Should I just pack my girlfriends stuff and just kick her out, been together over 6 years

Should I just pack my girlfriends stuff and just kick her out, been together over 6 years
t. Linkie

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Do you love her ? If not bye bye

How much LINK do you have? Does she know? What's so bad about her fren?

I do but just over the way women are so one side in a relationship, it’s all about them and it’s what kills us men in the end, let’s be honest

Enough, she is just a normal women I guess, selfish. Also yes she knows about my link but doesn’t care to know how much it’s worth thank fuck

If you need to ask yourself the answer is yes.
You're just in it for the pussy. You don't love her. If you did, you wouldn't question yourself.

Depends, is she a 8/10 or higher white, traditional, non-feminist who wants to bear children, can cook, doesn't use social media who has only ever slept with you? Cause that's what you're gonna want after you make it off link, so if you got it already then keep it, but if not then yeah kick her out.

If you're both white then keep her around to birth your seed. If not then yes kick her to the curb. Either way don't tell her about your LINK stacks though

Oh also seems these days she enjoys herself more without me, so fuck it. Let me give you an example of this. Say we are out together drinking, she never seems to want to drink much, yet when she is out with say friends she does. Just pisses me off I guess and just don’t understand it

If you thought about it more than once than do it , I kicked my gf out a year ago and I'm more happier being single than going home to a women who suspects me of cheating just cause I wanna work more to help our future.

She better much is all these things, and I definitely do want to have kids with her. Also I only am questioning this because I feel she might be to be honest, but their is every chance that is just what I think and not what she is actually thinking

Buy a sex doll, they're cheaper in the long run so youll have more money to invest into LINK

Pretty* much

As a 5K linklet I wanna know if you think I'll make it by Christmas. I want to be neet from 2020 on.

I work a shitty lumberyard job and my boss is the biggest asshole I've ever met, even more so since he chopped the tip of his finger off a month ago.

major red flag, you're dumb as fuck
>trusting ANYTHING a woman says
You deserve everything that's gonna come to you

She is with a Stinkie linkie. Show her this thread and kyses. Prob a larp, OP still a faggot, t. fag

If you haven't gotten her pregnant by now, then it's not going anywhere.

Linkie here, my wife was slacking in all departments. We have kids. I was spending money on daycare while she sat around and drank mimosas by our pool while I slaved away all day and barely got to spend time with the children. I’d come home from work and pick up the kids on the way, spend an hour with them and then made dinner and put them to bed. I’d wake up, make them breakfast and take them to daycare and then go to work. After 5 years I realized what was happening.

Yesterday, I cut her of financially and kicked her out of the house along with all her belongings. I had been logging the time our kids spend with each parent, school, etc. for the past 2 years. I’d been documenting her behavior as well. My attorney had been ingesting all the information and building a case. Yesterday the judge reviewed everything and annulled our marriage and gave me full legal custody along with an immediate eviction notice.

> feels good man

You should've done it 5 years ago

Was her crime being lazy?

You sound pretty beta desu.

>6 years
OP do her a favor and end the relationship

Then keep her, I had a perfect one too when I was early 20s but decided to swingtrade and now I'm gonna be 30 soon and lonely as fuck. If she's good then keep her.

Based if true
Based if larp
Based all around

dude... why would you want her to drink a lot with u, makes no sense. I never drink when im at a social event with wife but i get smashed when out with boys. its normal

Why the fuck did you need daycare if she wasn't working? Good on you for coming to terms with it but but thats fucked

hope you make it big with LINK user

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Yes, being lazy is being delinquent. Delinquency is a crime when you have children. She was essentially found guilty of it.

Nice trips btw

True story, bruh.

>are her tits at LEAST DD?
If not kick her to the curb, life is too short to live with average tits.

God damn user you are based. Hope your kids turn out alright. Sergey willing you will have the funds to spend more time with them in the future and raise them without stressing about paying the bills.

> stay at home mom
> daycare

Exactly what the judge was questioning.

Having the Ring cameras helped a lot. It’s hard to justify a woman literally sunbathing naked drinking mimosas all day everyday. Especially when it’s been documented & recorded. What’s funny is she always had access to the app and was fully complicit with them recording our property. At the end of the day, she didn’t know how to or even want to try to be a wife, mother, etc. and the judge understood that very clearly.

Based as fuck

This dude made it and the Bull Run didn't even started yet. Good on you.

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>At the end of the day, she didn’t know how to or even want to try to be a wife, mother, etc. and the judge understood that very clearly.

What changed to make her think she was on an perpetual vacation? Did you make it big and buy her dream house and it clicked in her head that she was living the dream life?

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