I lost $400k.
I have $300.00 to start over. Should I an hero?
I lost $400k
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What did you do, mang? Gambling addiction?
Cost of one super car, 400k.
Cost of your health and chance to walk this earth, priceless.
just buy $LINK$ and chill
Margin trading. It all happened so fast.
>Gambling addiction?
$300 in link could be worth over $400 eoy.
Get your addiction under control
or go to the casino
so your life is worth less than a mere 400 thousand jew dollars? I can see if you lost millions, but $400k? You must not think highly of yourself to start with. As a matter of fact, your low self esteem and is a detriment to the environment you live in. Go ahead and off yourself betacuck. Goodluck in hell loser
he meant how will you an hero
The first part was actually inspiring.
My uncle passed away but his life insurance was $1.5mil. Apparently you CAN put a price on somebody.
>goto honkhonkler.com
>bet it all on high/low
>roll 777
>become richfag again
>marry qt plump bbw asian waifu
>live happily ever after
You already know you can make $400k, just do it again.
I have high self-steem. But how do you even recover from this?
I haven't decided yet. If this was a few years ago, I would've already done it, but I came such a long way and things got so much better. There are things that I would miss now.
He probs had a big dick, your life insurance would be $1600.
Did was before quiting my wageslave job and burning a few bridges.
>400k on margin trading
No way
Ok. Let's examine how this happened. You went to the "Casino" with all your money didn't you? Well there is only one rule of gambling or investing.
NEVER PUT ALL YOUR MONEY ON THE TABLE. You should have had 65% of that in a Mutual fund.
what was your margin?
were you all in one trade?
if you are going to make a thread, answer the fucking questions
I’ve read so many margin horror stories I don’t even touch it.
With margin moves against you have a higher multiplier effect than moves in your favor.
This means you’d have to have very high predictive abilities.
People over leverage and get liquidated.
OP, you sound resilient. You’ll bounce back.
why would you margin trade 400k retard
>margin trading $400K when you could have bought a 100K link stack at current prices and became a god in two years.
There is no hope for you, stick to ETFs and bonds unironically
Where there's a will there's a way.
>if you are going to make a thread, answer the fucking questions
I'm answering.
It happened over time. I didn't loose it all at once.
Lemme guess, it’s that gambling trap where once you lose a little bit of money, you double up the risk to try to earn it back.
I can make good money if I don't overtrade. But I tend to loose my grip.
You aren't a newfag I can tell so why aren't you all in on link? Impatience?
I hope so. But I fucked up my life. I have no idea what to do next.
Pretty much. But I would start to recover and then couldn't help overleveragin myself again.
Because I wanted to make money on the short term.
You can't even spell lose correctly, so doesn't surprise me you were foolish enough to throw away 400k. With 400k you could easily get around 2k a month in passive income from investments for the rest of your life.
>OP, you sound resilient. You’ll bounce back.
Thanks man. I'm happy that gets across, even through Jow Forums.
How were you able to lose money in such a stupidly impulsive fashion, but you were able to earn a spectacular amount of wealth to begin with?
>How were you able to lose money in such a stupidly impulsive fashion, but you were able to earn a spectacular amount of wealth to begin with?
Idk. I guess the spread between my strengths and weaknesses is wider than usual.
400K and you weren't content to the point you felt you needed to risk it all? Something else is going on. Fix the underlying problem.
Don't become a statistic user, I believe in you. Wrangle your gambling addiction and go all in on link it's really your only way to bounce back. I'm guessing you have a pretty good job or you've been saving for a long time to get so much money.
At the very least get your 10K stack and hide it away somewhere not easily accessible
Don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happened.
Seriously though, my life has been a lot worse. Suicide is for cowards, faggots and trannies.
Maybe you just learned a lesson that will make you millions and you didn't realize it yet. Or maybe this needed to happen for some other reason.
Get a rosary and start praying. It will improve your lofe I promise.
It takes intelligence, determination and discipline to earn that kind of money so it baffles me how you can squander it away so quickly with these character traits. But since you have it in you to earn that much what the other guy says is true, you’ll earn it back and you’re resilient. Those character traits are still in you. Still lmaoing at your epic loss tho it doesn’t make any sense
Use your $300 to buy some bottom shelf vodka at $14 per handle. Sell all of your possessions to fuel your new drinking habit. By the time you are forced out of your home, you will be so drunk that you won't mind living under the highway giving out cheap handjobs for your next fix. In the winter you will freeze to death.
This sounds like Cinderella in reverse
I was in OP's position with about $300k. The problem is that it's not enough to retire, so it doesn't feel good at all. It feels fucking futile to work for a salary at that point but you know that if you "retire early" you could be dead broke in 20 years and fucked. It sucks.
You are right on the money.
I'm alreading fixing the underlying problem and made huge improvements, but by then I had already lost most of it.
I wish. I was making decent money investing, before I started margin trading, so I quit my job a few years ago.
Now, I don't know... I'm hoping for a miracle.
I do pray. I hope you are right. Quite honestly, I think my faith is the main reason why I won't an hero.
Thanks mate
Are you Catholic?
holo, you will have 300 grand again soon
Damn user that sucks. How did you do that?
Here is a freebie moonshot for you. Get some FLETA and get ready for binance listing.
holy shit... all anons take this as a lesson: when you have large amounts of money, never go more than 5% in a trade. If you lose, don't FOMO in other trades trying to recover. Instead, go through what you did wrong in the trade, study the details you missed, and then you make another go at it. There will ALWAYS be trading opportunities
How the fuck you people manage to even have these sums of money in the 1st place amazes me
user, if you have the skills to make $400k trading in the first place, you can certainly bounce back. You need to be centered to trade though, so take some time off to work on your gambling addiction and grind some wage slavery. I would recommend fanatical amounts of exercise and daily meditation. And never revenge trade, if you lose 50% of your portfolio in one year you should immediately take the rest off to clear your head. Read market wizards.
Well then you already have all the riches.
Don't worry fren. You have the love of the Lord Jesus and Mother Mary the Queen of Heaven and and Saint Michael and all the Saints.
You have nothing to worry about brother.
This world is fake and gay, you only have so much time here anyway.
You will be in paradise as long as you stay in a state of grace.
If you an hero, you'll go to hell...not worth it.
Thanks. That's good advice. I'll certainly follow.
I know. Sometimes I forget that. At least this serves as a good reminder.