Most obvious bull flag ever. We'll break 180 by the end of the week

Attached: 3845.png (200x200, 5K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190702-220600.jpg (1080x2280, 312K)

Ahh the smell of desperation from the flavor of the month shitcoin shillers.

laugh at the people who panic sold

you are being fooled, like coinmarketcap, by the fake trading on hotbit
it's trading on idex at 43 cents right now buddy

44 cents already, usually hotbit bots follows

>tfw you're worried about volume when this coin is 90% likely to be listed on Binance in the next 6 weeks

Ahh the smell of vechinks who didn't get in under 25 cents


Attached: verifywitheyes03.jpg (1280x720, 688K)

We are here

Attached: here.jpg (1280x626, 79K)

look, anything can happen bro and I wish you the best but
>most obvious bull flag ever
just stop, fucking stop

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LINK'S second coming.

Don't worry people are busy building their shitcoin bag instead of having one last chance of buying a gem at ultra low prices

Statement has been verified (with eyes).

Attached: verifywitheyes04.jpg (500x375, 394K)

>anything can happen bro
>I hope it happens
>shows a bull flag
>dude just stop posting obvious bull flags I'm trying to FUD here

The only true FUD I've seen of VIDT is that some on Reddit know of it. Which does suck cock and I revised my projections downwards because if it.

(((With my eyes)))

>mfw dealing with these pajeets who want buy my moon mission for less rupees

Attached: Screenshot_20190629-092033__01.jpg (999x931, 73K)

This was going for PENNIES awhile ago. You got some whale dumping to survive before the next leg up, expect to consolidate in this range for awhile

consolidate in this range? this is a $10m mcap coin about to hit exchanges. this isn't a time for charts and meme triangles

Can anyone shill me on this? With like one of those huge TL;DR images. I'm legit interested but also too lazy to dmor.

Verification of documents on the blockchain (verified with eyes)
Amspec and airbus as customer
Only 10m marketcap (verified by eyes)

Attached: 48C870E4-4222-4AB1-A814-EDA385D0BE03.jpg (901x1600, 128K)

This verification has been verified (With eye)

Attached: VIDTshares.jpg (630x630, 95K)

Pedo coin

Also token burns, buy backs, and yet to be listed on a huge popular exchange, explosion is imminent

Verified with
(Pic related)

Attached: A5D309DD-98E7-4105-9059-861C7CBFF86C.jpg (500x394, 62K)

Secondary off-chain verification (by ear) has been completed.

Attached: verificationcomplete.jpg (634x499, 56K)

>about to hit exchanges
Name one coin that pumped and didn't dump after being listed to an exchange like Binance. I'll wait.


Attached: 334FC918-8F62-4D3C-9103-AC55957B8F7F.jpg (1321x743, 92K)

doubled my stack

We're not even talking about after, you mongoloid animal.

Binance soon.

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>Verification of documents on the blockchain
But you can already do that with hash.

Attached: Screenshot_20170415-211926.png (720x1280, 471K)

This is not verified
(With eye)

Attached: B9985792-5AAF-477C-9D59-681D6FD7050C.jpg (1351x640, 207K)

Verification failed.

Attached: 1819238123.jpg (1080x605, 101K)

You're gonna meme on me like an idiot or are you gonna shill me for real?

Hash isn’t decentralized distributed immutable
Only serves to verify two inputs
Collisions can occur while hashing
Need to maintain history of uploaded documents on an immutable database

And lastly (eye)

Attached: 1E63E135-1642-42E7-A986-93AF89163A0A.jpg (1080x1080, 182K)

this pic is giving me antshares vibes

>Hash isn’t decentralized distributed immutable
How are mathematical functions not this?
>Only serves to verify two inputs
There are more ways to produce a hash than there are hairs on my wrinkly ballsack.
>Collisions can occur while hashing
If you're using a shitty checksum, sure.
>Need to maintain history of uploaded documents on an immutable database
How is this hard in any way?

Attached: verifywithyoureyes.png (500x349, 699K)

Mathematical functions aren’t what you’re competing against.
You’re trusting the organization to verify documents using said functions (with eye)
Blockchains don’t require you to have trust in said company to actually use said function for said verification
(Again. Eye)
I would argue that verification of documents and voting are the two BEST use cases of blockchains. Everything else is just hype, smoke and mirrors.
(See comment 193939: “eye”)

Attached: 53515F71-2BDC-4AD7-8047-3BA5B47C6D77.png (383x681, 486K)

>I'm getting ANS vibes

Huh... I still don't quite get it. Say company X issues a legal document addressed to me, they put it through your gay blockchain magic and send it over the internet. On its way it goes through the hands of Company Y which alters the document and they too put it through the blockchain and send it to me directly. How am I supposed to tell if that document is fake when it also got verified by your (((((((((((eye)))))))))))?

When company X document is originally inputted it imprints it with a digital finger print.

Company Y receives it, changes something inside the document and sends it off

The blockchain will get the document back, check the finger print and the data and will see they no longer align and alert you.

That's my general understanding of it

Funny how people think verify with eyes is fud, when the current practice of verifying with your eyes is what causes so much fraud.

Swing Vidters and noVidters btfo

Attached: 1515279921229.png (960x768, 254K)

No, Company Y also "registered" the altered document on the blockchain, therefore also getting a green check mark when I go verify it. My question is how can you tell when this happens?

Pretty sure when you verify the document you can see who the issuer was...

So, if you got a forged document it wouldn't be issued from the right company

Forgot to add, you verify using company X's portal, so any documents you throw into it they are issued by other companies wouldn't come back positive anyway

Alright, I'm starting to see (no fuck you and your eye puns), I think I'll dmor after all. God bless, user.

ok, so vidt is an overly glorified, on which chain do they store, as btc doesnt scale to receive that many hashes...

V-ID currently offers fingerprinting on five blockchains: BTC, ETH, LTO, Digibyte, and IBM's hyperledger.

it’s a backend token. also factom, tierion and even bch already offer this service
all this token is is a backend token for their api that serves no purpose outside of their customers who don’t even buy the tokens lel

Comfy as fuck.

That dip was unironically good for vidt.

Attached: 1560810241655.jpg (706x740, 99K)

Just topped up a few hundred more Viddies