You have six hours

You have six hours.

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Not true.

uh huh

For what?

Six hours for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of ours stacks, especially since they're such good sizes n all.

before the indian pnd faggots dump on you. if you see a coin shilled on here it's always a sell signal. first they buy a token for cheap wait for the price to increase and then the post on here to create demand for their shitcoins sell orders. don't fall for the curryniggers who are looking to get out. they bought in at half a cent

I am not afraid

i hope it crashes so all the pajeets shut up about it

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attention is from CryptoLark not "indian pnd groups" schizo

20m vol

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it just keeps going up every day. this thing is a GOLIATH.

>getting investment advice from PAID literal who shills
you have to go back!!!! roger ver was advisor for several ICOs that all crashed violently, stop caring about advisors or even worse YT shills.

that isn't true

Just telling you where the attention is coming from. The project is real, my own worst fear is the people working on it don't care to take it to the finish line. They're academic about it.

Also development mysteriously stopped in around March on their public github with an already missed promise of mainnet in May.

Holding 12k in case

It's literally like 2 cents...

who the fuck is still holding FTM?? everyone with a brain sold the binance pump and never looked back. you guys can't be serious or we really have lots of plebbit tourists lately...

That's irrelevant, what matters is how much you buy in at. You are pumping their bags for them so they can dump it on idiots like you that say "but it's only 2 cents!"

She still has a few pumps left in her user


FTM is legit. DYOR

how many more of these bagholders can there be? The binance pnd washed out 10 million and there have been three 30% swings since then.

I am a simple burger trying to turn an ETH into 10 ETH

Drive me to the moon...

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>HUr Hud DUH dump without pump. I FUD so herd
it needs to pump first faggot.

Why when I can buy lit

>mainnet of all mainnets

Theres plenty of room to pump fucktard. Im barely even holding any but it's easy to accumulate a huge stack rn w/o being out much money.

When is the mainet??

this is a sweet spot you cant lie. 2 cents with those tokenomics is the closest to a guarantee I eva seen

>he doesn't realize that risk and realized reward are negatively correlated.
as soon as a coin is 2x up half of the opportunity is gone but the risk increases by 2x. FTM is already 6x up since the tranny discord bought in, if you buy now you get 87.5% less FTM for each dollar/sat you invest. a perfect recipe to get dumped on hard

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if you buy coin and it up, it go down. the more it go up the more it go down

have a small stack



Look up the coin
Click exchanges
Do this for every coin and never ask that question again

+6mil mc in like the last 45mins
720 24hr vol now
11% total volume change in the past hour

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mainnet is set for Q3 though, it wasnt gonna come out in may. what whitepaper did you read?

RIP swing traders
They have no idea what they're even in do they

God damnit it's actually fucking mooning. I wanted to accumulate more while it was cheap. Hopefully it doesn't go too far past .03$ yet.

Upbit listing soon also.. koreans will pump the fck out of this

>up 4%

I think Andre said it in an interview idk why

Bittrex listing. Free listing too again.

ok you stupid bitch, i bought 2500 ftm a long time ago at avg cost $.035. when will this stop being an ugly deformed boil on my otherwise beautiful profit-only portfolio?

420k stack here, comfy af



90 minutes from this comment. It will be fun.

guess i'm staying up

It better not be a dump. I finally made a good move going almost all in on this, nearly recouped money from the bitcoin dump.

Literally nothing is gonna happen, as usual


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you drunk?

oh nvm it was in sats

Till wat?

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Aight I bought a 50k stack, fingers crossed I'm not about to get justed

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Get off my board newfag

Imagine owning 80 bucks worth of crypto and thinking your opinion is worth sharing. Wow..

curryniggers bitch ass niggers

Calm down Aditya

it is now 90 minutes from your comment. Hope it's a dump...

don't worry he's in a discord with hundreds of people who are all waiting until 4am to buy it together

4 more minutes, what's going to happen?

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oh my god guys look at what's going on

Literally nothing..

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it pumped 2 sats holy fuck

Its 6hours now FUCKER OP

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Cope harder Ranjeet.
Why don’t you spend your curry vouchers and bring your dca down

This is the correct thread.
FANTOM will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the FANTOM team has not been working hard? Guess what? The FANTOM team has.
And always remember, as the smarter mens says:
Do not leave your future to RANDOM
Get some FANTOM!!!

boooooring. buy the Bitmax Chromia listing or forever hate yourself.

How did he know?

Just sold 100k


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pajeet you are WAY too obvious. genuinely the most indian post i've seen to date

>Do not leave your future to RANDOM
>Get some FANTOM!!!
I think you overdid it a bit there pajeet