Lympo user right?

Someone market bought 2 btc worth and graph looks like it’s gonna go parabolic

Attached: 3AD39180-9A86-414C-B197-9799FF14A9F5.png (1125x2436, 486K)

Instead of asking on this shithole why don't you fucking DYOR? It took me 10 mins to finds the truth and I'm not gonna spoonfeed you nigger

what truth? that some one bought a shit ton? or the partnership announcement?

You're not actually dumb enough to buy this are you?

that the coin has a female ceo and is a great way to lose your money

Someone market bought 2 btc worth and graph looks like it’s gonna go parabolic

alright there user, you are free to miss out on this you neckbearded fat motherfucker

CEO is at Samsung Next
Pic related is from the Roadmap Q&A
And there is an announcement tomorrow

Do with this what you will. I picked up a suicide bag.

Attached: 20190706_184340.jpg (1436x1420, 519K)

>have 2 btc
>still not smart enough to not market buy low volume shit
jesus christ

But yeah, listen to the incel who shouts that the ceo is a woman


Only a woman would think people are happy to put their medical data on a public blockchain

>O M G it's juuuuust like instagram but for your x-rays

How about no. Overlapping medical data leads to an easily traceable pattern to identify a single patient. Also the government gets access to this data.

What exchange can you buy this on?

Huobi has the largest volume

This is the only thing I need to read. Not only would I nevet put money into this, I hope it fails because of it's detriment to the world.

Why are you guys talking about medical data? It's just physical activity data like Strava or Samsung Health records. The only real bio data is heartrate.

Do you even know what wearables are or that there are now chips that can be inserted into your bloodstream to track all kinds of health information?

Lolwat? They are focussing on sportwearables. They aren't tracking your fucking blood type or STD history.


He's right though

kucoin has this as well. In for 100k lym. Wouldve bought more but female ceo.

Is 100k a decent sized suicide stacket?

You didn't buy shit the volume for this is still dead

i didnt market buy like an idiot. It took a little while