Pi Network is the future

>Why yes, I do mine Pi Coins on my smartphone

Why aren't you like GigaChad, user? Just download Pi Network app from your app store (Iphone) or download their apk from the official website minepi.com

It's literally free money right now, we are still at 80k users and the coin drop will halve when we reach 100k, you should get started while is still soon

The coin is being predicted to reach at least 1$ when it goes to the market, are you seriously going to miss out on that opportunity like you missed out on Link and BTC?

You'll need a referral code to get in, so use mine, it's Dogz


See you on the moon, user! We will all make it

Attached: Pi chad.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

LEGIT CODE: minepicoin

I'm always online and mining 24/7, so you can count on me to keep your mining rate high.

Code: juniorj

It’s a scam but I like to see the numbers go up


Is it on binance?

What is the actual deal here?

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Hasn't launched on an exchange yet. It's free so hop on and maybe it'll be worth something once it does.

Code: deadember

whats the deal with the referral codes?

ok, thanks!

huh, its not on the store

is still on a very early stage, you use your smartphone to invite people to create a inside costumer base for the coin, right now we are just accumulating the coins but they predict that it will be listed by Q4 2019

You can read the white paper on minepi.com

you need to use a referral code to enter the mining circle and start mining

You require one to join right now in this early stage. All codes give a %25 mining increase. Nothing less nothing more. Don't fall for people claiming you'll get more with their code.

Code: deadember

Also you guys better jump on this while the airdrop is still live. 150 free and it's actually worth money right now.


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It's quite a interesting concept, they require NO PERMISSIONS when installing the app and frankly it can be worth something on the future

We got nothing to lose bros


its not on the google store

I jave no idea how to start on these things. I know nothing of coins and shit and am new to biz yet feel like I may be missing out on what could be the now btc

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Google is being faggots and they removed it to check if it's not malware

You can download the apk on minepi.com

Or you can download the app in the App Store if you have a iPhone

This just has to be data-mining right?

it isn't, they require no permission at all when installing the app

Thanks senpai, just used your code.

But how does this thing work?

Please use my reference code: wagie

Attached: hxozeyv9unp.jpg (1080x639, 107K)

Cool, I'll be joining

Code: KaiserHenrique

Attached: Summer_Laegjarn_Neutral.png (1600x1920, 282K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190703-220409.png (1080x1353, 218K)

>Is this a scam

use my referal

use code "teganmac" if you want to join the most powerful PI mining team in existence

If someone needs a code: 6283

Code: memes

>>minepi.com > download
>use code: bradfo
use code: bradfo
>use code: bradfo
use code: bradfo

Attached: 1562123004864.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

use code piardae I'm always mining

you go to minepi.com
you click download
you install it
it will ask for a referal code, check for any pi thread and you will see a wjole bumch of codes. mine is Bauhaussk. it's case sensitive.
and that's it.

Use code Windowcat
Nothing to lose frens

Use code TRXmooning pls frens. Mining circle needs 1 spot b4 the halvening.

How are you fucking chinks still posting this garbage? Didn't you guys get banned from Google play? Kill yourselves, no one is downloading your chink software. Go shill in China Jow Forums


I think you should use my code “lucky1”

Because I am the lucky1. Thanks