All of my crypto gains were ruined thanks to this girl

I was in a happy mood. I'm an excellent trader and made many gains on BSV, LINK, BTC. I cashed out some of my holdings.

I'm ecstatic. I go outside. I go to a club. I'm in the line. I see this cute chick. I talk to her. She's funny. She's exciting. She has high energy. She's beautiful.

I go inside the club. I want to dance with her. I'm a pussy. I'm about 6'4 and yet I was pussying out. Soon one of her friends started dancing with her. Up close. This guy was a maximum 5'6 hispanic dude who wasn't really good looking. Next thing you know, they start making out.

My first thoughts: "Fuck, what if he's her boyfriend?" They dance and dance. I'm standing there in agony. I just met the girl yet I became convinced that this is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. My ego hurt like shit seeing someone else make out.

I had the girl's number and called her yesterday. She didn't pick up. I called her today. She didn't pick up. Then, I tried one last time, and she picked up. I said "hello" and then she hung up.

Honestly, I'm done with this shit. None of this would have happened if I simply made a move and tried dancing with her. I still don't understand how a girl can make out with her friend.

Anyways, what's the point of living? Seriously? What should I do? Should I still try talking to her? Wouldn't she just ignore me now? Why is she even ignoring me? I didn't do anything wrong.

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Seems like you are hang around the wrong crowd. Shes bad news mate.

Listen kid.. I'm only going to tell you once.

Stop giving a fuck about that girl.
Go workout, eat healthy, sleep well, make money, wear nice things.

Go get rejected by girls until you don't care anymore.

Keep improving yourself and make youself attractive.

Remember no such thing as a perfect girl, and all girls are replaceable just like you. Only thing not replaceable is your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, so cherish those things.

Become the best version of yourself.

That is all.

Good luck and have a nice life.

Just in case it wasn't clear, he wasn't her boyfriend. That hurt me even more.

What's the point of attracting other women if she's the most beautiful?

>reddit spacing
Linklet detected

If watching her kiss a 5'6" beaner didn't immediately make you lose intrest you will never make it.

And thank me later

self realization will make you attractive to everyone. love yourself and everyone else and they will love you. good luck user love you bud

fuck off this board faggot

Are you American op

Why is it every time I see one of these threads it always involves women somehow

That's rhetorical by the way

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Jesus christ I cringed. I am ashamed that you hold Link. Maybe it's the faggotry of BSV and BTC that made you do that, sell them both.

The spic was her friend and she didn't like you and was just being nice in the line. When you started approaching in the club she wanted to seem unavailable so you'd fuck off, so she had her friend kiss her. He's likely gay and she's his beard.

You have literally no hope for life if you get cut up this much over a girl you met for 5 fucking minutes in a club Jesus christ user get it together.

don't let some random thot ruin your gains. assuming you didn't sell all your link, you have nothing to worry about in the future. do not continue to pursue. first impressions are very important and you spoiled the opportunity on this one. but don't worry, there will be more chances. just learn and move on.

>Business & Finance
This has nothing to do with your crypto gains

And thank me later

This is the truth, worked for me.

Also, I went through what you did before.
You only love someone that makes you feel special. There's nothing special about her, you just like the way she makes you feel. That's selfish.
Maybe you want a girl just to have a purpose in life?? That's romantic transference.
You will suffer your whole life unless you get rid of your ego. I recommend learning about Buddhism.
Look up: What The Buddha Taught by Rahula
or The Book by Alan Watts for starters.

>Imagine thinking that she's actually THE most beautiful

Why do you deserve THE most beautiful?
Why does the most beautiful mean that she is the best option?


Every day theres a larp incel thread and its sad to see how many angry virgins there are on biz desu. SAD!!!

desperate CIA post

op, you gotta make them come to you. get a ripped body. make money. dress nice. and in 1 year they will throw themselves at you

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this is the goddamned correct answer user. especially the working out and getting rejected until you don't care anympre. you can powerlevelnthat shit in one night at a club by chain fire hitting on girls until one wants to dance. after the 4th rejection in 4 minutes you will stop caring as much which is where you need to be. she probably kissed that guy because she knew you were staring needfully and there is nothing more unattractive. get your shit together. you can do this

Unironic Buddhist and not a pajeet here. While I still believe in rebirth and I know that the Buddha was right, following his advice as a layperson did not end well for me. In fact, I was considered a pussy. We are in one of the final stages of dhamma and it's very hard to practice in a world where virtue depends on how many women you can fuck. I was called less of a man than a guy who cheated on his wife and left his kids, too. That's when I knew I had to chill out and USE the ego. The self is a tool which you use to take care of yourself. If you abandon all "connections" to your body and feelings then you will do things you wouldn't, and listen to things a regular person wouldn't listen to. I was considered a great guy, always smiling, because I was happy. But the environment is equally important. The Buddha said that virtuous friends are all of the holy life. Find me one virtuous person in a room of a 100.