All my friends are having fucking kids right now. Literally 4 of them popped out babies this year.
I had my first at age 23 before my divorce and only have 12-13 more years of child support left until I'm free. I got a vasectomy at age 25. I feel like it was the best financial decision of my life. I'm now 29 and have a net worth of +29k (all assets-all liabilities) with a comfy engineering job.
I feel like I have a chance of making it by age 40. Got a 60k crypto stack, a decent house on a mortgage and only 30k student loans).
I got all the mistakes out of the way when I was in my 20's (marriage, divorce, kids) and now my life is finally starting. I will never again fall for the marriage and kids meme and am sad to see my friends following the route I did that will inevitably lead to an expensive divorce later in life.
You’re a fucking joke. You have a kid, yet you can’t wait to not have to think about him/her?
Tyler Brooks
When the fuck did Jow Forums turn into R9K, there has been a slow creep of these fucking threads if you're going to make an attention whore thread at least make a general
jesus christ how do I short your life OP
Dominic Nguyen
Jesus christ, you sound like a complete sociopathic asshole. Is that what you see your kid as? a financial burden?
Noah Rivera
obvious larp
Jeremiah Ross
Dad? Is that you?
Cooper Sullivan
this. OP is a nigger
Christian Perry
>the face of your friends when they have a loving and supportive family that lasts for the rest of their lives.
No, I cant wait to stop paying the absurd child support, dipshit. I see and love my kid all the time, I just dont want to bring more financial burdens into this world or get married to another financial burden
Lincoln Hughes
Marriage is a meme dipshit. Tell me one good reason for a man to get married without resorting to disney fairy tale shit
Grayson Reyes
This board is usually one word shitpost threads that don't last for very long, these threads are nice because there's actual discussion.
Jordan Brown
Did you reply to the wrong post or do you not have any reading comprehension?
Yea I guess but I like to give people like OP shit about it anyway
So you see kids as a financial burden, and not literally half yous. You must be poor :(. So you love the kid but don’t like paying for her. Is she also your second cousin?
Cameron Russell
Still waiting user. Op is right. Marriage is a meme and by that extension kids are too unless you do it right
Nathan Robinson
Have fun "making it" by dying alone with no one to give a shit about you. You certainly have life figured out.
Nathan Perez
Lel falling for that myth. Statistically ur likely to die abandoned with strangers in a nursing home, or in your sleep
Evan Barnes
I never said it wasn't, did you read anything I said? I'm telling OP to take his stupid fucking "muh wife and kids feels" thread to R9K or /b/ where it belongs, I never said I disagreed.
Christopher Gray
Clearly you don’t have kids so you don’t understand.
I get the OP, for me only a bit over 7 years left of child support
Can not wait to stop paying $1000+ per month. It does not cost that much to bring up a kid in post tax income, especially when the mother is meant to also contribute
Leo Cox
Mason Richardson
Correct, I pay $1500 a month in child support for one kid, while my ex wife vacations constantly
Gavin Myers
so was the sex worth it?
Owen Bennett
God no, I've fucked amazing, beautiful women since my divorce. I have no idea why I thought marrying an overweight roastie was a good idea.
Eli Jones
I'm 27 and have never been married or had any kids. I'm so lonely.
I’m 38, never married. Retired at 36 to be a peasant-tier NEET. It’s so comfy hearing married guys envy my lifestyle. Like, imagine making a decision that everyone tells you is wrong, but you know you are right and it all works out. Anyway, hang in there OP.
You’re not missing anything. Statistically speaking , you have an extremely high chance of the marriage ending in divorce which will financially ruin you unless your wife earns more or has more money than you.
Marriage is a meme made for people “to feel secure”
Don’t even get me started on kids, unless you know you 100% want them and the life commitment that comes with it, don’t have any.
I have one and that’s it for me, still haven’t gotten around to getting the vasectomy yet but I constantly worry about walking around with a loaded gun in my pants
Zachary Reed
Kids are an investment. If you are not retarded and know what your doing (+ some luck) all your sacrifices are going to pay well.
Thomas Russell
>he thinks money is all there is to life
Jack Allen
The best question I’d ask myself whether I truly want kids is, “would I still want a kid if I knew he was going to be autistic?” Because that’s a real question to ask yourself. Look at all the shows with drug addled adult children and teen mothers - would you still love them?
Jonathan Harris
because if you marry a high achieving woman it's an over all increase of assets and if she's too focused on her career she won't be fucking other dudes
t. guy that bought a commercial property in a major city and now prints money and can retire by 40 thanks to my hard work & wifes
Bentley Hernandez
Ethan Perry
>All my friends are having fucking kids right now. Literally 4 of them popped out babies this year. Massive whitepill. I live in MA and all the women are "career women" still at 30 or they're trying to have kids and can't.