to shit i aint pay any credit cards since 2016 mah nigga, fuck credit.

im not gonna need credit with these link gains

ps just change your phone number now, bill collectors call me everyday.
35k stack holder all in link since 2017.

can't they sue you

Based debt marine bro

12k debt, 10k link here. Not selling LINKies anytime soon

what if I go to my credit union and get a loan for my debt amount to consolidate it and lower the interest rate?
I have good credit other than the high utilization
always a good goy and pay on time
no marks on my credit
do you think they will approve me

my judged hated the banks as much as we all do. she insulted them many times in front of me for for being so sloppy.

Paid off CCs instead of buying link at .20cents. Held a 2200 stack tho. Fml

Pay your fucking debt, I sold 1.5 btc at 15000$ to pay a debt of 14k jan18 and never felt better. Sure the first week was tough but looking back now I feel I made the right choice. It feels bad to sell now that you finally made very early into something amazing, but check pic related, with more than 5k links you are local elite.

Pay the debt it will make the holding far more easy, I'm pretty sure things are gonna be shaky from now on.

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also court is really fucking fun, fuck i think i wanna be a lawyer now. is it too late to go back to school at 28 years old?

i just realize i want to be a fucking lawyer and suit up and bull shit all day lmao.

Idiots that cant to basic math, or reasoning in general.

Paying down is ONLY a good descision if your expected returns are lower than your interest. There is a reason trading with leverage is a thing. LINK is a 100% sure 10x and a probable 100x. Unless the interest on your debt is in the 3000% range, selling even parts of your stack would make you a financially ilitterate moron. a typical american.

Look at it this way, Link will be massive by September. Are you comfortable paying 1.5K tokens now or 15 tokens later? The choice is yours.

This. Plain and simple

Lmao that's how you know reddit is here in force. Fuck you guys. Don't sell shit. These guys are all reddit tier boomer 2 percent a year faggots.


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This is an underrated comment. I’m in the same boat and have made x10 my debt and I still won’t sell. The interest payment pay-off vs link’s growth opportunity cost is a no brainer. Don’t be a brainlet.

Agree. Based.

Take another loan. All in LINK.

Nice one lads, biz is pussy compared to how it used to be. We are cut throats here OP, you should have some balls and double down on your loan to go all in.

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guess I can always suicide if link goes to 0

>but if I sell my link to do that I will fall under the 10k make it stack
Make it stack is 5k. 5k = 4million USD after taxes = 100,000USD a year in interest.


Don't listen to these retards. The yearly interest you will be paying on the debt will be pennies compared to the yearly profit you will make on your investments.

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What's your interest rates on your debts? This is very important.

You can rebuild your stack with the extra money you have each month from not paying interest.


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Thank god there is still someone on this board with more than a two digit IQ. Unless you're accruing retarded amounts of interest the better value gamble is almost undoubtedly LINK.

most are like 17%
i had a hard few years and fucked myself in credit card debt

you're going to wish you sold it to pay off your debt when this falls to a dollar

Start repaying your debt at around ~$50 LINK

I’m in a similar boat as you.
Designed a one year plan for myself. Take it as you will.
Hold 17k LINK $30k in debts.
Sell 10% of 17k stack when LINK hits $20. Im estimating it by September when PSD2 or EOY. Take home cool 34k payoff all my debts and withdrawal taxes.
Sell 10% of remaining stack when LINK hits $50 which gives me cool ~$75k. Estimating it by July 2020. Payoff all bills for next 6months(monthly car payments, mortgage, utility bills, car payments) and wait for FUCKING SINGULARITY.
Planning to hold 10k forever(staking) Have enough LP shares to stake them. Staking is the new holding now.
As other user said, try to make minimal payments and wait for atleast September. Good luck user! See you on the other side of the moon

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Pay off the debt you absolute retard.

Imo wait a bit. Since LINK didn't dump too hard I think this pump is not over yet. 6-8$ might be a good range to sell some

Pay the debt. The ultimate goal is freedom and happiness. Debt gives you neither.

Brainlet here. I can ask for a 1,400 loan right now with 5.74% interest monthly. Resuming: 96 USD for 48 months. Should I get it?

>95% annual interest rate

not sure where you're from, but if you're US don't forget to factor in taxes from selling

where can I get a personal loan for link?

100% pay off the loan