If only you knew

if only you knew

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Other urls found in this thread:



Link + Tesla

Fuck, I need an oxygen mask for where we're headed user

Trust me.. I know.
I'm glad to see another user finally does.

Oooo nice find lad

Hopefully Elon runs a node for the fuck of it


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>implying every tesla will not be running a node

you are all brainlets

this is his PERSONAL github account, which he has been using since 2015 for fucking school work, and he happened to STAR the chainlink repo years ago. Probably before he even worked at Tesla (he is very junior)

Literally means nothing


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all that means is some developer favorited a repository. He probably frequents the Chonz. Not really a big deal

Is this fucking real? This is the reason I get out of bed in the morning. Chainlink has literally ruined my life. Nothing brings me joy other than watching my 40K stack grow.

I've dropped a couple breadcrumbs here, but this is the most direct one you guys have found on your own. I told you.. I've known him since Paypal, he has come here before and is well aware of chainlink.

His github
Nothing Blut chainlink
What the hell, user, you wouldn't lie to create fomo, right!?

>tfw I get to sue Sergey when my family dies in a tesla car due to miscommunication with the oracles

I missed one moon, but not this time

chills all over my body
drunkanon hinted at this last night - surprise node operators that will make LINK a household name, Tesla is the most memetically powerful company right now
tesla vehicles are decked out with sensors which will sell data (traffic patterns, weather) over the chainlink network

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can you link me to that thread last night fren

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Drunk user been missing since March

feel free to look it up, it's easy

one tesla autopilot software engineer is at the very least deep into Chainlink

let that sink in user

let them fud, stay comfy

>tfw link is actually, literally literally going to the moon

I kinda dont want my tespa to run a node unless I am benefitting from it. Wtf Elon pls dont cuck me like Samsung is about to. IM NOT A WALKING NODE KEK FFS

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Just to add something, a recent Chainlink presentation given by one of the team members (he was French, if that jogs anyone’s memory) namedropped Tesla for one of his examples of how the service works. He talked about how Tesla black boxes could be used for instantaneous insurance payouts in the event of a wreck, etc.

SMINEM will take us there.


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Oh what's this? Your Tesla™ was travelling 60mph in a 40mph zone? Your automated Smart Contract™ insurance policy powered by Chainlink™ has been updated.

Oh no! You no longer have enough collateral in your insurance contract. You are no longer insured. Tesla will shut down in 30 seconds to comply with legal regulations. Please deposit more funds to continue driving.


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Pretty much. This is the dark side of Chainlink.

the moon is FUD
we're going to MARS baby

just another dot here frens, larry ellison the founder of oracle just joined the board for tesla... not saying he's aware of link but not sayin hes not. this guy does buy entire Hawaiian islands (lanai) and probably wants more too

Can't fud your way outta this, junior

This is old news.

But glad you posted it.

it was coming whether we wanted it to or not, might as well profit off of it

OGs know he was working on the Chainlink codebase and also working at Tesla at the same time, and hasn't updated his Linkedin since then (still at Tesla)

This was on his githib... it was for his resume... no biggie.

Im already weirded out about how deep into the illuminati/6-edge symbolism all of these freaking cryptos have. I swear I saw a pentagram on the ethereum official website not too long ago when I last went on it. Is chainlink evil? The google partnership is almost making it surely ominous

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Depoist one link to bribe your way out.

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this is so fucking old
how new are you faggots