Is it too late to accumulate chainlink? I can get 200 next week at current prices, but who knows what’ll happen

Is it too late to accumulate chainlink? I can get 200 next week at current prices, but who knows what’ll happen

I also get my financial aid pretty soon. I missed the BTC hike soo I’m wondering if I should go all in and get a sui stack of 1,000.

I’m at >100 linkies right now. I know i won’t have enough to make it, but enough to be $50-100k in 2 years would be ideal

Attached: B09E381B-F30F-4725-B516-CBAC94BA7E67.jpg (3088x2320, 1.26M)


Fuck off


chainlink already mooned, you are a follower, not a leader. You won't invest in something until other people got rich off of it? its too late you are deluded.

sweet vishnu, do the needful and post the toilet photos

Hmm why do you want a picture of my toilet

I’m bored so I’ll do it.. but why lol

You missed the Link Train
I would suggest geting on QNT,
Will be used by 500+ Banks
Still undervalued, barely on any exchanges yet.

Attached: 1523543.png (626x461, 349K)

by toilet he means your ass