Good job guys we got some cheap VIDT again

Great work on the FUD, time to pump it again

Attached: learnearn.png (800x700, 41K)

Mission complete

the LIT shilling and VIDT FUDing is way too funny, huge profits selling the top and buying the dump its insane

4 STAR General reporting for covert FUDing campaigns

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i gotta top 100 stack i aint playing these games. i'm happy. you whales do your fuckery to shake off the idiots

this is mission control, covert FUD campaign and LIT PnD on plebtards is a success, I repeat, mission complete

you will find attached the report verified by vidt from our kek agents

over and out

Attached: vidtcontrol.jpg (1042x694, 274K)

verified with eye

What's a top 100 stack these days?

i have realized to always do the opposite of what my mind says

i would have sold the absolute bottom if i had panicked but we are rebounding bros

next stop we verify the moon.

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>verified with eyes

Attached: verifywitheyes.jpg (800x450, 539K)

Ok fuck it I fall for the shilling, I'm going all in

that a boy.

Sounds like cope

oh no oh no oh no

Someone tried to crash the price on IDEX and it jumped back up right away. Quite basado.

yeah i saw that, poor fuck is way too late for that. way too much interest now, especially from people selling their LIT at the top.

Bumped my VIDT stack up to 2500 after the drop. Wish I was more comfy but low on fiat for a week.

you'll be more than fine

Still looking bullish.

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