How do I short white people in future lead Disney roles?
How do I short white people in future lead Disney roles?
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disgusting monkey
kek, will she be with a white prince?
>still being racist
you're not going to make it
dont belive she can swim
You have to go back.
Build a decentralized event betting platform (kinda like the decentralized assasination market but, you know, for good events)
I have no idea who Halle Bailey is but I'll say this: if this was prime Halle BERRY in the role, then I'd have no problem with it
>Halle Bailey
Even her name is a knock off
she is cute and looks like a fish
theatre has for years been about switching the race of the main characters as a pitch to remain relevant. who gives a fuck what disney does
Now THIS is a good-ass question
I can only think of 2 other instances where Disney had a black woman play a true 'princess' role....The Princess and the Frog, and the live-action 'black' version of Cinderella with Whitney Houston and the Moesha girl
And in both of those, the prince was some light-skinned racially-ambiguous guy
If they pull that shit again this time, I'm laughing my ass off
Money is neutral and doesnt give a shit about your woke virtues. A bad business choice will cost you no matter how many 'feels' it was based on.
The top half isn't supposed to look fish-like at all, user
lol niggers cants swim
name me 1 good olympic black swimmer
Enough with the racist bullcrap. She will make a beautiful Ariel.
black chick looks like an IRL anime girl IMO good casting
>still buying into diversity is strength meme after it is abundantly clear that trannies and niggers do nothing but leech
You will not be making it.
I know you are but what am iiiiiii
I can't speak for other anons but my problem with this is the lazy and pandering "let's make a black or female progressive version of this popular thing" behind it
Give me more Shafts, more John Hancocks, more Blades, more Statics. I'll give those a chance every time because they're original. I don't even care if the chatacters/storylines are technically ripoffs of white movies/characters, as long as the IP is something new
I said it before and I'll say it again: if the original Ghostbusters movies were never made and we still got that female Ghostbusters, the movie would've done better and been given more of a chance by people for at least being an original concept with female leads
Go back, smart money is moving into racism. We're due for a big correction in Anti racism. Enjoy being slaughtered.
Can't wait to see Ariel do that black woman hollering at the top of her lungs singing on a rock.
Anti-racism is at ATH. Make sure to short with 100x leverage but keep a tight stop loss Incase the clown world market pumps it just a bit more before the crash
Beware the poz protection team.
Just don't watch it? White people don't need Disney?
>just don’t watch movies
>just don’t listen to music
>just don’t watch tv
>just don’t play games
>just don’t go outside
>just don’t open your eyes
When its announced that taking reparations by force will be decriminalized
>just hand over your money, what's the problem?
Where can I short anti racism? Augur?
They found a sexy half Indian brit to play the arabic Jasmine, they really couldn't find a hot redhead for Ariel?
beautiful redhead