Chainlink is NOT Decentralized or Distributed

this is not fud
this is reality
please read

chainlink stated numerous times that they are going to use 350.000.000/650.000.000 of their link tokens to incentivize node operators

theyre not

look at each oracle contracts address on

the following oracles are being incentivized to run nodes

the following node operators are operating at a loss as there is no real traffic on the network
-secure data links

heyre paying roughly 10000 dollars a month to the four node operators

they have the funds to pay the same amount of money to the four node operators for over 127000 months

they have the funds to pay all ten node operators to run for 1525 years

theyre not paying any node operators outside of the ones with very close ties to the project or are already running nodes for other blockchains

this is a centralized solution and reason for conern
i am with many of you fellow marines and i love the project
this is a serious issue that the team needs to address or explain

Attached: centralized-link.png (760x768, 280K)


in the example pic, isn't the second one still centralized because they're connected to node things? shouldn't all the dots be connected to each other?

We are past the FUD phase, it doesn't even work on nilinkers or redditors anymore.

All swinglinkers shall hang

OP is correct. Also,
The contract is controlled by one set of keys , doesn’t get more central than that. Literally one person could bring all the oracles down

>make a nice post critizing and exposing the weak points of LINK
>the only answer is "cope" made by a LINK cultist

posted 30 seconds after i posted
read it
youll know im right

>this is not fud

this has already been debunked so it is COPE any fud that is coming up has been DEBUNKED a long time ago, do you newfags dont understand this?

this has not been debunked
this is a real issue
this is something that nobody has addressed yet
if you can remove my concern i would be pleased

what youre referring to is distributed
you can be distributed without being decentralized
you can be decentralized without being distributed
chainlink is creating a club of node operators and has no interest in actually becoming sybil resistant by supporting community run nodes

Deaf ears op everyone here is a tool

Nobody likes you. You are a worthless piece of shit, and you should kill yourself. Nobody would miss you. On the contrary, tons of people will be actually happy if you don't exist anymore, as they will be spared your faggotry and overall shittiness. Nobody likes you in real life. You had a chance too be accepted as an user, but you had to blow it by becoming insufferable cancer, just like in real life. And now you have nothing left, you lost your last chance. You're just too much of a worthless piece of shit. Just kill yourself. Save yourself and others the pain of your pointless existence. Return to nothing and the world will be a better place. You know it in your heart, just do it.

KYC for nodes

Attached: 2F2A202D-A2B5-4A17-AA3D-BB932527F9FD.png (449x401, 490K)

The truth is link is getting rich on the back of open source tech and sergay should open source his code. It’s unethetical to lie about decentralized oracles and keep the contract centralized at the same time. This would ensure anyone could use the contract without needing a central authority to control the implementation.


can anybody refute this faggot? report him just for good measure

Forgot to mention is retarded to think a central source could be “reported” by multiple people. It’s centralized to begin with and decentralized oracle is a fucking meme

Let those retards waste their money OP. They literally think this shitcoin is the next ETH, they don't deserve to be saved.

You honestly have to keep bumping shit on here cause the retard lemmings flood the board with worthless LARPs to bury the critical analysis of this project

everything visible on the blockchain
nothing to refute
if you can explain or justify their actions im all ears
You can query multiple data sources across multiple oracles
the tech is sound
the decisions theyre making around node incentivization is a real concern and could kill project
i have heavy bags of link
this is the only concern i have with the project
if they want to incentivize node operators they should incentivize all of them and not just their little club of node operators from other projects

Also this

Check the archives monkey


the honesty in the crypto realm needs a explaining ...

Attached: hmmmmmmm.jpg (657x527, 53K)

You realize the product has barely been out for a month on Mainnet. Imagine judging a product right on release that it isn't in its complete form yet...

imagine not understanding the the choices a business makes early on has ripple effects on future decisions
if they pick and choose node operators to incentivize now this sets a dangerous precedent
there is no network activity and the link team is sitting on billions of dollars that they claim is for incentivizing node operators

theyre only paying four node operators and the others are operating at a loss to support the tech

moneybelly is unironically an asshole that has lied through his teeth multiple times

accept it or not this is reality

Not sure I explain the critical analysis well enough. This is an about “tech . The issue is most data originates from a central location. Data originates from a single source of truth Not multiples. To trust a third-party Intermediary To validate the data that only one person has, seems downright redundant. Logically cryptography already solve this issue for us

I'm concerned with the incentive schemes too. Maybe when reputation and staking release, we'll see a broader incentive plan. You should ask on telegram.

We don't have any idea what they are doing with the 350m tokens. Them making sure quality nodes are whitelisted first makes sense. Anyone can use and run a node so having Chainlink approval makes absolutely no difference in a permissionless network.

i get your point now thank you
youre correct in validation of data not being tampered
reputation and staking will not effect their decision to incentivize select nodes
they are using ws connections for the explorer
they know immediately when node go offline
could easily stop payment based on responses
if they say reputation and staking need be available first then they lie again

No one cares about spoonfeeding retarded faggots like you. You had 2 years to discuss this and discover the answers, so now you're just going to have to roll your sleeves up and go through the archives.
If you're as stupid as you are lazy and can't be bothered, I highly recommend that you post this on the cryptocurrency subreddit - the people there are more your caliber, and far more likely believe your paragraphs of smoothbrain drivel.

Sage and kys.

Good fresh FUD, I will post it on Reddit like I have been doing since 2017

Attached: 1545072099321.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

The refutation to this is so obvious that it feels like you're trolling, but for shits and gigs I'll provide a response.
Any entity in its infancy requires an "artificial" amount of mothering and care before it can eventually walk on its own and provide for itself. This happens in nature as well as for businesses. Consider Amazon, who, in its initial stages, had to leave comments and reviews on their own products to make it seem as though the service was being used and enjoyed by many people. Fast forward to today, Amazon is now actually being used and enjoyed by many people.
At this infantile stage in Chainlink's development, there simply aren't enough people using it yet to properly pay these node operators for their efforts, or nodes themselves to deliver Chainlink's service to potential users. And you can't expect people to operate nodes at a loss out of sheer faith and kindness, you have to incentivize them. We eventually will have an entire network of nodes providing information (profitably) for every conceivable industry and sector of society, but only when those industries understand the use case; a use case that won't be properly demonstrable without a bunch of nodes ready to go for them.

Final example: You're a bank. You realize, conceptually, that using Chainlink could reduce costs of daily operation dramatically. So you go over to Sergey and inquire about the service. Should Sergey say, "Sorry faggot, you're gonna have to wait until someone out there decides to create a node for you." or "Yes, we have a working network of nodes right here ready to go."

Just buy Link and get rich faggot, it's not that hard.

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im the retard
their incentivization has been up for one month
good try
increase your reading comprehension skills
try with a book first

You can have multiple third parties (Oracles) verifying the source data, and have all of the data be processed through SGX. it's decently decentralized, although yes the initial source is centralized. The solution is to gather many sources of the data from different parties to verify its legit

Someone ban this handicap

your point is exactly my concern
theyre not incentivizing all node operators
theyre picking and choosing node operators that they have previous relationship with
look at the oracle contracts on etherscanio
onely 4/11 are being paid to run

this is not good and exactly your point

You can run your own node though ?

of course it's fucking not retard
It's a pre-mined ETH token.

trust me
this is not the case

they have 350000000 tokens that they are not using for what they said they would be used for

link community needs to raise this concern

So how much should they be giving every single node "operator" you communist niggerfaggot?

Gotta put all those tokens to use, 1 million a month? 5? Those elitists arent gibbing me, errr I mean them, free money fast enough.

Not like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle, Swift, and hundreds of other billion dollar companies dont exist. Lets give some literalwhos 10million tokens a month to run a beta testnet!

Attached: 1559490325821.jpg (715x924, 597K)

But the 50+ Oracle nodes?

I don’t need multiple parties validating data if it’s encrypted and contract can validate using public keys . Could even rotate the keys for pennies



Attached: GEsGYz3.jpg (698x1174, 99K)

Lol ever heard proof of stake?

unfortunately this is the sad truth of most "decentralized projects" today

Prove it

i-is this fomo for linkpool?

Nice fud, so how big is your stack?


Read a book nigger