God, being a neet is so fucking boring. What do you guys do to pass the time besides looking at your portfolio?

God, being a neet is so fucking boring. What do you guys do to pass the time besides looking at your portfolio?

Attached: pepe is fucking dead.jpg (1024x892, 213K)

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Get a hobby yo, for me I draw and play piano, just find something you like a lil more than everything else and dump as much time into it as possible, become a master in your own right

>bjk/Muay Thai
>training for Ironman
>reading stuff I’m interested in
>studying some hard stem textbooks in interested in
>trade shitcoins and shitpost on biz
>gamble at the local casino
>lift constantly
>eat healthy
>take naps
>hit on thots
>play in a band with a few friends

Not only am I not bored, I’m afraid I’ll never be able to do 1/100 of the things I want to do

when its sunny outside go for a walk and slowly breathe in the fresh air and you'll feel great you'll bring oxygen to your brain and you'll get a ton of great ideas on how to make your life better then hopefully you go home, eat a nice meal, have a cold shower, jack off, and youll feel great. thats the ticket/admission price to having a nice day IMO. its all pretty simple stuff but all of it will raise your energy and your motivation.

and when you have energy and motivation you'll find ways to become not-neet or you'll simply enjoy your neet-titude that little bit more. even the boring shit you do will feel just a bit better.

Have sex

Flips phones, go skate around the city, cook, make music

exaclty this, im so cozy with good work outs and good healthy home cooked food,

Program and make money
O wait I'm not a pathetic NEET

How do you find a hobby that interests you? I’ve gone through so many phases of hobbies for a couple of months before I realize I’m forcing it to pass the time and don’t actually enjoy it

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

only boring people get bored, I'm a neet and my projects and self-education keep me very busy.

Based. I want to be like you when I make it. I'm already doing a lot of these.

>jerk off
>salve dick from jerking off too much

Buying more LINK

I am like 6 hours a day buying LINK

Because LINK will make me RICH

but you are doing is all solo while your friends wagecuck.

Also going to prob move to a foreign country soon and learn a new language, just to change it up.

If you are bored as a neet it probably means you have no life force and good for jack shit

The key is to never fap

It’s isolating and lonely. But I will take ten thousand years of isolation and rape over one day of wagecucking

There is nothing I value so highly as my freedom

Whenever you see, hear, taste, smell something that creates a big sense of appreciation, chances are you can become very passionate in it. A love for experiencing something can very easily become a love for doing it. But you've got to get over the hurdles of being bad at it initially.

For me to get over the hurdle it was about learning the love what I produced and appreciating that it just takes time to get GOOD. I didn't particularly like drawing or playing piano originally but once I got better I started to love it. You gotta learn to separate things that you actually don't like or that you don't like because you're not immediately good at it. A lot of people fail in this category because they confuse disinterest with lack of confidence in abilities.

If you enjoy seeing someone that's been executed very well. Chances are you'd love seeing yourself do it if it was of a similar quality. But you've got to put in the time to achieve said quality.

I worked, then workout, then went out on a walk with my roommate to locate an area to stealth plant some weed, now im on Jow Forums wondering why people are buying and not letting the price dip to 8k


Is not fapping not a meme? Lately I’ve been considered trying nofap because I have 0 life force

thats the whole point, life's not a movie man, most people don't find a passion that they do their entire life, you're supposed to learn new things do it until your bored then move on and maybe eventually go redo it and build back on top of it, read about Goethe

sleep by taking a bunch of NyQuil

Is that even worth the daily grind over years to reach your 10,000 hours to be competent at it. Only to find you don’t have the natural aptitude to be as talented as those original people who executed said skill/hobby/craft at a high level and inspired you.

>Being a neet is fucking boring
More like LIFE is fucking boring. I was not entertained any more when i was a wagecuck than when i was a NEET. Life just isn't that fucking exciting unless you're some normalfag filled to the top with dopamine. I get bored of most hobbies after a week. Friendships are meh. Life is a boring, monotonous joke

Attached: Whogivesafuck.png (632x570, 29K)

Very demoralizing though when you stop enjoying hobby and feel the time you spent was wasted, nothing of substance came out of it. at best you placated your boredom for a few months and now you re-roll the dice to see if he next thing you try of any interest to you

Speaking in a creative sense it's definitely worth it, sure the person who's been drawing for an extra 10 years will always be better than you in their work and expressing their visual self but you're better at expressing your own. Inspiration doesn't need to turn into comparison. I've seen people who have near to no creative ability go from stick figures to anatomically accurate masterpieces. Even if you're not as good as another artist so what, he's not as good as someone and so on.. There are a billion artists in the world but only one you, and that's where you'll shine. if you can embrace this you can become fantastic at self expression in many many mediums

It really helps.
Incredibly based. I've already done this. I live in Thailand. I have taught myself several languages too.

If you want to learn a language, torrent the pimsleur for that language and also torrent a bunch of tv/movies in tgat language and watch them with English subs on vlc at 70-90% speed
And do a few Duolingo lessons a day.

Do all that and you be fluent af soon enough.

spend time researching and practising survival skills. go to the gym or at least get some light work out gear and work out at least every other day. Go for long walks, preferrably in natural environments (forest, lake side, hiking area etc) . Learn to cook, if you can't, and even if you can get better at it. Cook your own food don't eat from your parents or at least cook for them.

All these skills will come in handy when this crypto freak show phases out and you fuckers swill have to live in the real world

NEETs fucking disgust me. Get a fucking job and stop leeching off your fucking parents. For christ sake, do you need someone to wipe your ass too? What are you going to do when your parents die? Level 100 autism.

learning to draw
practice mandarin
cook something difficult

being neet only sucks if youre barely scraping by

Very inspirational, you’re a good user.
How long did you find the initial hurdles to be in order to at least get past autism levels at your crafts?

Stay mad

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how is it time wasted when you learned a skill you can use later in life? I don't mean get into warhammer man i was talking about like playing a guitar or learning to cook well

How is learning to play guitar a skill you can use later in life? Besides your depreciating skill level over time once you stop practicing a lot, it’s not really used for anything except for passing the time. You can make your own song, or learn someone else’s but there’s not any value created besides averted boredom

For me I think it was around 3 years of drawing everyday before I got to the level of being able to create what I wanted and always being happy, but I'd say after around 6 months of drawing everyday I noticed big changes and you use these little nuggets of change as the self appreciation that drives you!

For piano I'm in the middle of theory but that's been on and off for 6 months, I find piano theory Woefully boring but it's a must if I want to me able to improv play.

Have you noticed that most people who learn an instrument just use it to brag or bring it up in conversation?
>Oh yeah I know guitar!
>[Can only play Wonderwall]
Why can't people just admit life is boring? People probably feel bad admitting they're bored because LIFE IS SUCH A WILD ADVENTURE BRO!!! Fucking normalfag shame anyone who isn't happy because something MUST be wrong with you. 2bh I hate normalfags

So you are a slave then.

so glad I'm not clueless anymore like you autist fucks. I've finally transitioned into normie status and life is better than it ever has been.

Do you mind me asking how old you are user?
I’ve never really stuck with a hobby for 6 months aside from lifting weights which might be the only reason I’m not depressed.

I don't tell anyone I play guitar and if they see it in my room I say I'm not very good but exploring the instrument and coming up with tunes really gives me some emotional relief and a little bit of a mental exercise
Life is boring because you make it boring, thats okay my dad told me some people flip burgers and some people rule the world
if the glove fits so to speak, also I didn't say anything about being happy life's not about being happy thats the mentality of a young white girl lmao

whats so bad about averting boredom? I'm so confused, thats what led us up to this point man because people were bored so they got up and did something, also how is making a tune not creating value, do you not enjoy hearing something pretty and seeing what you are capable of? thats so sad I pity you

Nothing is wrong with averting boredom until you’re doing it for the sole purpose of doing it. I might enjoy hearing myself creating a pleasant tune if my tunes didn’t sound like pure autism and needed another couple years of daily work to sound good

most fucking based

planning to help all my frens once the singularity happens

your kundalini energy stems from your root chakra which is where your strength comes from. nothing wrong with jerking off but try to avoid porn/ masturbating more than 2-3 times a week

>Life is boring because you make it boring,
This is just pure normalfag delusion

I get really high and play vidya. But I am a wagie on vacatie not a neet.

I mean he is kind of right. I have an amazing time just chilling in my hammock.

playing instruments is fantastic because once you have a handle on how certain pitch intervals feel you can convey emotion without saying anything. find more people that share the kind of music you like to play and try a band out, or play totally solo. do whatever you want with it the more you find what sounds and changes you like the more expressive your vocabulary gets and from that growing level of proficiency you can only want to find new ways to express yourself. some days practicing is a slog but on those days youre putting the cart in front of the horse. think of practicing as like an offering of time you're giving to benefit yourself and anyone who hears you.


Normalfags are easily entertained I guess...comes from having a small brain

My dream is to get rich enough that I can NEET the rest of my life. I will make it before I'm 30 or else I'll jump off of a fucking bridge (I'm 18).

lmao big brain over here gonna change the world thinking his way to a higher plane
like my dad said man some people flip burgers, burger flipper

My goal is to become supreme emperor of the galaxy but only using actions that are positive. No killing or anything like that allowed, just unicorns and rainbows. It's called a unicorn run and it's one of the hardest ways to beat the game.

i try practicing with different instruments, i like just fucking with them and by no means think im talented, gifted or whatever

but the other day someone close to me straight up said "you're bad at it" and i was surprised at how much it affected me.

people are shit and i hope you all get nuked fucking cunts

The fact that you feel like you have to larp like you're high IQ is pathetic.
You're miserable, vapid and pretentious.
We get it.


Don’t even need to make it for that; NEeT lifestyle is the cheapest, just live frugally and find a medium paying job

get a hobby m8. i train in weightlifting (snatch, clean and jerk). it's great, and takes at least two hours per session

What do you do with the rest of your free time? I also weightlift but it doesn’t take enough time. Still have 4 hours of free time a day where I just mechanically sit at my desk to play vidya and shitpost

This 10x. Boundless energy and gains await those who abstain from the old tug a rub.

You got me famalam. I will never recover. I am btfo forever and will now have to cry.

>The key is to never fap
my realization came upon this as well. fapping really makes you feel drowsy and demotivated throughout the day. start today, do not watch porn. do something else. turn off your computer, do something else.

I am 24 this year, 23 at the moment! It's never too late to dive into another skill or a different life attitude yo. Honestly if you can commit to lifting weights you can easily commit to something else. Just gotta transfer the mindstate you have towards lifting to other things

I used to play video games but nintendo shut down the wii servers, my laptop fan is dead, PS3 won't read discs and my degree is apparently so useless I can't get a high paying job so the money I COULD use to buy more vidya is being used for rent and emergencies and my shitty job is fucking with me constantly so I'm never sure if I'm gonna make more this month or break even and I'm tired of the cycle and want better which is why I blasted like a few thousand applications because a tiny bit of serotonin is giving me hope

Haha I’m younger than you so no worries about being too late.
I have trouble translating the mindstate over to other hobbies I picked up the passion by accident because I just wanted to be big and buff to solve all my problems. It also gets harder to start juggling 2+ activities that you have to do ~1 hr a day than just one. Maybe I’m just trying to rationalize my own complacency though.

don't let that get to you. people always have plenty of opinions but the most important opinion is yours and all that matters is if you like the sound you produce. they dont understand how much work you have to put in to be good or even decent at being a musician, especially if they're surrounded by listening to whatever popular music is around. if you like it, keep doing it. keep practicing and make what you play yours. find something you like the sound of, and see what notes you can add or remove to make it sound different/interesting. just dont give up.

Transferring passion is hard but once ya get over the first major hurdle and you get good at the new passion, the self appreciation will carry the rest.

It's all about time management ma man, I work full time and draw 5 webcomics a week (roughly 4 hours of drawing a night) 30 mins for piano - 30 mins exercise - 30 mins for shower / eating and then an hour for leisure. I used to do only 1-2 hours of productive stuff when I got home but as I made more of a scheduele I realised how much I liked being busy/

Ya just gotta push yourself beyond your own limits, find that limit and smash through it, again and again. Like in lifting.

Based user, thanks for the motivation. I’ll have to give it another serious try this time around

Have sex

You got this man, I believe in you!

Just bought a new PS4 vr game shit is cash

Ba da ba ba baaaaaah I'm lovin' snatch

>work on programming project
>play vidya
>read books
>go skateboard
>do drugs
>shitpost a lot anywhere I can i,e Jow Forums, discord, inifnitychan, irl

You guys realize you can wagecuck and play crypto right? The two are not mutually exclusive...

I bought math books.

Wage cuck cope lmao

I had no problem being a neet for 15 years. Lots of early day MMORPG's. I've played a life time of them. Good fucking times. Never once got bored, especially when I could power level people for $20 an hour. Now that is fucking neetbucks.

Whatever you want. The world is your oyster.

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make music

Hone skills that helps to generate passive income using the internet.

Porn, vidya, crypto, youtube, movies.

Attached: 2019-07-04.png (1280x720, 749K)

whats wrong with that? i also study for my EMT registry exam, and practice knots for my perspective career path

Like fucking what?
All of the good online money making markets are extremely over-saturated and also controlled by big name corporations that have infinite money to throw around and fuck you over with

Always kek at this pasta

Not even McDonald’s can afford advertising like this

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It's suspicious that alleged NEETs are always talking about how they're doing so many cool ultra mega badass things all at the same time

git gud you sissy

Video games and Jow Forums

unironically based

Part of the reason I am a wagecuck is because I got too bored of NEET life. Internally laughing at the normies I will one day ascend above is truly the highlight of my day

On the other hand, I have a full-time job and practically all I do is looking at my portfolio and browsing /biz

epic beans

>every NEET says porn, vidya, anime, drugs
>so badass so cool wew

Are you still here? Would love to know your daily routine as to how you make it a motivation. I'd like to copy it 1:1 as a start, except well, the full time job part. I'm currently learning guitar and it's going quite well. I'd like to know if anyone else is having a messed up schedule as mine.

>still needs that confidence boost
We aren't phased by insults because we have transcended. Enjoy work (programming?). I inherited market money. Nobody in family worked. Millions in my bank account. Transferred to the blockchain world and made huge gains. You're a fucking peon. Pay your taxes, wagie.

Checked. It may sound cliche and gay but you really need a balance of everything you do in life. Longing for something is just as important as getting it, be it food, or sex, or money, or rest ect. Eating once a day is what taught me this, I've been doing it for years now.

sure wagie

>the reason we live is to make money
kek you are destined to be a wagecuck for the rest of your life