VIDT is bullshit. If you want to understand what a low tier grasp they got on everything...

VIDT is bullshit. If you want to understand what a low tier grasp they got on everything, just take a look at their name and logo.. V-ID.. What's the first thing you think of? Yes, a video platform. And their logo even looks like a fucking play button.

Anyone with an IQ above 0 would think it's a video streaming platform or something similar.. But no.. It's something totally unrelated. How does this make sense? Doesn't it just go to show how fucking dense the team is?

How imbecilic do you have to be in order to buy this "project"? It's a fucking SHIDTcoin. Everyone with a brain knows this. Dutchees might not have long noses, but they have oblong skulls. You cannot trust them. Please understand anons.

Now that you're dumping your SHIDT, then take a look at this:

>Partners with SAP (Huge German company with 167 billion dollar market cap)
>Got start-up grant from Microsoft
>Partners with German authorities
>Mentioned in forbes twice
>Connections to big banks
>Big ad campaign in Cologne - huge city
>Supplying energy to over 200 German cities
>Established company that actually knows what they're doing
>75% of team has PhD's.
>Not even 9 million dollars in market cap (fucking unreal!)
>New tech (private/public blockchain)
>Soon listed on top exchanges
>Just broke ATH today

Buy this before it takes off for real. This is the gem you're looking for, user. Don't believe all the retarded FUD - research everything yourself, and you'll find out how retarded the FUD is.

Never listen to fudsters. You never hear me fud any project. It's too juvenile. Just buy LIT and be happy.

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are you vidtarded?

> He fell for a Kraut scam.....

Never gonna make it.

Attached: bend_the_fkn_knee.jpg (1114x1811, 664K)

No, but you must be retarded, since my post doesn't imply anything but my digusts towards VIDT. Read it again.

this is so bullish for VIDT its almost unbelievable. Litlets are so mad

O mi god this is a work of art. SAVED.

>VIDT is bullshit.
stopped reading there.

In LIT we trust.

V-IDT is alright, but, LIT is going places

This chad gets it.

Attached: Chad starter pack.png (1092x1108, 805K)

>Imagine buying shitcoins during the golden BTC bullrun of 2019
>imagine watching your wallet bleed sats as 99.99% of alts die , and BTC makes its inevitable ascent to ~$185,000 by 2021
>imagine the deep pang of regret when you could have bought the KING , but instead you were an impressionable faggot who trusted memes instead of THE FIRST CRYPTOCURRENCY IN FUCKING HUMAN HISTORY fucking retarded do you have to be to not see what is happening before our very eyes? You niggers deserve to be poor! LMAO

> MFW I end up with more BTC from trading altcoins than these retarded BTC maximalists that pour their hard-earned paychecks into BTC every week.

Kys, crypto newb

LIT is the COMFIEST hold of all time. [spoiler]But I'm holding VIDT as well.[/spoiler]

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BTC is a boomer coin. BTC = Boomer Tech Coin.

VIDT is on pace for $4 million/year in revenue if there is no growth. is this bullish?

>>Partners with German authorities
that's how you know it's trash

super bullish, esp when you consider they're announcing new partners and businesses using their product every month. generally speaking, companies have 5-10x the market cap of their revenue (in stocks). that would mean VIDT should have at the VERY least 20m-40m market cap, so it's a safe 2-4x. there's also the token burn, which increases the price of VIDT relative to marketcap. add into that more partnerships on a day to day basis and that crypto is so speculative - VIDT already has far more revenue than most crypto projects, enough to the point it literally won't ever die - and it doesn't get much comfier than this. just due to adding more partnerships and speculation, I would argue this can easily hit 250mil marketcap with the bullrun, and that's being really modest about speculation and retail investors FOMOing...could be more. I mean, shit, if it becomes the standard for verification, it could legitimately go parabolic in a way that won't crash when BTC does just due to all the companies using it

neither token is needed

The only thing VIDT is gonna be a standard for is how much a shitcoin can get dumped. It will go to -5 dollars. If you own VIDT, you end up owing money to the founders. That's how much of a SHIDTcoin it is.

Love how you pajeets need to make threads about vidt just giving it more exposure and even admitting you’re holding your vaporware

Bullish move thanks.

Street shitters going out of their way to fud.

Very bullish hopefully some fag buys my dadi and fantom bags in next 5mins so i can buy more vid

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4 million is nothing. It's a tiny ass company. The market cap will reflect that.

This is exactly how you know what projects are worth it and which aren't. LIT faggots are LITerally insufferable with their shilling and throwing any and every projects under the bus. We should all want to see each other succeed, we can all diversify and support good projects.

Lulwut? Check the catalog. Several fud threads on LIT.

LIT is the most fucking attacked coin on Jow Forums, so stop being such a lying cunt.

yep. I hold some LIT myself. VIDT is a damn good project and it's going to succeed, simple minded FUD and brainlets posting about "token not needed" or "scam" are just saying the same shit that was said about QNT and LINK. when a project is this good, you can't FUD it legitimately

blatantly untrue