The United States will make crypto illegal worldwide within 2 years time

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I didnt know the US can ban it worldwide.

it sure as hell can

Fuck amerilards and their hubris

As long as I make it by then

sure, some time ago Internet itself was still limited to government/educational institutions and it was illegal to use it for commercial purposes

Like torrents? How did that go again?

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Fuck, now I have to jerk off to this whore again.

Two years is more time than we need :)

U.S. gov doesn't care if you want to pirate some shitty movies or nigger rap. You better believe they'll start bombing countries to protect their global dollar ponzi scheme, though.

>The United States will make crypto illegal
imagine thinking this is the case
you clearly can't read between the lines
who do you think invented crypto to secure world supremacy for the next 100 years?
>hint: the USA
why do you think Trump won and now all of us hardcore Trump supporters from 2016 are raking in the money after going into Chainlink
These aren't coincidences
These are synchronicities
Trump and his crew have really done it
those beautiful bastards
I for one will make them glad they put in all that effort and work. We will be changing the world.
Everyone will see the truth finally, that God is real.

bombing won't stop bitcoin

She really is/was the best. Absolute travesty she quit.

internet was literally built to withstand nuke ya dummy

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Hoisted by their own petard

Hand over those keys boi

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You are delusional. China will lead the crypto revolution making the dollar look like venezuelan currency. USA will lose the top spot in the next decade.

she has a flat ass, no tits, fridge body and is like 5' 3" or something. what's the appeal?

do you like teenage boys' bodies or something?


who is this?

wew get your test levels check out, faggot

Sasha grey

Your country's most populated cities weren't


>flat ass
Ask me how I know you're brown

>You are delusional. China will lead the crypto revolution
>mfw you wrote that garbage
other anons seeing this know what I'm talking about

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>nerdy white guy gets exposed as bi-sexual trap lover
im not even black you obsessed faggot

Good, that will lead to mass adoption


im not. i'll literally prove it with a timestamp but that would require you getting BTFO and sending me BTC or link

>the us will outlaw something taxable
Based retardbro

Anything you post, I will consider a lie. Any photos, if white, I will know are of a different person you paid to pose for you.

Because you're brown. It is logically impossible for you to be white.

I think people are forgetting that there are bitcoin billionaires, and that if bitcoin's price goes up, there are only going to be richer bitcoin barons. People with money. They will make the laws. Politicians are easily bribed. No, crypto won't be made illegal. In fact, the richest people who already control shit probably already have a stake in it.

i've never seen someone cope this hard. you're fucking SEETHING right now holy shit

keep jerking off to your stick girls, queer lmao. and tell me if you're up for the offer, i can wait to post a timestamp and BTFO you and also increase my wallet.

low test closetfag

Chinese have 0 innovation and literally specialize in making cheap, inferior knock offs of other peoples shit. They cant lead anything.

you mad, brown boy?

>unwilling to take risks
>low confidence
yep, that's low t alright. sad!

Really? She looks so different now...

>t. deluded amerimutt

I like watching her get blacked and lick toilets, also she has no gag reflex due to her frontal lobe being damaged from cocaine so she can suck a mean dick. She also gets gaped by apes so she’s pretty kino.

you're mad that us gwei lo are superior when it comes to game theory
The thing is, there's a lot the west can learn from the east and a lot the east can learn from the west

Regardless, I am correct that the US government invented/discovered blockchain in much the same way they invented/discovered the internet.

You can keep repeating I'm delusional, but anyone who isn't clouded by emotional bias understands that I am correct.

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Who cares if itll be 100k in 1 year?

Wtf? She has nudes?

>sasha grey fan is a literal cuck

pathetic, not surprising but at least one of you guys ITT is honest

OP is a room temperature IQ retard.
Cryptocurrency is permissionless, and the U.S Government is involved in this space. SHA-256 is an algorithm that was developed by the NSA, Satoshi Nakamoto is a Mossad Agent. OP is a fucking moron.

>U.S. gov doesn't care if you want to pirate some shitty movies or nigger rap. You better believe they'll start bombing countries to protect their global dollar ponzi scheme, though.

FrEeDoM IsN'T FrEe

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iritating thinking the U.S. can try to make crypto illegal. just in time as the dollar is an absolute dumpster fire.

It'll never happens but if it does, a new currency must emerge.

Yeah and the internet was made by darpa. What’s your point? Sha256 is opensource, and it seems there is no way to reverse it. Even if a vulnerability was present, all addresses are hashes twice with sha256 and once with ripemd, so both sha256 and ripemd would need to be compromised. Also if they were, reversing the address would only give you the public key, so ECDSA would also need to be compromised in order to get the private key. Satoshi took extra precaution.

The USA will be minority white in a few decades. They aren't banning anything or doing anything. They will literally become irrelevant as women and mexicans become their leaders and drive them into ruin.

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