We just hit an all time high!!!! See you fudding faggots at $1

Attached: download.png (225x225, 4K)

100k reporting in.


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Pajeet pump & dump dont fall for it frens

Attached: 99011905-E761-4E08-8AC1-C321870B058B.gif (220x268, 418K)

LOL stay poor faggot is buying a scam with 90% supply owned by team. have bag hold retards

Do you speak English pajeet

Lit holders

Attached: C1DF2BA0-3824-4515-91DA-7D75A1D975FF.jpg (720x573, 18K)

Pajeet spotted.. did you try to swing and get rekt?

comfiest bag in da world

Attached: A252BAB0-4C34-4BB3-8FCE-2A8F072B3D6E.jpg (1242x224, 55K)

Nice 120 USD stack discord tranny

8,8k LIT marine here, its gonne be huge, one of the best teams around the world period

Poorfag here, 135 link still sitting comfy

Only have 4.7k lit

Am i fucked?

Attached: AREWETHEREYET.png (1024x768, 879K)

Buy LIT to buy more LINK you brainlet. LIT will outperform LINK in the next 3 months

1,1k litionlet reporting in

Attached: 1516551602495.jpg (250x250, 8K)

>mfw only 500 clitties

Attached: 6mup3y3ophd21.png (646x595, 269K)

Sell now before the discord coordinates a sell off!

2k poorfag reporting in.

LIT boys need to get used to living in V-IDT's shadow

Own V-IDT to make it

It was Bitcoin that just gave the whole market a shock. Happens once in a while.

Don't stoop to the pajeet shills' level, we don't need to FUD other coins to shill our own.

It'll happen in less than a week from now.


Imagine being the retard who market sold 20K lit

Attached: fud quality.png (1700x889, 299K)

Whats a suicide stack for this? I've only got 2750 lit.

20k stack checking in


Every fucking time I see someone shilling lition I want to die. This is one of the worst coins out there and the quality of their shills speaks.

Their discord will dump very quickly on you idiots.

Screencapped so we can laugh at you in a week


Tell us more about how much LIT sucks. Please back it up with evidence.

There are two types of LIT fudders:

1. Idiots who think they can bring down the price so they can buy cheap.

2. Idiots who don't understand what a fucking gem this is.

how come you then decide to open the thread and write a comment on it bringing it more attention instead of just ignorin/hiding it?

Why do I feel like you have an agenda here? Could it be possible youre trying to keep people from buying it so you can maximise your own gains by being able to buy more at cheaper prices?