EVE is new LINK cope babe

We are EVE Babes


WE ARE NOT FUCKIN SELLING to you white males and pajeets

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You are cringe and nothing else

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gtfo white cis harassing toxic male


It's the worst coordinated shill attempt I've ever seen on Jow Forums. KYS retards

it wasnt supposed to be like this.
a few of us decided to work on one thread.
then it became tranny memes and brapposts.
i swear i never intended this.

but EVE still unironically a solid moonshot. thought the effort would collapse after 48 hours but it seems to only be getting stronger. fuck.

Attached: evegirls21.jpg (500x750, 75K)



Point proven, this shilling is bottom of the barrel trash. Jow Forums is not your shitting street.

Worst memes on biz by far. Fuck off

We're in it for the tech. The tranny and shitty thot memes are just a bonus.

Haha best coordinated shill attempt on biz ever way to go pajeets, I am going to get a bag of this in spite of these racist white trash incels

>cope babe

Fucking pajeet it's "baby".

Actually it’s bebe Sanjay Vindaloo

You can buy EVE Babe only if you are not white male or cis pajeet

Devery is top tier level bs

eveBABES are hot af

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VIDT memes

EVE memes


Attached: evegirls7(2).jpg (1080x1349, 384K)

Biz can't handle EVE tech so it has devolved into this. Also EVE makes VIDTrash redundant

Cope Link bigots

EVE is better and more diverse than link

Tranny memes are a red flag, stay away