Biz was right with LINK - now its time for EVE Link made a new wave of NEETs but all white males We can now as a group move on to the next revolution of SJW and ethereum We dont need to pretend who we are anymore.
EVE is without a doubt that Non-binary Revolution. It will enable ethereum to connect to the real world and verify virtually anything. Without Devery Ethereum has no future, without rainbow flag America is lost. My babes are already making marking dapps on Devery so we can track new rainbow flags in our neighbourhood
Heads up if they include the fucking ticker abbreviation in the title they are brown and they smell like shit
Elijah Richardson
this shilling is getting v interesting sir
where do i envist?
Aaron Edwards
you can only invest if you are not white male or pajeet scum
Juan Bennett
i live in a trash can am i legibile to invest?
Zachary Jenkins
what convinces these NPC drones to "transition"? like there's no way your life is better LARPing as a blue-haired feminist with balding hair and a build like that. no wonder they all sudoku.
these people are genetically programmed to be the sheep and followers. in a healthy society, this would be good and a force for stability. in our society, they hear messages of hatred toward men from our "leaders" and react accordingly.
Carter Rivera
WE can be programmed but at least WE sold LINK at TOP whos laughing now pajeet?
Ryder Kelly
based linkie MM moving on to a new shitcoin w/ low volume?
>Partnerships with Hedera Hashgraph, Microsoft, Alibaba Cloud, Azure >Open source product already working >10x cheaper CDN provider than Akamai, 5x cheaper than Amazon cloudfront >Solving huge problem literally everyone is aware and annoyed of after cloudflare fucked up 3 TIMES STRAIGHT within 2 weeks period >IEO for korea market closed in seconds, oversubscribed
Imagine you keep watching this from the side lines as it creeps higher and higher.... ohh the volume is less than 1K it’s a scam.... keeps going up 2kvits... ahhh but the volume is only 2k must be scam.... lolol now today 3kvits volume at 6 k.... plebbiter gets that bad feeling that he’s missed again... lucky he hasn’t and it’s not to late to get in