It's too late. This is our best time to sell. If comments like these aren't the best sell signal, I don't know what else to tell you.
It's OVER. Just sold ALL my LINK holdings. Normies are in
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck. Selling now. If its made its way to fagbook I want nothing to do with it
Go ahead sell. No one will care. Enjoy your whatever gains u made.
how do we terminate Donald Hughes
he's right you know
check holders list on etherscan
only autists know
what a retard
How do you know Donald Hughes isn't some nerd programmer Star Trek geek who plays video games all day? He's clearly done his research on Chainlink.
This is like selling your ETH at $40, or BTC at $1k
Are you guys literally retarded? More people buying link = value rising. Value rising = higher price to sell at.
itll pump one more time past $5 maybe $6 then itll dump into the trash
wait for one more level in the pyramid to construct, then exit.
these are the useful shill normies. they will shill to the greedy normies and we dump on them.
I don't want to be using a garbage coin that people on fagbook use. Would much rather stay in my current situation than have to use something fagbook users have
>adoption is bad
>I would rather stay poor and bitter than getting my feelings hurt
You sound exactly like a college millennial snowflake tranny
Fortunately this doesn't matter because the only thing attracts serious normie attention (and therefore major dumps) is price action, with the most recent pump now consolidating (likely correcting below 3 dollars followed by maybe weeks of sideways) the hype is already over and Mr Hughes call to action will fall on uninterested ears: blockchains, smart contracts, oracle's, and trustless data make normies limper than my drunk grandfather.
Just dumped my 80K. Thanks for the heads up.
>triggered neets getting out of Chainlink
Unironic buy signal. Soon all the autismal FUD and price suppression will end once neets sell because a normie bought in. Then adoption happens and normies and linkies will get rich while neets continue to seethe in poverty.
Me on the left
Wrong. I just don't want to be using a normie mainstream tracking coin now. It's clear fagbook users will fuck it up. I'm taking my 3K losses and getting out. Gonna get on something that fagbook users won't know about
>3k losses
Yeah just sell you fucking nulinker, fucking kek.
hey thats me
>3K losses on LINK
should we tell him he's.... the normie?
brilliant fud i must say
>no linker cope
omg yor so hipster mang how can we compete??????? teach us merre mainstreem mortals how to be as cool and obschure as you LoL xD xD
Ok sell idc
Yeah. this coming from a chainlink holder, Someone who is unironically holding a coin that fagbook users are using.
I'm the opposite of a normie, it's why I'm selling. Ill find a non fag coin to make gains on.
Sometimes you have to take losses to make money. Wouldn't expect a chainlink fagbook users to understand.
>That fucking attitude
Are you 16?
if you lost any money on LINK after 1 dollar. YOU are the normie. it's YOU BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
U sound like ur a copin normie
This attitude is what gets you ahead in life. I'm a lone wolf and I don't follow the sheep mentality like fagbook users. I brought Link at around 4 dollars or so and I sold at 3.60.
Sometimes you just have to take a loss. This coin isnt going anywhere cause of fagbook users so I'll move on to a superior one.
How the fuck did you LOSE money on chainlink? Oh wait....Normie confirmed
Kek I'm selling the second half of my stack fuck this. At first the team dumping, then normies shilling. It's the end times, I'm leaving with anthe easy 3x... probably top 10% of linkies desu, I had thousands in this
Okay I hope you are happy being a poorfag all alone. I've made over 350k profits on Link already. But oh no someone on facebook bought some Link better sell kek. Who gives a fuck. I literally only need a 3x from here to be a millionaire. I will gladly let some facebook sheepies in to pump my bags. But go hold some obscure lowcap shitcoin that no one even knows exists lol, I am sure you will do fine.
Honestly then. You are a weak minded sheep then. Link wont be going much higher. It's clear its a fake project now that fagbook has it.
What are you buying with your Link losses? I want to go make a facebook account, then buy some of your shitcoin too so I can turn it into a fake project.
Heh, I bought at 3.60. Thanks friend.
>sells at a loss
>tells other people what to do
no thanks
Literally just had a boomer ask me how to invest in LINK today. I sold everything immediately.
Keep being a sheeple. I moving probably to EVE or TRAC. Havent decided. Those are real coins. Unlike FAGLINK
>I'm taking my 3K losses and getting out.
You should just drop investing because there’s no fucking way you lost money with chainlink, let alone 3k
Obviously LINK will outperform in the long run
>two likes
This has to be b8
"In a crypto landscape that is rife with over-hyped under delivery project, Chainlink intentionally flies under the radar. This is by design and the project leads have all explicitly stated that this project is being built for large customers who require a clean, working product without social media buzz."
make a negative chainlink post on twitter with the $link cashtag and you'll have several low-iq foreigners responding to you within minutes. this shit has already hit the tipping point of weak hands that will sell this shit back into the ground.
>dem milkies on dat apex roastie
If this isn’t bait, holy fuck you are spare parts
Absolutely is. Why are you people responding. Dude is larping as nulinker
I dont even know what this means. So nice try
Nice, just made a facebook account and bought EVE and TRAC. I'm sorry but they are fake projects now fag. Just shilled them to all my facebook friends too.
you autists are unbearable
IT will leak sooner or later - to certain extents.
IT wont get to $1000 in one day to another while millions will get aware of it at once for the first time.
ITS a gradual process - spreads like a virus - awareness
imagine not wanting to profit because "Normies" are using the same coin
lmao, you guys are RETARDED
>normie retards with no idea what Chainlink is, is adoption