What is the meaning of life now

I am in lamboland now thanks to you anons. Thanks for that. Bought in early and cashed out like 1/8 of my stack a few days ago. This is enough for me to buy a house next to my parents and everything i need for the next 20 years.. I am 20 years old and i don't know what to do now. I never had a job and i don't know how to even work. I even dropped out of highschool a few years ago. What kind of world is this where some people getting more rich than everybody else by literally doing nothing. I haven't moved my legs since 4 days. Just laying in comfy bed doing nothing. I fucking piss and shit at my terrace because i dont give a shit about anything anymore. My mother brings me nice food that i pay to my bed. I am so happy and so exhausted at the same time. I don't know what to do now. I am thinking about the meaning of life. how is it, that i deserve this life? How can i make the world a better place? Or is it not worth making the world a better place because it is shit for everyone anyways? why are we here? can someone help me out, i think i am going to die soon if nothing changes

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just make more money faggot

Nice humble brag, asshole.

>how can I make the world a better place?

Send me and other poorfags some of your riches and have your charity quota for the month set.

>by literally doing nothing
You had superior information and acted on it, that's not nothing.

Go to some bumfuck college where you can party all the time, open up a new trading account and try to replicate your success with only $1k or whatever you started with before. Start playing chess online, get a real job (not for the money, just as something to pass the time) that's easy and not demanding (become a SB barista). Start investing in new markets (stocks, forex, futures). Get friends. Live the lambolife for us user.

Most of the posts ITT will be calling you a fag but I know actually making it would put me in a bad place.
I like my job and I like going to school but I'm not confident I would hold onto either of I didn't have to anymore.
I'm not sure what I would be doing. I'm afraid to find out.

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Maybe you would like to hear how I struggled and overcame the same existential dread.

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Typical man-baby who has never had a trial of manhood. Seek that trial, because in this (((society))), they rob it from you.

>get a job just to the pass the time and not even for the money

Why the hell would you choose to wagecuck if you don't need the money?

This. OP stfu with your humble bragging
>make the world a bubber blace
You'll be back to jacking it to cuck porn in an hour so stfu and stop pretending that you arent a lazy fuck who couldnt even finish high school of all things.

Absolute freedom is hard to swallow my friend. A good way to start would in my opinion, be to start working for free at a homeless shelter etc, maybe start with a hobby (that fuels adrenaline) like surfing, martial arts, motor cross or whatever, and working out.

I dont believe life has any true meaning to it, but that doesnt mean that its pointless. Enjoy the ride as best you can frendo, lots of thinks to experience.

Get to meet people and leave the house for an explicit reason. If you don't like your coworkers, move on to the next job, if you do, good for you.

Kill yourself you piece of shit

Try to live in the woods. Learn new skills because you want to. Read books and learn. Climb things, explore. Build things to figure out how they work. Eventually, when you've made yourself a complete man. Either do everything you can to change the world for the better, or get a wife, have lots of children, and raise them to be competent and beneficial to society.

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Huge part of a man's life is to find their purpose. Life's a long journey. Make the most of it.

You'll figure it out

I’m trying to make it too but at the same time I really don’t want to make it. I love the journey and I love the struggle, the ups and the downs and the memes, and honestly I don’t know if my life would have much meaning or purpose after I achieve the goal I’ve set out to reach. Sure it’d be fun being fuck you rich for the first few months maybe but without a goal I’d feel exactly the same as the people who come here to cry on Jow Forums about being broke and having no purpose in life

Start with bodybuilding, buy a horse, drink milk, get strong.

kek you fucks have no purpose because you are plebs. You need a master to tell you your purpose, like 99% of the other goys out there. Sorry kid but the truth is shit

But there is plenty of other ways to meet people without being a wagie.

Read the Holy Bible. I suggest beginning with the New Testament. Jesus Christ came to save us from the punishment of sin. He was killed on the cross and rose on third day. Believe upon Him and you shall have salvation. Monetary riches mean nothing when this life has an end and you certainly aren't taking that money with you.

kys faggot, i'm poor as fuck and you are larping via 5G about how bad you feel as richy rich in your 1st world country.

>this entire thread

you need to start finding competitive hobbies that interest you, and then trying to master them and win. that should keep you going for a while.

Why don't you start a business or do something to help your fellow man?

Well, you could certainly try suicide. That may help

The go join a book club or whatever, the point is that it forces you into contact with dozens of new people per day, plus your coworkers. You could just as easily go to church or a chess club.

seethe harder shitskin

Amen. Material goods don't bring real happiness despite what anons here are chasing.

imagine being this much of a fucking loser lmfao

thank you guys i appreciate it.
i don't need anything. this was always the case. i can't drive cars and i dont want to. i dont have any friends beside Jow Forums. i dont like living like a king. i just want to know what this life is about. but in the last few days i realised , that nobody knows what life is about. some people work to make their descendants live good. some people don't work and still get kids. There is a chance we will know what life is about after death but this is not for sure. I dont want to make more money., i have enough. i dont want to give people money, if i dont know how or where this money will be used for.. i went outside a week ago and somebody told me i look like a zombie. he asked what i do for life. i realised i cant tell people that i am rich, because he instantly acts differently and i said goodbye to him. why is this life so hard. What drugs can i take to know what life is about?

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The post didn’t even imply that, we create our own purpose,with mine being to /make it/ but yeah thanks based user

Robert Kiyosaki says that you should only do jobs for experience and not money.

jfc this board has gotten so bad. I can't wait for the next crash so you all leave.

Congrats on making it bro! You have succeeded in the world so the next step is to transcend it. Seek God. I recommend the Buddhist Pathway of Negation. All joy comes from within. The highest ecstacy must eventually be surrendered to reach the Peace that surpasses all understanding. Why are you so exhausted? What do you spend your time doing?

The gym. Hit it. Now.

Drugs don't know anything and can't help you.
Books know some things. Read a book.

> pikachu calls opponent "shitskin"
> the attack has no effect

you seem depressed, that happens almost by default if you stay indoors all day, make it or not.

I was the exact same, lifting literally cured my depression. tough at first but as the months go by it gets easier- hit the gym asap

*mic drops*

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Find discipline. Start with the gym. Progenate your genes. Take your place in society.

You have money but I have a sense of direction. I wonder which feels better? There's no way of telling unless one day I make it.


How could you buy shitcoins without ever getting a job? Did mommy and daddy give you money or something wtf?

If you got the capital and I got the idea to make it happen , would you invest in my health care startup? Then all of your sadness will go away. [email protected]

look at these nulinkers that didnt get in below 30cents. look at them and LAUGH.

There’s a simple explanation for this - it’s because you’re a loser. Becoming a complete human being is within the reach of any loser, through various methods you can learn about anywhere, but most of all it’s within the reach of a loser who’s made it. Don’t waste the opportunity you’ve been given. Yes it’s hard, but try to remember some of the strength born of necessity that you used to have before you decided you can get away with not doing anything at all anymore

start helping people

motherfucking based

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find gf
literally, the meaning of life is to find GF

Fake news
It’s true you should try to reproduce if you feel the inclination, which most do, but the find gf mindset is literally a stereotypical low level of mental development

literally go to Jow Forums and get a gym membership. You'll feel better and you'll start to look better. Gaining confidence is the first step. Then discover other hobbies. Especially ones that force you to leave your comfort zone and socialize with people. You might hate it at first, but doing these things you don't really want to do, will turn you into the man you want to be. Congrats on making it my friend.

Visit Jow Forums and Jow Forums the exact same anount of time as you visit Jow Forums.

You will soon know what to do.

Congrats user.