Have Sex Incel

I know it's a meme, but having regular sex is actually pretty damn important for your overall mental well being and being able to make sound decisions in all aspects of life including financial, investments etc. If you are a sex starved incel, you aren't going to have the same mental clarity that a chad does. This is facts. So, all memes aside, have sex, incels.

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thanks fren

I moved into a dorm about a month ago and one of the girls is clearly into me. I'm into her too but I don't know if it's a good idea to pursue. She's been living her for a year and people would obviously take her side if things don't go well. Also, it feels like a don't shit where you eat situation. It seems like the best move for me is to try and get a fwb situation but i'm not entirely sure. what do you think bros?

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I have an 8 pack, a nice crypto stack, medfag sales job $$$ abd plenty of other good things going for me, but still hate myself too much to approach women or ask for anything. 34 in a few months and still haven’t been on a date or felt a boob. Oh well, at the very least I don’t get bitter or hateful about it. It’s nobody else’s fault I’m depressed and lack confidence.

go for it. In college i had a girl in my dorm that was obsessed with me. She would just walk in my room and lay on my bed. I had sex every single day back then. Enjoy it while it lasts, I haven't had non-prostitute sex in 3 years

I know that feel actually. I'm 32. You aren't alone fren.

what is your insecurity? is it your face or autism? If it's looks, then i would rec getting plastic surgery considering you have money, it's worth it.

I have an immensely strong imagination and basically everytime I jerk off it's the same exact sensation for me as having sex so joke's on you my dear mental midget imagination lacking friend

No matter how hard I try I still can't break my pushy and avoidant body language when speaking to women. I wish I could get my mind to stop screaming 'get the hell away from me' because it translates into all my words and actions.

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I'd go crazy if I didn't cum in my wife at least three times a week. Fapping doesn't compare.

When I was a virgin I always fantasized too much about sex, thinking it would be the greatest thing in the world.

When I finally had my first time I was pretty disappointed.

Sex is good, but extremely overrated. If your not happy without sex, sex won't make you happy. Happiness is much more complex than that.

Even if you have a strong imagination, that's still incel cope.

Just starting trying for a baby.

Two things -

>The condom Jew makes sex feel like shit
>Having sex every day for a week sucks

Jokes on you faggot, I never had sex so I'm not starved for it, keep coping about the fact that you are a sex addict lmao

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Married for 16 years. I'm basically celibate. You just stop thinking/caring about sex after awhile.

If you weren't Chad while growing up, if you didn't experience that positive feedback loop during your formative years, your life is basically over. You will spend the rest of your life chasing the dragon, or feeling like your relationship with women was never quite what it should have been, even if you do end up having an ostensibly successful sex life.
>t. couple years younger than you, ~80 notches (mostly thanks to Tinder), sex on average once a week for at least 10 years, still feel like an incel who might never get laid again.

Untreated dysthymia, severe ADHD and probably somewhere on the spectrum, albeit mildly. I’ve had a dozen or so overt opportunities with the last one being this wavy, blonde haired, cross fit chick with a little hard body that suggested we go on a date (wish I was larping, senpai). I ant get out of my head long enough to feel good a out myself and am not happy. The best I do is just maintain and try not to sink most days.

Damn dude. That's pretty sad. Why is that? Did you get fat and ugly? No time? Both?

You’re right. After being told I wouldn’t amount to anything, brushed off by my folks, teachers, peer groups, I developed a reserved, defensive attitude. That’s improved by leaps and bounds with the sales job to the point where I can blend it within normies while asking for/closing deals, but it stops there. I wonder how how I made it with my body, education and career gains sometimes, when other dimensions of life are non-existent.

Fucking the same woman sucks but not fucking sucks even more. The most important part in sex is having an emotional connection, otherwise it feels the same as fapping.

>your life is basically over
God, you people are just bad as incels
You don't have to constantly be having sex just to be a well-adjusted person

I am almost 24 and have had sex with 5 different girls in my life, 3 of which were long term girlfriends. That's all I'm good for. Just being the beta provider for a few years until we both get bored and break it off and she goes and fucks around single while I stay at my house with no outside social life and no friends like a fucking loser. I really want to have sex with a lot of different women but I just can't in the hyper competitive atmosphere of night life. I am such a social misfit. I'm not even bad looking, it's just my horrible social skills. I want to kill myself. I've wanted to kill myself every single day since I was in my early teens. I've always been like this. My 13 year old cousin hanged himself two years ago and I don't even have the balls to do anything like that. All I could do is get in a car and suffocate painlessly. I have no close and long term friends and it's so hard to watch all these people my age live their lives so fully while I lack interaction. My life is such a waste. My parents have given me everything and I've squandered it. I don't do drugs or drink or smoke, but I'm approaching the end of my training and I don't know a thing. My brain doesn't work right, no matter how hard I try at it I can never link subjects together or get the clinical information out of the patients in the right order or in a time efficient way. I have nothing going for me and I have no one to blame but myself. I want to fit in so badly and I know that I can't. I am such a pussy I can't even end myself in a car. I just want some disease to do it for me.

You don't understand what poverty can do to someone, particularly during their formative years (those years that will largely define the person you will become). We tend to think of poverty in material terms, but it can be a serious deficiency of anything that is needed or wanted.

Poverty, like illness, is a great humbler in many cases. In some it can cause paralyzing frugality - an inability to enjoy anything for fear it will be lost again. In others, it creates this never-ending appetite that cannot be sated even when full.

>I wonder how how I made it with my body, education and career gains sometimes

Overcompensation. Exactly like me, in fact.

>I have an 8 pack
>never felt a boob
Post body and face bitch. Let me laugh at your "8 pack"

pic related
>it's you

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Ask nicely and quit being a douche about it, I might oblige.

I agree but the problem is sex has not been fun for me in the past because I have an ugly body and cum too fast. So I always feel like I am a let down to the women. I know I shouldn't care but I care too much. To the point now where I don't pursue women anymore.

Damn this is correct. This is how I feel.

lmao ok let me tip my fedora while I'm at it
cope harder

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>that filename
nice try retard
cope harder

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I don't care about sex enough to pay for it

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Im Phone posting, bitch. It’s me, and you just Freudian slipped by implying it wasn’t because you think it’s a respectable physique. Sorry you’re having an episode of cognitive dissonance on this one.I’d stay and argue, but I have to return some videotapes. Good day to you, sir.

Crypto ruined my sex life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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