BAT is getting first mover advantage

And is going to blow up. Look at what Firefox came up with

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Other urls found in this thread:

FF really went to shit after firing Eich. Bloatware with a SJW twist. And now this. No thanks.

for some reason chrome and firefox seem to be trying to commit sedoku. i guess they need the money

nobody is going to pay for an ad free browser unless they dont know how to install an extension

nah, its literally what happens when you put diversity hires in charge of a product. this ppl are not just metaphorical failures

This. By contrast, based Eich was fired from Firefox for being anti-faggot. Brave is the future.

Wow, I didn’t know he got fired for wrongthink. Unironically makes me interested in looking into Brave for the first time

I don't get it. the browser is not the one who sets up the ads, it's the websites. what if a website is only making money from ads, and people start viewing it only from subscription firefox?

So, they're removing adblock extensions in the regular navigator?

It's a good browser even in spite of its shitcoin counterpart.

This. All of the diversity hiring that began a decade ago (but which visibly ramped up in the last few years) is beginning to take its toll. You have no idea how fucked up a lot of these companies are on the inside.

Serious question, are there any mutual funds that specialize in things like companies with “strong diversity policies”, “female leaders”, and other SJW shit? If I can look at their holdings it would be a good source of ideas for what to short

There is unironically one called JUST

You can't make this shit up

Holy fucking shit it’s real
I died

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>We share your payment directly with the sites you read.
thank god for that, almost got upset for a moment there. regardless of what people think of them many, many, websites rely on ads to survive and if browsers came with the feature built-in all those sites would just die.

looks like firefox will only "block" ads on the partnered sites and these sites will receive a cut of the money mozilla gets

that's actually a fine idea as long as it only applies to the partnered sites (and stay that way forever). im sure these sites will earn more money from this than from ads.

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Alright you dirty faggots that kept talking shit about Brave and saying you'd willingly pay to block ads vs getting paid to see them, put your faggot money where your gay ass mouth is.

lol, praise be to kek

that said the likely only way this works is if Firefox shares that subscription fees with the websites whose ads are being blocked otherwise website will start to wholesale block firefox browsers


My problem with Brave is that there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to create a cryptocurrency like BAT to integrate. It makes absolutely no sense.

(although it's not for everybody since firefox to some degree would need to spy on your browser activity and you probably need to be logged into a "mozilla account" at all times)

>praise kek
I am legitimately impressed

Isn't charging for some premium version of firefox contrary to it's open source roots?

I wonder (((why))) this isn't a 24/7 meme on Jow Forums

seems like it's not the same as an adblocker, you do support the partnered sites you read. so you will get no ads on them and the sites will still get an income.
there are people that want to support that way, it's akin to twitch subscriptions, which are basically voluntary donations

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Nice. Hope you enjoy being tracked by the sjw cabal through your now mandatory Mozilla account.

like i said, it's not for everybody

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tippity toppity kek

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Hasn’t it literally been Mozilla’s entire argument against Chrome so far that it spies on you in shady ways?

i'd be surprised if chrome does not spy on you and i'd be surprised if firefox does

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So I take it you haven’t actually been following along with the point you yourself seemed to be trying to make..?


Just wasn’t sure how to reply, it’s like you look at each of your own posts in isolation without trying to form them into a sequential conversation

Firefox is officially over. Trannyfox $4.99 per minute goy is the future.

yeah if i reply to different people it's different conversations.

stop carrying the weight of dinosaur era ICO's. you've already made them unimaginably wealthy.

Buy CHR.

Did you do drugs as a child or are you just retarded

holy shit

Right, so I should have restated yet again what both you and the other user said about this new firefox variant spying on people, so that you could understand what I was trying to convey in this brand new carte blanche conversation. Jesus Christ dude, never mind I said anything

It's kind of a scary thought that the technologies that we're increasingly dependent on are being programmed by an ever greater proportion of underqualified diversity highers

I just don’t have much patience for people apparently intentionally failing to understand a simple comment and acting confused about it

>it's not for everybody since firefox to some degree would need to spy
>to some degree
honestly i don't know what you are upset about. i guess it's the word "spy" that triggered you maybe

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I understood the conversation better than you did and you were a part of it. You’re so smart that you’re actually fucking retarded. Autism? What is it that’s wrong with you

BAT cannot go above $1, read the whitepaper.

Why dafuq not just use adblock instead of paying hahbababa cucks.

I’m not annoyed by spying since I don’t use firefox in the first place. I’m annoyed that I wasted time talking to someone who needs me to, instead of leaving the completely obvious unsaid, autistically spell out the detailed implications of a company whose argument for their browser is essentially about ethics related to spying, releasing a new product that will now spy on people. Don’t bother to reply, I can see that we’re not going to have a productive conversation about this
I’m not trying to act smart, dipshit. I’m getting on an annoying namefag’s case about the conversational tactics he uses. In any case, since this has nothing to do with you, how about you just fuck off?

dude, thanks for this...i would actually tip you a few BAT if there an easy way.

Maybe nobody gives a fuck about talking to you about Firefox’s hypocrisy and you should try to find a friend in real life to circle jerk with about your intelligent insecurities instead? Like he said, it’s not for everybody and you’re a faggot.

That’s the literal topic of the thread, you unbelievable faggot. Just how insecure are you about your IQ that you have to repeatedly call me smart as an insult?

Firefox has had an ad free tracker free private browser for a while, Firefox Focus.
Just wait till the firefox app running on Holochain kek

Brave/BAT is unironically one of the best projects and ideas in crypto, but unfortunately that means nothing in terms of the price of BAT.

BAT will either never moon, or not moon for a long, long time (requires mass adoption to have a chance). Awesome idea/token, poor investment unfortunately.

>company whose argument for their browser is essentially about ethics related to spying, releasing a new product that will now spy on people
ok now i get what you mean

>Don’t bother to reply, I can see that we’re not going to have a productive conversation about this
dude, don't be upset when YOU fail to make yourself understood. i've been up like 30 hrs so maybe i missed your clues.
also i don't know what conversation you were afraid of me trying to have with you now that it warrants you telling me not to reply

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>pay for browser

>i've been up like 30 hrs
Well that certainly explains it
>what conversation you were afraid of me trying to have with you
Don’t flatter yourself, brainlet

That's one thing that BAT brainlets don't realize.

1. Is Eich a genius and legit?
2. Did he use his wits to cuck Google and reskin chrome with built in ad blocker?
3. Did he use his wits to cuck investors and do an easy cash grab during the 12 month ICO craze?

Bat has no utility, it's a funding token. Brave has no utility either, it's a chrome reskin. Eich cucked everyone, because he's a genius. He's just gonna keep selling his tokens to fund his reskin browser, and gonna keep giving away tokens to fuel adoption to his reskin browser. The Bat token will never go up in value.

Fake and gay.
No-script for the win.

mkay, you have a good day now. treat yourself to some bsv.

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>The Bat token will never go up in value

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