> Be black > Literally become a self made billionaire > Start off poor
This is Arthur Hayes.
> Be white > On average, have much higher income, and have benefits due to families owning homes > Still can't make it
Pathetic. Imagine being seen as high status just for being white, having higher net worth due to your parents enjoying home advantages and owning homes, and STILL being a NEET and never making it. Kek. Keep holding shitcoins like LINK and hold it while it crashes (while I sold at 4.50) lmao. Keep your pennies while we actually make businesses (I'm Indian and run a multi million dollar startup).
Even with a billion dollars he'll always be a nigger lmao.
Lucas Roberts
I'm not surprised that a negro would fall for the mark of the beast.
Jeremiah Bell
Was he the first to offer 100x leverage? Prime XBT and deribit do now and honestly its insane there hasn't been a 200x or 1000x exchange. did bitmex create xbt or was that kraken?