Is it too late to accumulate chainlink? I can get 200 next week at current prices, but who knows what’ll happen

Is it too late to accumulate chainlink? I can get 200 next week at current prices, but who knows what’ll happen

I also get my financial aid pretty soon. I missed the BTC hike soo I’m wondering if I should go all in and get a sui stack of 1,000.

I’m at >100 linkies right now. I know i won’t have enough to make it, but enough to be $50-100k in 2 years would be ideal

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Fuck off


chainlink already mooned, you are a follower, not a leader. You won't invest in something until other people got rich off of it? its too late you are deluded.

sweet vishnu, do the needful and post the toilet photos

Hmm why do you want a picture of my toilet

I’m bored so I’ll do it.. but why lol

You missed the Link Train
I would suggest geting on QNT,
Will be used by 500+ Banks
Still undervalued, barely on any exchanges yet.

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by toilet he means your ass

>hairy man legs
>le 56% skin tone
nice tuck, tranny. And that's not the right picture. You know the rules.

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By ass he means your butt

Yes sweet one, please post your toilet

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25k wall just got eaten up youre too late

My toilet sir

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Buy harmony one, sit back and wait

we are accumulating RLC now, link isn't the only oracle

Summer is here

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keked and checked, may your linkies stay ever stinky, sir.

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LINK and BTC are all going to surge soon. LINK has some announcements in August and BTC is looking at 100k moons in 2020 after the halving.

Not a tranny

Thank you. I’ll do the research ofc but I’ll grab some

He meant your ass

Put this thread in it

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Is LINK going to halve? Tbh I’m pulling out of BTC, once the majorly can’t afford it no one will buy it and Coinbase has shitty fees

Shave your legs then, disgusting hole. And yes, buy LINK right now, while you can. Unironically buy high sell low.

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Underrated af

Well why didn’t he say that then

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No, LINK isn't mine-able like BTC is. All the available LINK is already out there. The whole point to the BTC halving is basic supply and demand, but if you're out of BTC Ripple is best option if you still want a safer investment desu

lmao your literally a guy.

I did that with XRP lost about 1k. Never again
I’m legit going to do a sui stack and hold it for 2 years. I’m nervous, but excited. I really hope it moons

>announcing announcements

That's a dudes ass

LINK isn't mined, so halving isn't necessary. Scarcity comes from supply being locked in staking nodes.

Show nigger boobies.
And yes. Go all in chainlink and hold for a few years time, you will be rich.

show vagin

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Nice man ass. Would colonize/10

OP needs to show bobs and/or vagene to confirm womyn

I have 200 ripple. The team behind it sucks but it is a solid investment for 3-5 years. I was thinking of grabbing 500 more for giggles but I’m not confident in the team desu

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Based femanon

Don't bother. Get in some low-caps like PNK and hold.

disgusting nigger subhuman kys

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Here is the reason you will never be happy

Find happiness

Find a man

You live a sad life

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based bobs, based dubs.

okay now show us your asshole and the blockchain gods will bless you with sick gains

Are you a stripper? I think I know you.

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Thats a man, baby.

holy shit she actually did it
also checked and kek'd

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Poor lost soul

Even if your bags moon

You will never make it

Sad and low to see you doing this on the 4th of July

Find love

Have sex

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Hrrnnng I just want that in my mouth, fuck

>roastie actually delivers
wtf i love pajeets now?

500 more isn't bad, it definitely has potential in the next couple of years. also mommy gimme chocolate milkies

fucking kek, why aint neets suicidal like these women?

black or southeast asian?

What? I’m 20, but I’m wise enough to never chase a man for monetary reasons. What happens if the money drys up? Or he goes bankrupt? Personality > money. Marriage is sacred and it’s been spoiled by whores

I’m not.

Since you delivered I will give you some actual advice, XRP is a Jew scam to dump on retail investors. Not saying it won't pump but they have very little credibility among actual crypto people



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Chase a man (of your own race) for a long-term marriage, user, shouldn't have to spell this out. Pretty based tho
>inb4 r/braincels invades this thread

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Lol op is a pajeeta Bob vagene

if you're smart you know to follow the kikes if you want guaranteed profit you nigger

stop kidding yourself, we aint fucking retard

kys redditor

Chekked and delivered
It’s not too late to accumulate link my fine Nubian skinned friend
This run is just getting started.
You’re clear to accumulate for all of
2019. But try to pick up majority of your link before September.
Don’t listen to the spergs hating. For once OP delivered so kudos on that.

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I own several Jew coins, XRP is not one of them.

Just not hateful of well spoken humans. She's clearly not a nigger you retard.

this, there's still plenty of time to accumulate. My soft target is $20 EOY

Fuck off namefag

>not a nigger
back to r*ddit basedcuck

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... this explains a lot actually. Thank you. It didn’t make sense how even dogecoin is doing better than something that can actually be used. But if the Jews are running it it’s bound to bring in some bag bags

I can’t have morals? And to anons above, yes I’m doing this on the 4th of July. I’m lonely as fuck

It's not the color of your skin that makes you a nigger, it's how you behave. You're kind of being a nigger yourself desu.

Based and sexy brown Bob's. I haven't seen a sexy brown woman since the 90s thanks to jew weaves. How degrading and ugly it is to have someone else's hair sewn to your head.
You won't see as good of gains as those of us who dca down to the bottom but this is going to at least 20$ in the next bullrun.

Shut up ronnie

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Show nigress vagene and butthole


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The best part about brown girls is their buttholes don't look dirty since all their skin is brown. Unironically.

If you're in south Florida I'll give you 1,000 LINK if you will lick my feet.

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Here, faggot, have a (YOU) as you want so much attention

Imagine being white trash because your skin is white, you fucking inbred. You have no fucking braincells.

I'm not saying we should live in the same city or even the same country, but having dark skin doesn't make you a nigger. Does that really need explaining you fucking trench brain

I’ll give u 300 for that stank puss

> you fucking inbred

Reddit is down the hall and to the left nigger.

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post bobs pls

My offer is more profitable.

Please ignore the troll. He’s trying to rile you up. Obviously most people don’t care for skin color, he hides behind a mask on anonymity because he’s too much of a pussy to spout his racist bullshit irl

Not in Florida, and I’m not e-whoring but thank you kind gentleman

My pubes? Oh nooo girls have hair

What happened to 1000 EOY? I haven’t seen any different announcements and the Coinbase reception has been positive. I’m even trying to find mentions on Twitter

Loook here guys my ID is dope lol also chekem

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. >Please reformat and try again.

No, I’m not e-whoring sorry. Just looking for advice

pls shoe vagene now pls sirs.
i would hate to buy it at the current price knowing it was once 12 cents, but honestly, but do go with the risk, DCA. you'll regret way harder if you didnt take the chance vs took the chance and failed (It won't). so the only thing at stake is time and sacrificing what u can have now vs later. also show more pics pls butiful

Nothing happened to 1000 eoy. 1000 Eoy is actually fud. Just believe and accumulate.

you guys fucking faggots white knighting on Jow Forums. Holy fuck u beta piece of shit

Clean your room.

worst shit that can happen with this project is... waiting really. think is like antshare/eth when it was sitting around 5-8 dollar for what felt like ages, then it just fucked off to lambo land almost over night after i sold for dogshit profit. but show more pics, holy shit my dick wants to ravage ur pussy so bad and make babies

wow an authentic FL dirtyfoot (look it up)

Thank you Mr Peterson, now please continue rolling in the literal pile of money you have, you gatekeeping fuckboy.

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You actually thought I'd give you 1k LINK to lick my feet? Those linkies will be worth over 80 million dollars within the decade, it would be worse then the btc pizza deal, at least he got pizza!

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Only if I can jerk off while I do it (legit request). I'm in Florida.

Based. Fuck women. I'd sooner give links to a fellow user for putting a sharpie up his ass than some thot.

this board has become extra r*ddit since the nulinker invasion



that is all, thank you.

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>1000 eoy
Markets normally over shoot their value dramatically during a period of mania like the peak of a bulletin so I won't rule it out.
We are in the price discovery phase now and it's looking like +10$ could be doable. Either that or we chop sideways, but link doesn't do that very often.

I'll give you 5k link to be my gf if you live in TX.

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