
am I going to make it?

Attached: IMG-7701.jpg (1242x2139, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sell ETH for more LINK
sell ADA and EOS for LIT
thank me in a few months by giving me a blowjob

Attached: 12.jpg (1080x1241, 2.07M)

>547 dollars in link
You're not gonna make it.

If you genuinely want a moon, but don't mind waiting. Get NKN. 5c atm, expected 10c this month. 50c-$1 end of year. Eventually should be worth a minimum of several dollars if not $30+. It'll be years, but will get there.

thanks fren, sounds interesting

Attached: 1553565446942.jpg (500x669, 78K)

Any advice lads! Comfy portfolio?

Attached: 9DF686E0-94F6-404F-B486-9A6CEC1E1413.png (1125x2436, 815K)

>155 LINK
You might make it, in like 10 years.

This is what an actual insider portfolio looks like

Attached: DB013BD9-9969-4478-B640-47232586582F.jpg (1125x1863, 213K)

What the fuck are all of these where do you hear about them?

These are what VCs are buying.

How do you know?

>eos and cardano

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holy shit thanks for this too

Attached: 1553376337252.jpg (468x456, 75K)

transmute ADA and EOS into LINK


Looks like garbage chink scams.

You would be better off grabbing Link, Ocean Protocol, Datawallet, etc.

You always lose with chink scams

where did you get this?

"explained Vincent Zhou, Perlin investor and founder of FBG Capital"

sell that EOS for SKY and you'll do nicely

Attached: 1546905937843.gif (500x283, 1.67M)

Not seeing any EVE in there so no.

Attached: EVE.jpg (640x800, 204K)

I’m buying from them and not one chink project on here

Name me one project with this many VCs backing it or even half as many. Best of luck anons



This does seem pretty good. I'm surprised FTM is on that list though

80% of the tokens are being sold to private investors, family, etc at a much lower price, so the public sale will mostly get dumped on. Awful idea to buy. Wait for the best. Could just straight up die.

All of them have vesting schedules. All info is on the website

I'd drop everything except ETH Link and RLC.

mirin normies?

Attached: sdasdasd.png (1181x348, 81K)

No because you have ETH. Go for Ethereum Classic

Attached: etc_logo.png (526x1000, 343K)

yes. do you intend to pay taxes?

Ah.. I remember when i was at that stage.
Protip: Everything except link and ethereum are shitcoins.

no EVE in here so no

Ah... I remember when I was at that stage...
Everything is a shitcoin. Just pick your poison.


Is LINK, VIDT, LIT and now Tether on classic? nope useless

Attached: ETHTether.jpg (537x615, 88K)

why use Blockfolio or Delta?

Only Accredited Investors can buy Hashgraph or if u attend their events which is dumb, everyone else can just get Holochain which uses the same Gossip Protocol and hashgraph can't do anything about it their patents would get destroyed since holochain is 13 yeers 01d

holy fuck!
i always wandered who the fuck buys all these shitcoins from ico pools. gz mate, gl with your tokens worth half your eth because of peg rate

How many CHZ to make it?