Brave/BAT going mainstream

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News companies are currently hemorrhaging money. They're all going to shill the fuck out of Brave/BAT once they figure out it might save them.

>I downloaded the alternative Brave browser Friday, which is aimed at those of us who aren't cool with having our privacy invaded. In just three hours of using it, Brave told me that 10 trackers had been blocked, along with 887 ads.

>Now that's service!

>Apple's Safari and Mozilla's Firefox also claim to be vigilant in terms of blocking trackers and ads, but they're not as vocal as Brave is in showing you the results. And they won't pay you to watch what Brave hopes are less evasive ads.

Moreover, ends the middle-man fb/google ad ad-viewers directly

so why is it married to $0.3?

Because as the whitepaper spells it out, it's supposed to be a stable coin and they'll confiscate and market-sell any BAT not spent within 6 months

Feels good not getting bugged down in shit constantly :feelsgood:

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Jow Forums should really let us auto contribute our BAT, I can't believe this still isn't a thing.

Then why the hell would you buy it, you brainlet?

ironically nobody is going to opt in to run on ads and get bogged down by ads. that is why this gimmick token is a worthless scam

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Literally millions of zoomers are going to use Brave to get $5 a month of free money to pay for Fortnite skins and spotify premium. I'm still not gonna buy BAT though

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Zoomers earning $6 worth of BAT so they can purchase a sub to Disney+ so they can watch the latest capeshit.

this includes coinbase and binance accounts

Biz is too stupid to see the potential in bat.


fucking kys, this meme needs to die. Im convinced its a bunch of pajeets being paid 5 cents a day to shill it.

BAT is the new Web3. BAT will surpass BTC, Brave will surpass Chrome.

I think you're right. Washington Post and The Guardian are already signed up as publishers. Pic related.

Also fucking lol at Xhamster being higher ranked than either of them.

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They have lost about $15 bucks worth of auto-contribute bat from me so far.

Almost 2% of the top 10,000 websites are signed up, the adoption has begun.

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Actually based on Alexa rankings it's 2.4%.

24 sites with Alexa rankings under 1,000 = 2.4%. Unless I'm retarded and can't do basic math.

Not if Google shuts it down first. Google will let Bat continue to develop and expand then destroy it at its most critical moment.

>LINK holding BAT up
what does it mean?!?!

imagine if bat could contribute to would unironically turn Jow Forums into brebbit. we should do it just for the lulz

no more brother wars

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BAT will never pump unless the devs allow to buy and sell BAT directly from the browser via CC.

>Not if Google shuts it down first. Google will let Bat continue to develop and expand then destroy it at its most critical moment.
Not if the US and the EU shuts down Google first. Those anti-trust laws are slow but sure.

I love this because it costs Google money.

Crypto is a mere bonus.

BAT is in the stealth phase right now. Only smart money is investing. Everyone else will get a chance to buy too but they will pay a premium.

Unironically a good use for crypto.

>goes mainstream
>adopted by billions
>Brave replaces chrome and firefox as the standard
>Crypto is largely accepted in every institution and corporate establishment.
>BAT tanks 12%

Just pull the trigger.

why is this unironically true?

Is now a good buy in point? It seems really low yet it's blowing up.

it oscillates between 28 cents and 33 cents. It's as good a time to buy as any.

$10 EOY

but you can't even withdraw it

The best time to buy was $.12

The second best time to buy is now


Got my bag at .10, been comfy. Just holding. I'm patient so it's OK.

I share this feel. I fucking loathe Google. Yeah I want to make money but hurting Google would be a nice consolation prize.

Yeah price action has been garbage. Still a good long term hold;

>with limited supply of 1.5b tokens
>no set pricing on how many tokens per ad/click/ppem
>no set pricing on how much any ad view/click gets you for rewards

Basic math says it will HAVE to go above current price if it gets anywhere near Firefox or Chrome levels of usage.

If we assume the entire online advertising industry in aggregate is willing to spend $0.10 per person using Brave per day, at firefox levels of usage (250 mil) users that's $25m per day.

Further assume that only 75% of the tokens are actually available to buy ads at any given time. That's an available supply of 1.125 billion tokens available for ads any given period of time.

At $0.10 per person per day with 250 mil users, that's $9.125b per year in advertising dollars spent to secure 1.125b in tokens which are actually available for advertising.

>$9125000000/1125000000 = 8.1

That would bring the price of BAT to $8.11, roughly a 27x on current price. So if you think Brave actually has any chance of mass adoption (which considering current growth numbers and high profile publishers like Wash Post, Guardian, Xhamster, etc. I do) then it's a pretty straight forward buy right now.

Same boat fren. The destruction of google would bring me infinite pleasure. I can’t believe people actually pay money for their products to become better targets for ads.

Fuck this fucking shit coin I hope it pumps one last time so I can dump it. How the fuck do u go from ath to almost atl in SATs in less than 2 months? What a fucking manipulated piece of shit. Also Brendan doesn't give a shit about BAT he's a money hungry parasite. The idea is good and will be replaced with bitcoin LN cause people want money not some worthless printing press tokens

>The idea is good and will be replaced with bitcoin LN
Topkek. Which will come first; LN or the heat death of the universe?

This market is driven by hype, and BAT has a chance of becoming the gold standard of cryptocurrencies. Anyone will be able to use it, and you can explain where the value comes from in one word "advertisers"

Bitcoin might have name recognition right now, but its still a rube goldberg ponzi machine to the general public. Bitcoiners talk about the federal reserve, and stores of value, and it just sounds like gibberish to 99% of the population. With BAT you just have to tell someone that advertisers pay them a cryptocurrency for using a browser with ads enabled.

Friendly reminder to switch from gmail to
Fuck google.

Literally anything but Google or Facebook.

Seriously. Vote with your shekels people. That's the source of their power.

Legitimately why are people not lining their pockets with BAT right now?

I don't know how this is supposed to work, you get free tokens for watching ads? Wouldn't that incentivize pajeet and chink armies to grind for tokens?

Can’t grind for them. You can’t just demand ads or watch them back to back. The frequency of ads would be too low to make a good profit that way.

Does BAT only operate on Brave browser? Normies would have to use Brave over Chrome or Safari? I'm a little skeptical BAT can take off if it's confined to Brave

>Google will let Bat continue to develop and expand then

google will buy it

>Imagine buying shitcoins during the golden BTC bullrun of 2019
>imagine watching your wallet bleed sats as 99.99% of alts die , and BTC makes its inevitable ascent to ~$185,000 by 2021
>imagine the deep pang of regret when you could have bought the KING , but instead you were an impressionable faggot who trusted memes instead of THE FIRST CRYPTOCURRENCY IN FUCKING HUMAN HISTORY fucking retarded do you have to be to not see what is happening before our very eyes? You niggers deserve to be poor.

Because of the SJW whale that supresses the price

It's literally in the whitepaper

Yes, it’s confined to brave browser. The idea behind Brave is that you opt in to view ads. Otherwise the ads are blocked by default. This makes BAT lucrative to advertisers because they will be targeting people that are willing to watch ads while simultaneously cutting out the middleman (Facebook/google/etc)

To address your concerns about the user base, the number of daily active users has been growing to nearly 2 million, and the Brave developers are working on growth and retention. Pic related.

Also, to look at data for the growing number of Brave publishers, you can check here:

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Normies know bitcoin is a scam. They are not buying it.

Can it still moon if it's a stable coin?

>Vote with your shekels
This should be drilled into the head every person in existence, daily

It's not

Brendan has posted recently about rolling out a BAT SDK for other platforms to integrate:
>Really a q for me. We have the BAT SDK for many apps to embed on our roadmap. Earliest possible date is slipping out of this year, but it will happen once we prove the model in Brave.

That would be terrific. This is a cool project. The future all hinges on Brave browser continuing to be able to block ads though. Could add of the future circumvent scriptblockers? I'm not a compsci major.

It isn’t a stablecoin. Read section 7.3 of the white paper here:

Brendan already answered this. Low IQ faggot plebs like yourself can't wrap your mind around it is all:

>MFW the $1 stable coin meme has proliferated to the point where BATmen now know the specific section of the white paper that counters the FUD

Fucking kek, truly the best way to get people to do their own research is to just lie to them as obviously as possible.

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nah, fuck you alt wrong retard

Ads wont need to. Google is actively looking to cripple adblock on Chrome.

It really does. Not just on an individual level, but a national level too.

Bullet wars are obsolete. Real empires will fight with trade wars, tariffs, and sanctions.

The goal of the token economy is to reach long term stability. The end price of BAT will be determined by a supply/demand curve once the tokens start actually circulating with an increased user base. Long story short, the more Brave users there are, the higher price will get until the number of daily users reaches a relative equilibrium.

I'm sorry fren but that's wrong. If you read the white paper it very clearly says that if the price ever gets above $1, Brave just issues more BAT.

It very clearly states that there will only ever be 1.5billion BAT.

Who the fuck is paying these pajeets?

Sauce fag
You can get 3.5k tokens for $1,000 bucks. I think a 2-5x is possible.



Read the white paper

u realize it's been out for two years right? still floundering. u think ur gonna topple google with a half assed ponzi lol

Brendan didn't answer shit you single celled organism.

>BAT has been less volatile than ETH (more below)
Manipulation wow real classy. No wonder it went from ath to almost atl in 2 months, literally no other top 50 coin made such an accomplishment. They are price fixing to make this price of crap look good for potential advertisers, literally shitting on people who bought BAT

>we created the User Growth Pool (UGP) in BAT's genesis block to give out to users and creators
Printed money cause nobody would fund this nonsense (BAT not Brave, I would gladly invest in Brave)

>and we avoid on-chain microtransactions which would cost too much gas and fingerprint our users
Centralized piece of shit. In 18 months the LN will be ready and you faggots are gonna cry

While we are at it, Brendan will be making BAT obsolete, he is how it begins. It's only a matter of time until advertisers would rather pay using a different coin than BAT:

Brave is God-tier on mobile (which is how most people access the internet now anyway). Saves a lot of battery life and data.

Not above $1
Here you say 27x gains

That was not BTC. The first was DigiCash in 1995.

Yep, that's some real grade school level of comprehension you got there user, but go ahead user, keep waiting for LN to be anything but retard tech bolted onto the Bitcoin blockchain.

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cool, it will got to Binance?

Really getting bogged down here

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The only tokens that ever expire are the free "grants" brave will hand out occasionally.

If you don't donate the free (read: NOT tokens generated from ads, or you purchased) after a set time period, they go back into the growth pot, to be redistributed to users again to try and encourage transactions.

>While we are at it, Brendan will be making BAT obsolete, he is how it begins. It's only a matter of time until advertisers would rather pay using a different coin than BAT:

This is Uphold, giving the users options fill their Brave wallet from other crypto coins.
Want to buy BAT with a BCH deposit? You can via uphold.

This is the tweet Eich was responding to.
Room temp IQ fudding BAT.

>can't think of response, so I'll be sarcastic to sound like my points are valid
Wow you sure got me

>keep waiting for LN to be anything but retard tech bolted onto the Bitcoin blockchain
Brendan is literally getting Brave ready to jump ship onto MANY alternative coins. Whether you are a big blocker, small blocker, dag fag, he will gladly support it. In the end, Brave, Peter Thiel, and Brendan will win. BAT may very well not. What don't you get?

Brendan is literally getting Brave ready to jump ship onto MANY alternative coins. Whether you are a big blocker, small blocker, dag fag, he will gladly support it. In the end, Brave, Peter Thiel, and Brendan will win. BAT may very well not. What don't you get?

You realize in the tweet you linked he's just talking about letting people use different coins to buy BAT right? Right now you can't buy BAT with BCH through the Brave Wallet. Brendan was responding to this tweet


Basically saying they're adding the BCH --> BAT option.

>Grade school reading comprehension

Assuming google's ad revenue continues to grow they'll be at roughly 130 billion this year. There are currently 1.3 billion BAT in circulation, so if Brave captures 10% of that revenue then BAT should be around $10, but with FOMO and bubbles I can see it going higher. With each passing year assuming more ad revenue its safe to say BAT will continue going up in price.

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lol I misread it for grad school. Still, no real response to anything I said

Dont forget that brave and facebook have a similar growth pattern currently

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