MFW just got my first ever paycheck

>MFW just got my first ever paycheck.


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Nigga, just move

This but unironically.
Watching XX% of my paycheck go up in smoke and working essentially for free XX% of the time was fucked up. Even more so when I turn around and see that the roads and public schools are still fucked up anyway.

Vast numbers of boomers who do nothing but sleep, shit and watch TV want their gibs

If you make less than the poverty line and tell your boss not to tax you, it never comes off your check. At least in leafland.

they need to pay people to make guns and then use them to shoot brown people to bring into the country and give money to

Yea now go look up debt slavery. Protip: the government pays like 80% of the entire GDP (all the money it brings in from the economy) to the federal reserve as interest on loans given to the government by what should be a federal agency but is actually a private bank. Politicians run up loans by printing money, what Obama did (quantitative easing) and then you pay the interest on it with taxes, in other words, your taxes are you being enslaved by Jewish bankers and dont actually buy you anything, go right into their pockets because they set this scam up.

My boss pays me in BITCOIN

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and it only gets worse

in the UK, higher bracket (over £42,000/ $52,600) is taxed at 40%


what is a bong to do? sick of seeing my money go down the toilet in a dying country, but then all my family and friends are here. where could i move to??

oh, and when labour get in power CGT is going through the rooft

To keep the browns from fighting

Im a bong and im eventually moving. Simple as. I've got a wife who is too caught up on her friends to consider it but we live in a muslim city so im sure someone will get raped and then she'll see its pertinent to get out.

where are you thinking of moving to though?
Europe is fucked, taxes in western europe are actually worse than bongland
lets not get started on america, when trump loses the election and socialists get in power, shit is going to hit the fan
africa- obvious no
south america- obvious no

is asia the answer?? I am truly lost bros

>when trump loses the election and socialists get in power, shit is going to hit the fan

most people didnt get a tax return this year because of trump, they ended up owing money, for doing the same thing they did last year.

If you can get a good job the US is probably the best still. Otherwise move to the rural towns of your country, or the poorer coutries in Europe. The taxes are still shit but you can enjoy the beach or horny tourists if you choose a city

depends how you like to live. i would just aim to be as rural as possible.

>first union job
>$85 a week for mandated employee insurance
Fuck boomers, fuck the social safety net, I spent $350 on doctor visits in the last two years without insurance.

>be left leaning liberal all my life arguing for taxation
>get my first job
>now hate taxation and libertarian
I'm sorry for being a liberal

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Fake news.

FUCK off we're full. Stay in Europe, cockmuncher.

Why are tax rates so high? To take care of deadbeat niggers,beaners and commies.

Wagecucks are so fucking stupid.

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The fact of the matter is that systems who punish people who labor do literally incentivize this attitude and doing as little as possible.

germanistan has literally 50% income tax + mandatory SS. then you get 19% VAT on everything. invest your money and you pay another 25% on capital gains. plus seperate taxes on tobacco, booze, gas, God knows what else. politicians want higher gas tax because muh CO2 muh climate change. meanwhile millions of nogs and arabs get free healthcare, free housing, free gibs and breed like rats. somehow normies are fine with all of this because muh roads muh schools (which are all falling apart).

oh and now green party is one of the strongest players in politics. they are literal convicted pedophiles and tried to hike up gas tax to 5 Euro per liter a while back. of course nobody remembers and now normalfags actually want higher gas tax because muh poor children in africa. its great living in a democracy!

>but that wasn't REAL socialism!

Paying taxes in Germany is like lending money to a drug addict. It's immoral, he'll do nothing sensible with it, and the chance of ever seeing a single cent paid back is pretty much zero.

I'm angling for passive income below the taxable level (~9000€ p.a.) and earn the rest via tax free crypto.

Haha same.

>wait, I have to pay taxes? but im poor as shit!

I think there was once some old roman philantrophist (Planto or some such) who said that democracy by the mob was a bad idea

lol so stupid. we're all very informed and we have set up a very fine system if I dont say no myself

why not just kill your local tax nigger.
problem solved.

The governments job is to steal as much money until causing a revolution

The problem arises when people who don't pay taxes get to vote. Because they'll unfailingly vote for you to give them more money.

t. New Yorker

Trips of truth. I've said on a few occasions that only net taxpayers should have the right to vote. Once at work, where everyone agreed with me, and once in college, where everyone shrieked and called me racist.

it gets worse

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On a more positive note, the whole fiat shitcoin bubble will pop one day, and all the NEET crypto holders will become kings

Juanita's keedz need the money fo' dem programs OP. Don't you know they're refugees fleeing violence and death?




It's sad when communists think they figure out profound things, then it's something trite like "yeah, ideas and business organization skills are in very short supply and very high demand".

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lmao wagie

is this big and true?

Most countries have very favourable tax laws for expats (like 0-10% tax) who make a certain investment in the country (buying a $500k+ house, buying a company based there, moving company HQ there etc.)

This is to attract investment and rich folk to their country.

Oh boy! My favorite kind of thread!

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thank you for your service wagie

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Welcome to the real cucking

Mfw i have to work 5 month of every year for free. Im paying 45% taxes.

why are jews so fugly?

This one synergizes well with the debt slavery concept. Not much has changed in 200+ years!

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Literally their vileness seeps out of their pores. They are ugly because they have ugly souls.

They need it so they can give them to niggers and immigrants that are gonna continue voting for larger government and higher taxes so you get to keep even less in the future.

Get red-pilled on /pol my friend.

>I've got a wife who is too caught up on her friends
You’re asking for trouble if that’s the case. A husband should always be the wife’s first priority, not her friends or family. If that’s not the case then I’m sorry to say you’ve made a mistake being with that woman.

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How much more can we take?

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This image is retarded.
No normie would understand that it's a reference to the jews.
If you want to redpill them, at the end of the text it should say that all of that it's true but you need to change the word russian for jews.

Just wait til I get going!
...where was I... Ah! Yes, on the Jews and their lies.
This is a fucking supreme one.

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>first paycheck
>taxes suck
kill yourself you underage faggot

> they ended up owing money
You don't know how taxes (and by extension tax returns) work, do you?

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damn pretty good, we can now separate theranos as lition instead of ambitious

I like how Jews can be both privileged whites and oppressed non-whites depending on the context

where do you live and how much do you make?
Here that's not legal because it creates a bunch of loopholes
And not fun loopholes but wagecuck hell loopholes

kys cuck

I got a few bonuses so my paycheck came out to $2500, I got 1,800 out of that. What I pay in taxes is what I used to make working fast food as a manager

he phrased it negatively (for good reason) but yes its common knowledge

>rich people are fucking us
>its the poor immigrants fault!
you have the right idea and the wrong target

75% of that is W E L F A R E

Congratulations on footing the bill for the millions of retarded single mommies user

yeah its actually true lol

>t. absolute fucking retard

CEO's pay is a drop in the bucket per employee vs income and payroll taxes. Stupid faggot lmao

its 2019 how are you not aware

Why not both. The rich fucks are taking advantage and incentivizing it but too liberal immigration is a problem too in a lot of Europe .

The rich and the poor need each other to fuck over the productive class.

>Be incel
>Still get cucked

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you dont need to be smart to know sub-loans are a thing
>He lent me this money because he needs money to pay his debt to some other guy that ows another guy and then another 20 guys and then a boomer and then a crocodile and probably owe me back full circle

surely a good move would be to reduce abortions and limit sex education

who gives money to them then?

How did you get in here?

lmao dumbasses. if that tax didn't exist, your employer would cut your salary by exactly that amount

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the price you pay for living in a SOCIETY :)

if he's a gamer he even belongs to the most oppressed group

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adjust your withholding

cringiest meme ever

fuck off commie


It's actually true though, watch this at some point to learn about our financial institution. Funny how people don't even know how the fed works yet we are literal slaves to it.

Nope, pro-abortion conservatives like myself exist. The evangelical right is dying off and I welcome any and all pragmatic anti-statists that are going to form the new right.

the questions isn't 'abortion, yes or no?' - the question is 'what race?'

>not understanding time preference

The employee accepts less future goods(the surplus value) for goods in the present. The employer accepts less present goods(wages) for more future goods(surplus value). Both benefit from what they want/need and then trading. The employee gets current wages and the employer gets more future value.

>Most people didn’t get a tax return so what’s wrong with Berniegang jacking up taxes to Sweden level to pay for niggers’ lifelong vacation?

Eat thine ass

>The moment when a communist turns into a cold blooded capitalist pig

> Paying anything less than 50% of tax on your income out of salary.

Its like you are not even trying to have a challenge, and still you are failing. Git gud.



Put “6” on allowances on your w-2

realistically what would happen if I do this and never report my taxes again?
It's either that or doing gig jobs and claiming mileage deductions

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To the moon.

jail time

>taxation is fucked up
>Even more so when I turn around and see that the roads and public schools are still fucked up anyway.
and people wonder why Socialists and Commies are cancer.

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If you never report your taxes, you'll become the next President of the United States.

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My friends father worked with the IRS as an officer. Basically, the IRS keeps tabs on you for several years. It's like a mob boss,
>you forgot your first year? Hey, no problem, just get it done.
>Oh, you keep failing to report for several years, I'll remind you once, just so you can't say I never did
>(on average 4+ years of no reporting) Came here to collect

after 4+ the case has been sent to officers with all legal notices to give the go ahead to jail and start the criminal (?) case.

Does anyone think we should tax men more than women since its a statistical fact that men make more than women in the workplace