I bought 200 eth @ $300 usd. How fucked am I?

I bought 200 eth @ $300 usd. How fucked am I?

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user why

I bought a little more than that at nearly $400. It was a year ago, and I felt like a bottom-buying genius.

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he can drop one ETH on every IDEX shitcoin biz shills

do not despair user
You will be master of all.

you were poor before and you still will be so no change

Not fucked at all. Just wait till January.

Put it all in QNT and profit.


use it as ammunition for the idex shitcoin gallery.

biz shilled me on QNT so eat a dick faggot

Your smart. Now come back in a year and it will be 2K per ETH at the very least. You fomod in due to its potential usurp btc and it may very well with the tenthening coming next year... 2020 will be freaking epic for ETH.

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Honestly if this isn’t the fucking bottom for eth it’s unironically over. It’s about to double test all time low in sats. Personally I’m all in eth got like 55 rn. It’s the only crypto I see ever achieving mass adoption. Bitcoin won’t ever go mainstream due to scaling problems / mempool limits.

Now buy BRAP with them and you'll have made a good decision

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ETH dudes will keep saying this until the BTC halving. It's funny that they're about to give up so often. It's not about your opinion or mine. Watch the charts, stop focusing on TX times and fees or the mempool. Bitcoin is already mainstream and is 10 years away from having to scale up to world wide currency 2.0. You idiots are so early you can't even realize

But I thought it was supposed to be “muh digital gold” and not a currency so which one is it? If it’s a currency why not go with something like nano? You get my point right? Eth is promising because of partnerships and first mover advantage in the SMART CONTRACT space which, assuming Web 3.0 happens, will be where the $$$ is at. How can grandpa coiners argue with that. Inb4 you missed bitcoin: yea I signed up for Coinbase in 2014 I’m doing fine got btc too

we need a sfw version for normal posting

If you buy btc you can still save yourself otherwise buy a rope.

BTC is gaining price relative to eth very fast.

why would you do that?

You have messed up you should have gone for the new Korean ethereum killer FLETA, better tech, and moonshot around the corner.

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who are these people always buying almost everything at ATH. larpers desperate for yous?

Unironically buy EVE and no I’m not a tranny discord user. Lit too.

That’s exactly what a discoed shiller would say