Why does biz say QNT

Is a scam? Just being ironic or stupid? Or is every coin you’re not holding a scam?

Attached: 7F11FAE1-20D3-42AC-B0E2-FF84E8AB4C5D.png (301x167, 2K)

It's a meme that started a few weeks ago although some anons here are autistic enough to think it unironically

Not a scam, there just isn't anything reasonable to FUD it for

its not a scam, but shilling a coin after it's already mooned to prop up its new high value with an undeserving support... that's scammy. not the coin's fault though. it's bagholders

I don't trust this coin. It's a scam. Stay away user.

removed makes all the posts on Jow Forums. You can bet he is selling now.


CHR is a better buy. If you're holding this, dump it and flip into Chromia. Big news soon.

Another IDEX PnD

How absolutely low tier brainlet do you have to be to ask people on Biz whether they think a project is a scam or not.

The herd mentality among the basket weavers is strong. How about do your own research and draw your own conclusion. It would take 15 minutes tops.

hey just because SIA is "exploring" using quants blockchain it doesnt mean its a sure thing you know.

The “partners” aren’t using overledger, Quant is cryptos BIGGEST scam yet.


No working product. No genuine partnerships. No use case. No blockchain. No need for token. Absolute scam.

Well Gil has confirmed Overledger is being integrated with SIAnet as we speak. Pretty black and white statement. So he's either telling the truth or completely lying about it which would no doubt piss off the platform Quant is trying to work with.

Sadly people will probably listen to you and be hesitant to buy. There also would have been people reading the same thing when QNT was $1 and $2 and being put off buying also.

Even though it's their own faults for being dumb enough to listen to some Biz shitposter instead of doing their own research, I still kind of have some sympathy. It's like manipulating mentally disabled people for entertainment.

Holy fucking fuck...................... tellies were right

Right now they are at a cool x5 from the average accumulation price. If this shit actually hits 100$ its going to be painfull

It’s a case of when it hits 100

Now they are going to fall for the “quant isn’t a scam” meme. When in reality this is the shittest of shitcoins. Nice larp

Would surprise me if you would get a clean x8 from this point. But enjoy the wealth if it happens nonetheless

Dude it's a PnD shitcoin on idex, what the fuck do you expect? Pajeets gonna Pajeet

I actually think it's extremely likely, but obviously with some minor ups and downs along the way.

Research what they've done and what Gil has said is in the pipeline for the future. Even if you were going to be hugely paranoid and claim only a quarter of what he says is true, it would still provide a rock solid basis for this to be $1billion+.

Remember also that this could reach those heights without any speculative buying at all. QNT is required for licensing and usage which the Quant Treasury will source on behalf of the clients in many cases. Utility token usage alone could be the main driver in price growth.

>So he's either telling the truth
> or completely lying

pick one

Quant is a scam, is a scam.

I haven't even read the whitepaper, and I've been in since ICO and afterwards. One look at the website last May told me that this was going to be incredibly legit and really a whole new /genre/ of crypto projects.

Gone are the days of chink scams supported only by partnerships with other, related, chink scams. No more silly "decentralised dog-walking sharing on the blockchain" projects.

Quant is the pioneering project that is working WITH the establishment, WITH mainstream finance, and is *exactly* what we needed.

Quant is unironically the killer project of this entire market cycle, and likely beyond.

Unironically this is true. WHy the fuck do people keep chasing Chink PnDs when QNT is there?

It’s not a scam, we just said that for a while because it kept price down and also it’s fun to fuck with retarded anons who believe it lol