Is being a SAP consultant worth it?

Is being a SAP consultant worth it?

Or is it already saturated by indians?

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At least in germany you will still earn a lot of money

It's great if you're willing to compete against Indians charging $7/hour. Have fun, mate.


the problem with such gigs is the reason why they are bringing in a consultant is being "shits gay and all fucked up".
You will unironically walk into a intra-office political minefield and certain groups will be working actively to sabotage everything you suggest / do. Finding out who is on your side and who against will take a few months of diligent study

What are you talking about?

English please

>What are you talking about?
you're not going to make it

He's talking about optimizing processes in huge companies with a lot of different teams playing against each other.

I am one, pay is good but you work too much

Can confirm, dad lost his job recently due to a "company restructure".
Was an SAP consultant

Working as a SAP consultant in Slovakia shithole. 1.7k € / month as a Junior (Min wage is 520€). Job can be stressful depends on the customer.

>Or is it already saturated by indians
nothing will ever be saturated with indians. 98% of them are shit at what they do. Most companies have learned from the past and won't do the mistake again

Pays good here in Holland.

>You will unironically walk into a intra-office political minefield and certain groups will be working actively to sabotage everything you suggest / do.
Imagine giving a single fuck about the company as a consultant
You can literally do whatever you want, being a consultant is just a way for them to deduct some taxes, for them you are just an invoice, win win
There is some emergency?
Let the employee fix the shit
You get paid by hours and 5pm is beer time

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I get what he means. But that will depend if you are internal or not. At the end the consultant will say: “That depends on the business process” I am just here to assess

Isn’t it the company’s fault for not deciding their business requirements?

Consultant will advice but wont decide.

Found Mr. Oh Nononono.

You're easy to spot. You're literally behind 90% of the LIT fud. And the funniest thing.. You're a LIT holder..

How stupid is it to fud your own investment, you think?

You just have to be the guy that advises the Indians.

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That's just glorified tech support. If you want a good tech job, go find a job where you are actually developing a product. Get into consulting when you're a seasoned 30 year old boomer and charge massive money by the hour.

SAP is such hot garbage, my old company integrated it two years ago and it brought our entire company to its knees. Literally shut down all of operations for 3 months while they tried to fix it, hired a bunch of consultants and when they went live they had to shut down for another month and a half because it was such a disaster. I left, and so did everyone else who could see the writing on the wall. The company got sold to some garbage tier equity firm that specializes in death spiral financing.

>Found Mr. Oh Nononono.

SAP is highly customizable.

If your result was garbage means your project management was garbage.