Where my fucking boys at? 24k can't FUD me

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460k V-ID here

maybe I market sell 50k for these basement dwellers here that hate V-ID so they can shut up and spend their effort on some vagina.

Will be the botom

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Jesus Christ I’ve only got 5K. You guys are investing way too much into this potential flop

Was 25K, now 31K after this dip! Hopefully price goes down to 10-20 cent range so I can double my stack

lmao larp

I went nearly all in! 200 VIDT. All this garbage FUD, fucking retards have no idea what they're missing out on.

223k here, ready to rocket

Comfy as fuck

3k stack here

A fucking vidlet only 400

Yeah...but have you seen the telegram group? Maximum cringe.

I'm worried about VIDT, there is 11m tokens to be dumped on the market from private investors and team, at this speed it will take years just to burn those, unless they sign numerous amspec sized companies it's not going to hard moon

>all in
>200 VIDT

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30k here, feels good being in the top 100

whats in it?

1K here only, but fuck those stupit ass fucks not on this comet :comet:

We right here dawg

Can’t wait to pump on these faggots

5k VIDT Sergeant over here

VIDT on boarded IPK today

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Look, since you spastics telegram moonboys cant shut the fuck up and make billions of threads on Jow Forums I'll throw you a fucking bone..
If you consider VIDT tokenomics, the pump at the end of last month and the dump that happens this month you will be okay, please consider the following :
1. Token buybacks will save you this month to keep the price afloat above a certain point
2. The jump in price means that there will be less token burned this month and the company will buy less back
3. if the price is low this month then there will be more tokens burned in the next month if you really do care about the tokenomics and did your own research you will understand the maximum play for profit with this company

Now will you stop shitting up Jow Forums and accumulate while the price is low you spastic moonboy fucks

increased my stack by 2k swinging vidt

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Are you new or something? This shit happens with literally every new coin

where do you check top 100?

I know, but these spastic moonboy fucks who did their own research and dont even understand the fucking play would just not stop shitting up Jow Forums with cringy memes and that fuckig ugly logo.
I dont even hold any VIDT and i understand what the play is once i look at the tokenomics, dumb fucking moonboys needs to fucking hang.

Etherscan. Plebbit and pajeets can btfo and panic sell. Smart money got in below .10c and is going to hold to 1$+ easily.

t. Top 50 holder

only $1?

what'd you class as a hard moon

$35 eoy

$35 verified

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Verified comment (With eye)

5k top 1000 wallet checking in
