Link seems to be recovering

Tried go swing my stack right before the Google announcement. Had a 70k stack that I bought for about $15k total. Cashed out hoping to get more when it dipped back below $1. Well we know what happened. I fomod after the announcement at 22k sats. It dumped and I panicked and sold for 16k. It mooned again after Oracle and I fomod back in at 35k sats. It started dumping and I sold again at 30k. Been waiting for another dump but it doesn't seem to be coming. I can still buy a 15k stack but wtf is the point. I'll always be thinking that I had a 70k stack and now I'm just a linklet. I'm ending it all. Goodbye linkmarines. I enjoyed all the discussions and the fudding and larping. I just wish I hadn't become a filthy swinglinker and lost most of my stack. Goodbye.

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Other urls found in this thread:

holy fuck why is it so hard to just hold go kill yourself you emotional bitch

i only have 1k
gibs me

>guys my stack will only be $150 million in the next 2 years
yeah, user. You really fucked up.

Thanks for giving me cheap linkies

actual linklet here. send me link or this is a LARP

buy PNK, stake, and hold to EOY you weak-handed brainlet.

the market doesn't care about your regrets


You should pay a price for being such a dirty, filthy, good for nothing swinglinker. Give everyone in the thread 100 link right now.

literally am in-depth article on chainlink in forbes right now:

If this isn’t a larp all you literally had to do was nothing instead

>forbes contributor

Attached: pepekill.png (399x384, 176K)

Swinging link is a good way to get fucked

It comes off as a FUD piece. Fuck those guys.

Tiger mommy working her magic overtime.

Shit! Just finished the article... it's some sort of reverse secret fudding article. Damn, everything associated with LINK is bipolar

Buy in now or perish.

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That article is trash

wow this fud is bullish af

Yes, it says, you want to be rich, pull the slots in vegas or buy LINK now.

Can you give me the 15k? PLEASE

why would a $5 shitcoin sell for that much?

I lost my 40k stack on bitmex 2 years ago. Refused to get back in, don't feel bad fren

Fuck off
Absolute fucking moron

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>I lost my 40k stack on bitmex 2 years ago

Will put fat highlighter color of choice in anus for 1k link wreck my anus plz

He's an idiot for thinking link shouldn't sell for 10k. I think you moon boys are the delusion idiots. It's fascinating.. kinkiest are the best example of the duning Kruger effect

He's an idiot for thinking it's a "$5 shitcoin" and so are you if you echo that sentiment.

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>Forbes contributer
>still allowed to publish content on

You held for 2 fucking years and lost 55k in a month. You're the living embodiment of the "never gonna make it" meme

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a 5 billion mcap is achievable. your ludicrous assertion that LINK will soon have thrice the market cap of every single coin combined, is childish, deluded and dangerous. people will kill themselves because they believe your utter horseshit. LINK would require a trillion dollar market cap to be worth 1k/piece. it is a $5 shitcoin. it'll hit an ATH of 5 then be discarded. even the devs cashed out you desperate pleb. sticking your fingers in your ears and screeching "lalalalalala can't hear you, 1k eoy!" is retarded beyond description.

Screencapped for the day LINK hits $5,000 per token

>LINK is worth 5 trillion dollars
childish. embarrassing.

>it'll hit an ATH of 5 then be discarded.

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Jesus you people are so fucking delusional. Get a grip.

dont repeat past mistake user, let it be a demotion rather than all the way to recruit

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derivatives market is an estimated $542.4 trillio

wtf does that have to do with LINK?
bitcoin's mcap is 200 billion. if all of that were to be divided between LINK's total supply, the coins would be worth $200 each. but you're holding on for 5 times that much. three times as much as is involved in every single crypto in existence. you're mentally ill, or just completely ignorant.

wht is a derivative i dont get that with sergeys talk

damn. Nevermind...Link suck!!!!! DNT BUY!!!

I am reading this while holding a stack of VID at 29x returns...

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>he still doesn't understand market cap

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yes i do. and you're saying nothing.

maybe even more, user

You know why >7777777
And all OG Linkies will be well and truly rich by $20, let alone 50x that price

I have not seen this trading anywhere. where is it?

probably chasing the markets and getting liquidated like OP