Business ideas thread GO!

Business ideas thread GO!

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Fuck bitches
Make money

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a shop staffed by expert security personnel, where you pay an entry fee but keep anything you manage to steal for free

those 2 things dont go together.

Who is their Internet service provider?

Start a cult, but a good cult, do good, take profit

Create a black and minority friendly erc20 token (that does nothing) and shill it til it 1000x then dump it on them

Dashcam with a snitch button to broadcast the last 60 seconds of footage to all police within a 5 mile radius

And sell only household appliances
We might be onto something here

Create a nigger repellant spray

had an idea on the toilet this morning for biotech companies/pharma companies they can have this one for free if they like.

a priobiotic mouthwash with some sort of proteins or compounds in it that can help reduce peoples cravings for things like alcohol, cigarettes, or junk food. something like that could change the overall health of millions or billions of people and it does seem like it could be possible but probably tricky to make. im sure someone can do it though.

and then you'd get addicted to the mouthwash.


>make some children with some poor girl
>wait until your children reach 7yo
>rent them to pedofriends for like $500 an hour
>rinse and repeat
Worked for Hillary (but she used other people's kids)

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App allows user to highlight a number of sections on an audio file and they no longer play when a
stream starts.
A selection to be skipped could be one of those detestable and useless
internet radio as well as youtubers insist on keeping (as if it's in any way needed or desired in a pull medium) or a particularly annoying
of an useless host.
>adds or whatever for profits

Selections to be skipped are made on an image showing the audio waves like an oscilloscope.

Another feature can be a tempo and pitch as well as a volume fixers, for when sound goes up and down and given us a heart attack or peoples voices suck but content is fine and you want to listen but cannot survive the Baseduzboys girllie cackles.

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Would join/10
Seems like a great sport

Cuba Sat telecom

Better than alcohol

A restaurant/bar with nightly food fights

Create a neck brace for Private Military Contractors which explode if the PMC turns against you the high net worth individuals.

An audio program that keep sounds leveled so i don't have to raise/low the volume every 10 seconds while watching movies

I would PAY for this shit

go into windows sound settings and enable sound equalisation. then lower volume or higher. its called an equalizer btw.

Do they have tasers?

>white people actually pay more to have nice places in areas that aren't suited for life

>paying extra for a quicker death

yup, white people

audio compressor

>Indian people pay extra to live to nicer railroad tracks to shit on

This bait is of excellent quality.

i want to open up an arcade bar with a music venue in the underground basement.

That was painful to read

Sheeeeit Tru dat

>food fights
pls neck yourself amerilard

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Tbh if you do this with water it works the same. You are merely translating over the craving. This is how I stopped cigs

I had a pretty sweet SAAS idea yesterday
tfw when I work at an already existing SAAS company and I'm just secretly absorbing all the knowledge until I can build this thing and quit my wageslave job

Police body cam, vehicle cams, and drone cams that are monitored by more than one civilian per feed essentially decentralizing the police force and allowing for safer, fairer encounters for all parties; this would probably phase out most police officers except for those truly exemplary ones. This would also allow people to police their own communities.

a hooters but for brappers

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I have an idea for a crypto that could literally be worth trillions that I’m working on right now.

Other than that I have a few pretty good ideas I’ll never use

- some ultraviolet sticker or spray you can put over windows so birds dont crash into them. Birds can see uv people can’t. You could even use sunscreen to do this, but I don’t know how long that would last

- seismic sensor attachment you can put on your shoes while hunting that connects with your phone and can determine if there is some animal nearby using the differing cadences of motion and possibly even triangulate its location.

A residence for neets in a rural place. You pay 500$ a month and have food, a bed, warm water and internet. You can do whatever you want in your free time but have to do something for the community two hours a day or one day of the week. Be it cleaning, cooking, doing work outside. There are rules to be followed. All members should be white or really IQ otherwise it won't work. Basically a modern monastery

indie game dev

this is just costco

[email protected]
I have a crypto idea too. lets discuss shit

All members should be white or really IQ
I agree. But if you are black your IQ must be at least 130

I am also working on a crypto idea, i'll email you

Also you have to socialize with the fellow neets in the residence at least during meals and try to be a good companion. And fatties don't get to eat until they lose weight

>And fatties don't get to eat until they lose weight

You can exchange linkies for pinkies/stinkies if u kno wut I meme

I have a catalogue of jews who can be your industry representative in whichever field you should choose.

Want to get a book approved by jew publishers? Use Ari Goldfarb

Want a research study published? Israel Einstein is your man.

Think you can sing? Well time to duet with Gershom Horowitz.

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neetgrinder inc.

neets in, cat food out

Other business idea.
A fasting clinic. All you need is a couple nurses and two mexicans changing towels. Running expenses are low since you don't need to feed your guests. This also should be in a rural area. Maybe do a bunch of workshops like yoga or fermented foods so people don't get bored to death and don't get obese again. Also get a sauna and that machine to do colonic cleanses. Extra revenue from before and after videos uploaded on YouTube

looks like one of the teenagers on the original teens react


a masturbation micro power plant device. attaches to your hand and leg

I have an idea for sharing ideas without anybody stealing them.

Independant shipping company. The company verifies what is in the package. Idea would be to partner with sites like ebay and cut out the "my package was empty" claims.

a mail proxy service. ie., a mail-forwarding service

only problem is everyone is going to use it for drugs so you'd have the police busting down your door daily

The thing about risk is what if it arrived broken? what if it was shipped broken and is economically infeasible to test? What if the buyer charges back? What if the buyer stole someones identity? Theres so much shit that can go wrong so you just eat the risk pretty much and only investigate when you can save money and charge high fees as insurance.

As was thinking of mainly focussing on antiques and antiquities. You're right about the broken part. Have the buyer send it back I suppose?

I tried this awhile ago but windows is so shit at it. The highest volume becomes too loud and lowest volume becomes too quiet, and it adjusts itself even if you change your volume so when you raise it, the quiet sounds sound good for a few minutes then become too quiet again.

I'm sure there's some software out there that lets you specify the minimum/maximum volume sounds can go to, but it's insane windows has such a shit solution. Guess it's not really surprising considering they still haven't got fucking file searching/indexing working properly in over a decade.

I make 10-15k+ per month running a Minecraft server.
During the summer and Christmas season I can make 20k+ per month.

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how does this work

What cloud provider/host do you use? Are you hausemaster?

>running a Minecraft server.
is this a thing?
how does it work?

I sell in game items and ranks to the players.

I use OVH they have really good ddos protection

I have players from the server do almost all of the work for free too in exchange for "staff" ranks.


APO equalizer + PEACE GUI

>- some ultraviolet sticker or spray you can put over windows so birds dont crash into them.
That's already in development.

Dynamic range compression (DRC) is what you're looking for. Most more advanced video players have it, like MPC.

Tinder, but for people that want to fight

I'll fight you right now IRL. A/S/L?

oh look it's another idea harvesting thread.. kys

Company that fires your preserved sperm into deep space

Animation inudstry?


I'm finishing up this robot as a prototype.
It has 2 camera's, 2x 4 core 1.4Ghz ARM cpu's and 2 gigs of ram.
The arms can lift about 500g (1lb) each at the end or 1kg (2lb) combined

I developed artificial automate it.
I'm mainly done with the vision, network, data and motion parts of the software.
I do this nolifing in c++

I'm actually looking for investors to cover expenses for production and development of next level humanoids.

If you wish to talk, e-mail me at my spam mail: [email protected]

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I can visually send what happens internally in my vision processing algorithm.

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fix rekt cars from copart and sell them


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dude, sick work

you fucking fool

you want to give them an exact DNA of our race? You know what they'll do with that? They'll fucking create humans on their homeworld to use as slaves and as research experiments

They will learn all of our weaknesses, all of humanities quirks, our vulnerabilities and tendencies, and then they'll use that information to decimate earths populace

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I wish I did something with my life to do cool shit like this
feels fucking bad tbdesu

It's never too late.
Learn to code is unironically the best punch to get.
Learning to code is like learning to manipulate your surroundings, what you see in avatar with bending of the elements is truly possible.
I study chemistry also and am set out to master our physics engine.

having the option to micropay with bitcoin on Jow Forums to write the words nigger or jew with golden letters

I understand coding and am sure I could learn any language given time or with the documentation at hand. I did some stuff just for fun, made a bot that can play the stupid google dino game for example (followed a tutorial but his bot was shit mine was way better kek) but nothing like this. that is truly amazing.

Just don't see any point more to anything fren just lost all my life savings because my business went bankrupt. now I am a 30 year old boomer with no education and no money. will probably end it sooner or later.

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Make a plan, Louis Rossmann is a première example.
Dude didn't finish college or hated his degree either one.
Got his ass kicked multiple time, wagecucked inbetween, and the last time he came home to sit on his couch he thought to himself.. Now what?

Just by chilling he, I, and certainly you, will find out what drives us and what we're good at.

Don't see this as a misfortune, see this as an oportunity.

thank you for your kind words based fren.

I would like to help people... and make this hellhole a more acceptable place to life. thats why my business went bankrupt to because I was/am to "nice" for this world and certainly to run a business in this cutthroat environment. wanted to pay my people fair and not have horrendous prices for my customers... got screwed over, stolen, cheated, lied to on a daily basis but wanted to treat those people with compassion.

Wanted to provide a nice workplace where everyone could enjoy his work but at the end there was no more revenue over. My people still work for me tho (technically business is still going we are just way way way past the point of no return) and they know it but they still stick around and do overtime for free and stuff. But it's orge soon.

Maybe once everything is settled down I can get a clear head again and think about what the future might bring. at this point in time I only see black tho...

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A wolf looks for easy pray, instead of nice try serious.
Beïng serious won't make you a dick, but it will demand respect and people will be nice to people they respect.

this is cultured and brilliant, inspired and redpilled

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I feel you buddy. If I can give you any advice it would be to buy a shitty $80 guitar and learn some songs.

respect was not the problem, my employees respect/like me very much. problem is cashflow. mostly because the margins in my field are razor thin and usually employees get paid shit in this field (food) and thats where all the money is made (cutting labor cost as much as you can). just wanted to pay a little more but it's simply not possible... and I refuse to pay my people minimum wage to make profit for myself.

but I am done crying now... thanks again for the kind words and the chat. I will try to remember your words
>Don't see this as a misfortune, see this as an oportunity.

but it's going to be fucking rough next few months/years. dont even want to think about it :(

kek maybe I'll do that, at least I will be able to make some bucks once I land under the bridge

Nice concrete prison

Thomas !? what the fuck are you doing on Jow Forums !!?
I'll tell your mom about it !

i.e. I thought about the possibility of a clairvoyant bot, that does cold-reading.
I really think this could catch on, especially if you have a lot of data about deceased loved ones browsing history and past internet presence in general.

It's not the point of money but it helps with a feeling of progress, it's pretty easy to learn really you just look up tabs and maybe some youtube videos. I learned hey joe last night minus the solo, feels good, girls also will think you're sexy. You have no idea how much poon you can get from just learning this song its super duper easy

if you have a large enough text sample, you could "recreate" the person. Furthermore, you could also deduce their personality.

spun the wheel and won some free btc at, I don’t get how this was a good business idea though? Fucking kek, thanks for the bitcoin.


this is actually a good idea. Alil difficult on the technical side and would require some kind of established user-base to really work well. A way better idea than fucking probiotic mouthwash

fucking stupid. mouthwash is anti bacterial how do you expect to make something that kills bacteria and helps grow them
