New chainlink video

skip to 15:00
"i dont know if you saw the google announcement recently where google will be using chainlink to provide big querry data into ethereum"

"currently we are on ethereum, but we will be on every major blockchain that deploy's smart contracts"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Amazing video and digits.
We are gonna make it.

based and checked

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"Partnership with swift!"

>we have partnership with swift

>"currently we are on ethereum, but we will be on every major blockchain that deploy's smart contracts"
Someone haven't read their white paper.
This is old news and it just means that LINK will be used as an utility to aid the coins with real value.

how do I give karma or gold here?

So tasty it should be on Redtube instead

I want to believe

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Is that why the devs are dumping their bags currently?

Lmfao. This level of lying for PR must be illegal

Fucking amazing digits fren im not watching because im a nulinker

>im not watching because im a nulinker

You can’t use it without paying a Chainlink node.

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Confirmed swift partnership at 15:30

except your "coins with real value" are practically used as databases whilst chainlink NEEDS to be valued at high prices to serve as collateral for whatever it is acting as an oracle for. If the oracle nodes are worth lets say 5 mil and you have a 10bil contract there's a big problem. Preferably you'd want the nodes to be worth more than the single contract you're executing so there is no insentive whatsoever to provide false information because the node owners are risking more than what they have to gain.

If you don't get yourself a minimal stack of linkies you'll be smacking yourself in some time from now because you couldn't see the value it would get, much like bitcoin in 2010/11. You heard about it, you know what it does, but you for whatever reason dismissed it as: "internet money" "literal runescape gold going for a dollar kek".

With the numbers involved $1000 could actually be fud

Yes, but the value is not in the node, it's in the contract. This means that LINK has as an utility not as a currency.
Here is an analogy. Having internet on your phone went from being a luxury to being essential. What happened to the price of data plans over the years?

its funny i listened to that twice and couldnt understand it. after reading your posts i hear it plain as day

Lol fuckin retards they’ve been memeing a “”partnership”” with swift for over 2 fuckin years. The reality they don’t want to tell you is that swift chose Corda r3 instead of hyperlegder and shitstink

Chainlink won't be colateral. Who the fuck is spreading this shit?
The only thing mentioned in the white paper is that they will be used to pay node operators. Since one of the functionalities of link at the current moment is accessing your ETH wallet and it will automatically transfer the funds using other blockchains to fulfill the contract, why the hell would you need to use link as collateral?


When the world finds out about this it will explode.
the timing matches perfectly with those posts earlier about 2 hours etc.

is this the famed Sergey that I have been hearing all about? Did he shave his beard or something?

Delet this

white paper gives no indication that this was intended to be on every blockchain with smartcontract abilities. it only specifies ethereum or referes to "the blockchain"

>Chainlink won't be colateral. Who the fuck is spreading this shit?
Linkpool for one.

Attached: linkpool.png (501x490, 32K)

where do they say it’s collateral

>Chainlink won't be colateral. Who the fuck is spreading this shit?

>why the hell would you need to use link as collateral?

You clearly haven't read Chainlink's own node guide

God do I hate nulinkers

seems to me if you are putting up something of value for an operation to occur then you are providing collateral. sorry it doesn't use that exact word

it is. $10,000 eoy 2021 checkem

just another idea for smart contracts and chainlink

imagine using your eyeball to log into accounts online. or even open your front door.

yea thats possible with chainlink.

the possibilities are endless.

someone post this to reddit or alert the media.

take your meds freak


kek not a peep from stinkies about this

Why is ripple still under $1 if this was true?
We have confirmation swift is a partnered with chainlink. cope xrp shills..

>In any case, R3 has made clear from the start that the technology was always designed to be interoperable with a variety of payments systems.
i don't care about ripple

cus it's literally just shills. swift is still using link. corda is not a decentralized oracle.

>swift is still using link
Yeah right, this is where they were 2 years ago, having tested three protoypes. Notice how it refers to "chaincodes" in the Hyperledger section, and the "low level programming" it uses. Why do you think Chainlink switched from Ruby to Go? Even still, you can tell back then that they were most positive about Corda, and had a lot of negatives for Hyperledger. Isn't it obvious that they decided to pursue the Corda path? The LINK-Swift "partnership" is toast.

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There is literal confirmation in the video that there is a chainlink swift partnership.
Either the chainlink team is lying, which would ruin Google and Oracles credibility, or you're just a salty fudding nolinker.

You motherfuckers are honestly retarded. Corda very likely used chainlink in the PoC for swift. There are crumbs available connecting the projects. This is my good deed for the day

Guys I bought all my link using Kraken>Eth>Binance>Link a long time ago. My father wants to get in now so I'm trying to buy him some on Coinbase since I don't wanna get double feed + have to report taxes on the buy for my father.

How the fuck do I find the test transactions my bank sent to coinbase pro? Only way I can do a wire transfer is if I verify first.

>swift chose Corda
Corda uses any oracles that are most convenient.
For instance: they're using Ripple's proprietary XRP oracle which they made in 2014.

bumping for SWIFT partnership confirmation

Google aren't using Link

It was a blog post on how to use Link if you want ...

yesterday chainlink devs moved to binance 780 000 link and sold them, that worth of 3 million dollar, dumped just one day, yesterday

you can check it here:

and when asked why devs move huge amount of tokens their wallet, answer is no comment

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and what happened to the value of data companies? The data plans were cheaper because they sold millions of them. There are a fixed number of Link tokens and so the value of each token will go up.

>It was a blog post
Google uses blogposts to announce its biggest news.
Like when they announced their flagship Anthos project:


>when asked about NDA-related subjects, they said "no comment"!
Yeah that's been the case for every fud, then a month later the price skyrockets from actual announcements.

Just finished watching it
Good lad
Sad how he skimmed over the town crier, intel sgx and trusted environment section
Those topics are the most interesting part
Also fuckin chekked

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>paying taxes

isn't it funny how "Mr. Poo" sounds both like the name of a chink and fits in with indian stereotypes as well? There's even a bit of a double entendre going on with the chink king looking like winnie the pooh.

you have lot of faith Sergey

chainlink project reeks to high heaven of S-C-A-M

just to list a few items:

Sergey Nazarov, founder, is a russian con artist who already led other cash grab projects like NXT

It's based in the Cayman Islands (read: avoiding crackdown by US authorities; SEC, FBI, etc)

hundreds of investors got scammed during the ICO. The team refused refunds for tons of people who sent in ETH over the limit, and there were rumors of the community manager Rory giving out his own ETH address as the "ICO address".


>being underaged

Nice blogpost faggot

Don't fuck with me Melvin.

You need a new place to shill link now, no new person is going to buy your dumped bags here anymore.

nice FUD
it's a binance node

Too ignorant to see it user, these are the same dumbasses that said it was a meme and would never be worth more than a dollar. Anybody that doesn't think Link is in the middle of Swifts future processes is a complete idiot.

> T. Redditor

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Price action will speak for itself.
You dumb fudders will be fomoing in eventually.

autism: the post

A meme token supported by racists? No thanks

Where do you think you are

racists that would have made you rich had you bought 3 months ago

Fuck off Melvin.

Your mother's loose butthole.


Glad to have this guy as a linkmarine. Great talk. Thanks

this is unironically bearish


Can somebody actually explain to me how are they going to be on other blockchains if the token itself is locked to Ethereum?
Either it will be super complicated and they will use oracles to bridge the blockchains and shit which will increase the cost of each oracle request dramatically or they will fork chainlink and have it without the token on another chain.

This was retarded. WTF where is the value? This is bullshit. Only speculation can pump this shitcoin.

This is a horrible comparison. Biometric access control has been around for almost a decade.

sad FUD
they are not locked to ethereum, they just launched on ethereum first because you have to start somewhere and currently ethereum is the #1 platform for smart contracts.
eth failing doesn't affect link in the long term, link is blockchain agnostic.

should all links be moved to basedcoin?

I am so happy that I followed biz a few years ago when everybody was hyping chainlink. Bought 10.000 chainlink at the time for 0.20.

which colour should my first lambo be?

>"currently we are on ethereum, but we will be on every major blockchain that deploy's smart contracts"
Wait what the fuck does that mean, will there be a Link token on say: FTM ETH ONE etc coexisting with each other? Meaning the 1bn LINK is spread on multiple blockchains?
Or is this what Blockchain agnostic mean?

The Chainlink token is on Ethereum but the token is just the payment mechanism. The "work" of the Chainlink network (securely pushing data to blockchains) will be across multiple blockchains through the use of adaptors.

based Jow Forums presentator

fuck off faggot

Sorry I hurt your feelings :(

user is asking how they'll swap erc-20s. Block chain agnostic means they can deploy the tech on other platforms/chains. They are under no obligation to swap or exchange your tokens for other platforms/chains. It is what it is, invest accordingly.

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White and blue fren.

Either add to conversation user or get a ban. Don't be rude.

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Trips says it's true. SWIFT confirmed.

This dude does not have a jaw. He literally just has cheeks that turn into a chin.

god I wish I had some cocaine, life is awful and I only have 150 links
everything around me is crumbling around and there's no logical reason to believe we are not living through the apocalypse, I might even make enough money to start a business with link in a few years but so what? My country will still be flooded by africans, middle easterns and pajeets who are barely if at all literate
I'm gonna kill myself tonight

He doesn't need a jaw. His cheeks are connected to his chin trustlessly. This is the power of decentralised oracles.

stuttering pothead

send me your link

He just delivered swift to you on a silver platter. You should be paying for his mandible elongation surgery.