Link - Google LLC

g... guys, is this bullish?

Attached: Google LLC.png (1223x868, 132K)

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No. Delete this

Couldn't be more bearish desu

Sergey Nazarov is a common name in Russia. Like John Smith in the US

>John Smith
I've never met a john smith in my life

Not him, wrong sergey meme died 1.5 years ago. It's the end times, how long until we finally go 3 digits? Fuck this place. Sage

Try leaving your mum's basement every once in a while

>thinking we would've missed this
not the same Sergey Nazarov.

g... guys, is this bullish?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-04 at 16.53.34.png (1582x946, 143K)


g... guys, is this bullish?

So this is how he crushed Morpheus and the other oracle projects..

> 2018

this has been posted many times before. It's a different sergey nazarov that actually works for google

Side note, does anyone know Sergey's age? I tried looking it up before, but all I found was stuff like this

he's also an actor... literally all in right now.

Attached: ACTOR.png (836x642, 430K)

fucking new fag. this has been discussed hundreds of times. gtfo

Attached: 31.png (1562x556, 242K)


Attached: tKmBFpn_d.jpg (640x358, 21K)

checked, good find
kek, couch surfer? if only we could go back in time and sleep on his couch for a few days.. offer him some stolichnaya, pick his brain.. maybe even fuck? a neet can dream

Is Sergey a US citizen? When did he come to the US? It's funny how little we know about his background, adds to his mystique in a way
Does anyone have the "child friendly" pic saved?

Attached: 1559117127328.jpg (1016x795, 66K)

Attached: 65543543.png (480x623, 585K)

Clean overhand right, shoulder protecting own chin and fist torqued all the way. Def an MMA fighter.

Attached: 103279F1-919E-4C80-9123-3301054032A6.gif (364x200, 3.09M)

Wrong Sergey Nazarov - sorry guys - larp busted

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-04 at 18.07.49.png (1416x384, 129K)