How to swinglink?

I know I'll get the death penalty for asking this but where to you guys swing your linkies? And what pairing?

T. 2500 linklet

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> dont

>swinging 25M
Ask me how I know you’re not gonna make it user

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you have enough to live well don't fuck this up LMAO. Just hold

Swinglinkers get the rope

Come on faggots I am a neet and watching those charts constantly, it's pretty obvious that they are pumping it 5-10 cents and then it bleeds back down so help me guys

It's a bad idea, you're not smarter than the bots and a few years from now when you only have 60% or less of your stack you'll realize you gambled away millions for the chance of winning only a small amount. Don't fucking even try it

OK guys, you convinced me. I won't swing them, promised

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Don't listen to these dumbass bag holders and wait for a significant drop to get in.

I cashed out at $4.80 and refuse to risk buying anything above $3. LINK already mooned despite what these $1000 EOY morons say. People were already made into millionaires.

They say it's just betting with the house's money, but that idiotic thinking is how the house always gets its money back.

To be clear, I think LINK is a promising platform, but if crypto as a whole goes does LINK is coming down with it 100%.

put them on vidt, wait for $1, swing back

>but if crypto as a whole goes does
idiot confirmed

Yeah, I'm sure you've never had spell check correct a typo into the wrong word before, Einstein.

Lmao 10 trillion market cap ez pz... are there any rational link holders on here or you all a bunch of newfags

it’s not the typo that makes you a braindead retard it’s the statement itself

Yeah, I'm sure you've never seen crypto crash before, Tesla.

You're the newfag if you don't understand how link could get to 1000$+

user why do you want to kys so badly?


You kinda can't atm, it's not moving very much. All your effort is kinda meaningless.

Good. I had 4k a month ago and with all my planned out, chart watching swings I now have 1k.

buy low sell high, as simple as that

>1,000 x 1,000,000,000 = 10,000,000,000,000

Ok explain it then

When I bought link a week or so ago I thought it would be really clever to sell it when it pumped a bit then buy back to grow my stack. I did it a few times and made like 10-20 link but on the third time it kept pumping after I sold and I was stressing out for 2 days waiting for it to go down again. I was putting myself understress for the sake or losing maybe 100 bucks, which is not alot of money.
In summary. Swingtrading is a game where you invent the rules in your mind and it causes you to chase after minuscule amounts like a rat and lose site of the big picture.

And they they catch you off guard and green candle right when you sell.

I swung 300 earlier and jumped back in with 302.
Offering mentoring sessions for 40$/h.