Just buy my first offline wallet, hope you retards aren't storing your coins on an exchange!
Just buy my first offline wallet, hope you retards aren't storing your coins on an exchange!
I told a friend of mine last year who bought $500 worth of link (1k suicide stack) to buy a ledger knowing full well it wouldn’t be worth it since that would cost like 20% of what she spent on link anyways. Maybe I was wrong.
Youre never going to make it. You couldve bought more link instead, enjoy being a nigger faggot
i unironically hold all my link on binance
>DSC camera tag in filename
>this might be real
audibly kek'd
OP have you transferred your coins to your new wallet yet?
>buy offline wallet
>what is literally paper
>calls others retarded
Retard here, I'm guessing there's enough info here to steal his shit or something?
>being this retarded
i want to withdraw all my link from bisexual finance but I'm scared of not being able to acces the wallet later
>pin code
Nice larp retard, everyone knows a ledger needs an 8 digit pin
Probably fake i don't use a ledger so idk.
hardware Wallets don't come with pins/seed codes you make the pin and the seed phrase is generated randomly on the spot. If you had a ledger you would be able to access the wallet.
Correct on both counts
lmfao he fell for it
The recovery phrase and pin code, yes. It's the equivalent of giving away your security questions for your bank account. But much worse. Crypto wallets aren't backed by any central bank or government, so there's no "customer support" if your shit gets jacked.
lol wtf? hopefuly that is not your real recovery phrase.
That's weird, why does OP's not seem to have a price locking button on it? Did leger stop adding that functionality?
this cost me nothing and is more secure more redundant than any gadget can be.
my sides are already in fucking orbit man come on
Why doesn't Jow Forums let me delete my post??
That's the thing that's good about hardware wallets, Even if you lose the device you still have the seed words and pass code you can buy another one and still access your funds.
Because you have to dilate, silly user.
my house burning down will destroy the 100000 digital copies and multiple physical ones at multiple locations?
I refuse to believe someone is this retarded, I'm not even gonna try to steal your money
I’ve tried. It’s fake.
Thanks for the coins user
fuck you i logged onto it and there wasn't shit just 500 wallets
Can't tell if bait or if you really don't know that you can have less than 8 digit pin on a ledger...
this can't be real
Nope just rich iotafag with a brain to scan all possible wallets
Nice blog post
prove it faggot post the transaction
Enjoy having all your funds stolen. You know Ledger keeps a log of every private key on every wallet right? Fucking idiots.
I use exodus software wallet. I think its just as good and it doesn't cost anything. I think only retards spend money on a wallet.
Literally made up FUD.
Prove it faggot or kys
It feels so cyberpunk tho
>I think only retards spend money on a wallet.
Unless you created that wallet in an airgapped computer, then there's a security risk since your computer was connected to the internet when the wallet was created. Hardware wallets never let computers see the seed phrase so even if your computer was compromised, your wallet wouldn't be.
Rule of thumb user, if people are spending money on something, especially in a niche and complex area such as this, there's a good reason why.